Socal Brothers...Anyone gone to Mexico to fill their prescription?

dimanche 7 septembre 2014

Lets say I park at the border and walk across to a farmacia in Tijuana with my US prescription in hand. My first question would be should I go to a Mexican doctor and get a Mexican prescription as well. If no, then would showing them the US prescription work? Would they sell it to you? And what about at the border crossing? Would the guards be okay with it? Seems like a cheaper option, being that millions of americans go to mexico for prescription drugs, albeit, this is a schedule III drug, I would think it might work? Who knows how it would be tracked though u know? Like would a refill get deducted from your 6 month prescription or would you simply get the drug from Mexico and be on your way? Is this a loophole?

Socal Brothers...Anyone gone to Mexico to fill their prescription?

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