ANAVAR (Oxadralone) Only Cycle Need Guidance Seriously!!!

mardi 2 septembre 2014

Hi all,

To start off:

Age 23

Weight: 178

Height: 5.8"

Bf% Around 14-16%

I been training rigorously for about 6-7 years. The reason that I decided to jump into the juice, because I feel that for the past 2 years, my body composition didn't change a thing. Despite trying to change my routine, add supplements, etc. I felt I reached my natural limit.

So, I decided to run an Anavar Only Cycle and add Test the Last 4 weeks of Cycle (when my natty test will hit rock bottom) . Here is the plan for my cycle:

Cycle Duration Daily Mg.

1 Week 20mg a day

2 Week 20mg a day

3 Week 30mg a day

4 Week 30mg a day

5 Week 40mg a day

6 Week 40mg a day

7 Week 40mg a day + Test E 283.5mg a week

8 Week 30mg a day + Test E 283.5mg a week

9 Week 10mg a day + Test E 283.5mg a week

10 Week 0 mg a day + Test E 283.5mg a week

*Taken proportionally every 7-8 hrs, with the high dose in the early morning.

4 Weeks of PCT (Nolva or Clomid)

My diet its pretty clean at around 1600 cals a day, which is maintenance for me. I'm working out a total of 1.5 hrs 4-5 times a week with 20 minutes of cardio.I'm hoping to loose at least 6-8 pounds while adding 5-6 pounds of lean mass. Is it possible???

So far, I'm in the beginning of my 3 week, and I've noticed crazy pumps specially in my legs. Bloating like no other, vascularity, and strengths gains.

In terms of my weight, I went from 178 to 184!!! is it normal???

Must mention, that my anavar is 100% legit and U.S pharma -Par Pharma and Upsher Pharma( got it from an HIV patient).

Please drop your comments, knowledge, help, criticism, everything is welcomed!!!



ANAVAR (Oxadralone) Only Cycle Need Guidance Seriously!!!

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