Want to recommend a 3rd cycle for me?

jeudi 4 septembre 2014

Just joined this forum. I've been lurking forums for years before ever touching gear so I feel like I somewhat know what I'm doing. I just think it would be fun to let go of the reigns and have you guys tell me what to do.


Age- 23

270 lbs

Low body fat (haven't actually tested it but I have a abs whatever)

Squat- 610#

Bench- 405#

Deadlift- 700#

Snatch- 295#

Clean- 375#

Jerk- 425#

1st cycle- test e 500mg- 10 weeks

2nd cycle- 16 weeks-

sustanon- started at 600 mg but ended up at 1200 by the end of it

Opened with dbol

Tren once the test really kicked in- 12weeks (I know this sounds stupid but not sure exactly how much I was doing because I was injecting every day with slin pins)

closed with winstrol

Hgh 1iu every day


I've decided to blast and cruise from now on so I'll be cruising til my next one. I have a few months to get everything together. Please don't critique that 2nd cycle I felt great and I know it looks stupid. I'm really not as irresponsible as that looks. I paid close attention to my body and how I felt every day and I've never felt better.

Can't wait to see what you guys have in store. I want to get turned up hah

Want to recommend a 3rd cycle for me?

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