Anavar in Oz?

jeudi 25 septembre 2014


I know you've read posts like this a million times, as I've came across them myself from research into Anavar.

I've found that a cycle of Anavar would best suit me to cut up for the summer with an extra boost.

I've been going to the gym around 4 years, was 135kg and now 86kg at around 11% BF.

I've opted personally for an Anavar only cycle due to it having the least side effects and maintains muscle mass whilst reducing BF%.

I've heard mixed reports that 40mg up to 60mg should be taken for a beginner (i've never touched a steroid).

I would personally opt for 40mg to make sure it was safe, have you guys seen results from 40mg per day?

I was looking to cycle for 6-8 weeks and then take the relevant PCT.

I've heard Henched Labs are a good source? and UGLOZ?

Any help to my summer shred would be much valued and appreciated.



Anavar in Oz?

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