Starting my 4th week of Test E- Questions...

vendredi 5 septembre 2014





BodyFat %: 18%

Goals: Gain and KEEP lean muscle, lose 8% body fat over 20 weeks approx. Priority on the Losing Fat.

Cycle: 20 weeks (in week 4 currently) of 500 Test E (every week)+ Adex e2d 0.5mg

PCT: PCT of Nolva/Clomid

A little background:

My pre-cycle blood work was already showing a slight thyroid problem (hypothyroidism- which makes your metabolism slower among other things) and lower than normal free test levels. Now the low test could be from an Anavar-only a cycle I did during the beginning of the year but I doubt it as I did a PCT for that one and I had the low-test symptoms even BEFORE the cycle. Also my bodyfat is 18% going INTO the cycle. So I know that I will aromatize MORE than someone at say 10% bodyfat. So do I have to take more Adex to compensate?

I was NOT taking the adex during the first week and a half, then decided I should be taking it the entire cycle (especially due to my bodyfat%). Now I'm concerned the dosage is too low because I have yet to see the "morning wood" as most be do at this point in the cycle.

Now my issue is since my test was low to begin with and now I am taking 500mg of Test E a week, shouldn't that be sufficient to raise test levels enough? I plan on doing blood work very soon to see what's going on.

I am thinking that my estrogen levels must have skyrocketed and robbed me of my higher than normal test injections.

Based on my situation and to make it easier just answer the following questions:

1. Do I have to take more Adex to compensate for my higher bodyfat 18%? Perhaps .5 EVERY day instead of every other day?

2. Why haven't I experienced "morning wood" yet? I am using this as a basis to see if my Test/ Adex balance is on point. My libido is fine.

3. Any other suggestions?

4. Also, I haven't started to take my HCG yet... Could that be adding to this issue??

I would really like all your input on this.


Starting my 4th week of Test E- Questions...

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