3rd Cycle - 1st HGH - couple of Newbie questions

mercredi 24 septembre 2014

Hey Guys,

Been a while since I've dabbled in the "assistance" world!

Got two AAS cycles under my belt - one 12 weeks (7 years ago) and one 15 weeks (3 years ago) Both Test E based with 2 jabs of 250 a week and one front load of d-bol and 1 front load of Oxy.

Got decent gains but litte bit bloaty.

I have a fair idea of what I'm doing but looking for a little guidance with a few issues please.

Cycle is very basic just HGH - norditropin nordilet pens.

Starting with 3iu's a day for the first few weeks then going to ramp it upto 4ius a day. Going to be looking at running this for 12 - 18 months if not longer.


32 years old



18% BF


Leaning up, I'm not too fussed about putting mass on but I just want to cut and lean up and the general well being and age benefits.

Training is 3 mornings of High Intensity Cardio and a 5 day split across the week weights.

Diet is in check - Is there any specifics that you should tweak for HGH cycles?

Now Question time. (i've realised I have waffled on so the questions are standing out in bold)

1. Injections - I'm currently jabbing as soon as I wake up in a fasted state (7am) and waiting to an hour to have an omlette and oats (on cardio days I jab, go to the circuit and come back and have a protein shake then eat 45 mins later 2.5 hours after jabbing) - is this the right protocol? I have read about splitting the jabs am and pm - but I wouldnt be able to jab until I got home from work which would be 7pm and just before a workout or if I waited til post work out it would be 8.30pm and I go to bed at 10.30. so all in one go or AM and PM with these timings please

2. I'm looking to lean up but have seen a lot of people advocating a Test base as the best usage of hgh- Am I better off adding aas to my cycle - What would be the best for my cutting goals - been reading primobolan but it looks like it needs to be run longer than I would like (I'd like a short aas cycle as didnt really enjoy the previous long cycles I did) [B]Do I need to add AAS for my cutting goals, if so which one please would be good for a 6 - 8 week

3. Best injection site? I'm just jabbing into different parts of my stomach each day

4. I've been using the HGH a week now and I'm not single digit bf % and my dick hasn't grown - have I got fake gear? :)

Thanks guys - apologies if these have been asked a million times but I've been doing a fair bit of reaseach and not found the definative answers.

3rd Cycle - 1st HGH - couple of Newbie questions

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