Using steroids when your ligaments/tendons haven't fully developed/strengthened...

vendredi 5 septembre 2014

I've been reading through various threads discussing the potential short-term risks associated with younger/unexperienced guys using anabolic steroids. One of the things that kept popping up was this idea of your ligaments/tendons being "underdeveloped" and so therefore unable to cope with the drastic increase in muscle mass in such a short period of time.

I was wondering whether anyone could offer any further insight into this. Is this a genuine concern that a young guy with less than 3 years of training should take into account?

What are the potential/most common injuries that could occur? Also, do they tend to occur from guys being silly in the gym; i.e. - attempting to lift weight that is far beyond them just because of the fact they're on gear? Is the risk still there if you go into the gym and train against moderate resistance whilst working in a hypertrophy stimulating rep-range? Or does it just happen when you're on gear and your ego gets the best of you so you start pushing for 1RM's all the time?

I mean, hypothetically, say a skinny guy (6'0", 150 lbs) did a Test E/Dbol cycle and did everything right. He keeps all of the sides at bay and eats/trains/sleeps optimally. Let's say he doesn't go overboard in his training and doesn't try to lift too much weight that he wouldn't normally attempt. A gain of 20-25 lbs is a realistic expectation in 12 weeks. If he had only been training for 6-12 months prior to the cycle, would he be at serious risk of injury as his tendons/ligaments would be unable to cope with the increase muscle mass?

I have no intention of using AAS just yet. I just wanted more information on this.


Using steroids when your ligaments/tendons haven't fully developed/strengthened...

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