To doctor immidiately or wait?!

mardi 31 mars 2015


Total newb over here. At a morning 48 HR's ago I did my first steroid injection. 1ML of test enanthate.

I pinned my upper outer quad but my middle quad hurts terrible. The entire musculus rectus femoris

I can't walk, I cannot raise the leg, cannot bend my leg and its hurts.

Do I call a doctor now or later?

I don't feel fever and the leg doesnt seem more swollen then my left one. No strange red spot.

To doctor immidiately or wait?!

Is D-bol good for strength gains? If not what other orals?

Hey guys, I'm gearing up (literally!) for my second cycle and I need some advice.

I'm a powerlifter (505/320/640) and I'm looking to gain strength, not really all that concerned with size.

I was thinking of the typical test at 500 per week for 12 weeks, with 6 week of an oral steroid such as d-bol. The reason I want a kickstarter is for my first cycle I didn't really notice any strength gains until week 5-6.

Just wondering if dbol is a good option for strength?

Is D-bol good for strength gains? If not what other orals?

Low Ejection Fraction

Since I turned 50, every time I go on a serious cycle after a few months my ejection fraction drops below 30%. Then my doctor gets all panicky, puts me on carvedilol & lisinipril, I come off my cycle, and within six months my EF is back up to 60%. This has happened three times already. This is seriously interfering with my size and strength and not to mention heart health. Does anyone know of a way to be on juice and at the same time keep EF above 50%?

Low Ejection Fraction

Please Critique up coming cycle, all input welcome

Its almost time for third cycle. My last pin was october 1st. 6'1 230lbs 13-15%bf.

week 1-16 Test cyp 600mg/week

week 1-18 arimadex .25mg oed

week 1-18 Hcg 250iu/2x week

week 18-24 PCT Clomid 100/100/75/50/50/25 Nolva 40/40/30/20/20/20

i ran a 6 week pct last time with great success. Ill keep the 6 week cycle or just exhaust two bottles from

Ar-r, what ever comes first.


Please Critique up coming cycle, all input welcome

bservation and question about true bodyfat percentages

When i was playing football in high school and college I always was fascinated by how some folks had such low bodyfat. I have never been fat and i have never been skinny, but i remember having teammates that had what i thought at the time to be 2,4,6 and 8 percent bodyfat LOL boy was i wrong. Looking back on it even the most ripped dudes at the time were no lower than about 10% bf. This leads me to my next question, what is the lowest presumably natural bodyfat percentage you have ever known a guy to have??

bservation and question about true bodyfat percentages

Currently on 75mcg of t4 looking to add t3 to the last 8 weeks of my cut.

Should i roll with 25mcg or 50mcg

*i get regular bloodwork via my endo doc for mild hypothyroidism

Currently on 75mcg of t4 looking to add t3 to the last 8 weeks of my cut.

e2 vs e2 ultra sensitive

I am trying to better understand the change in theory now that everyone is saying using ultra sensitive is better. For years all studies and hrt have used 20-30 as the range where guys feel best. Life extensions research also shows all their studies all used the standard estradiol test . So if all the research and trt over the years has used the regular estradiol test and found 20-30 to be the best range how is the ultra sensitive test better when it is normally way different results then then regular test. If we were say 25 on the ultra e2 test that would put us at probably around 50 on a regular estradiol test which is way over what is considered healthy based on all studies that have been done. Hopefully someone can help me understand this better because I find estradiol to be by far the most controversial and confusing part of trt.

e2 vs e2 ultra sensitive

dhea and e2

If arimidex is already needed is added dhea to my testosterone and hcg a smart idea or will it only increase my need for arimidex more? Ive heard it converts to estrogen in men even more then taking testosterone does.

dhea and e2

Lost pct missed a week. Continue?

Lost my pct and had to order mores. Clomid and nolvadex. Did my standard protocol dosage for three weeks. A week shy of my normal 4 week pct. It's been a week since my last dosage of pct. Just got more clomid and nolvadex in today. Thing is I feel back to my normal self two months after last injection. Should I continue with one more week of pct. Getting bloodwork is not possible now. This is my 4th time doing a pct so I do know when I'm back to normal. But just for extra measure should I do the extra week

Lost pct missed a week. Continue?

How to lower my T levels temporarily

Fellow forum members.

I want to lower my T levels to get them bellow normal range to obtain T prescription. I'm 38 and levels low but within the range, so i did some research, and i'm getting some mixed messages: If i run a week circle of anavar or D-bol or Winstrol, without a Test, will that lower my t levels? Is there a great risk to permanently mess up my HTPA levels?

How to lower my T levels temporarily

Clenbuterol before cycle

I'm going to start my next cycle mid May , but also have some clenbuterol, would it be a waste to do them back to back? Clem first then cycle! My cycle will consist of test c250 deca and dbol

Clenbuterol before cycle

What is a good pct to endmy cycle of winstrol?

I am a relatively new body building and I've been all natural up till now.

I weigh 185 lbs at 5 foot 6

Body fat at 11%

I'm going to do the oral winne so I plan on taking a liver detoxifying supplement just curios about the pct I should do. Thanks all!

What is a good pct to endmy cycle of winstrol?

40 Years Old - Did My First Pin EVER this weekend.

Hey there, long, long, long time lurker, first time poster. I've been reading, learning, and researching for the past year. I decided on a basic first cycle - Test E 500mg/week pinned twice weekly at 250mg. HCG 500iu 250 twice weekly. Anastrozole .5mg EOD. HCG and AI run 4 weeks past the last pin till the long ester clears. Then start PCT, classic clomid taper, with some supps to support natural T prod.

I'm still in the I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M DOING THIS phase, lol! I never thought I would do this, but I've been lifting 25 years and was unable to achieve my modest goals. I weighed the pros/cons and decided the reward was worth the risk.

I'm surprised at how FREAKIN EXCITED I am to be doing this. I'm actually looking forward to next pin day.

I do have one question. Is there anything magical about the 12 week cycle?? The way the math works out with my supplier everything ends up a multiple of 5, so it makes more sense to do a 15 week cycle. I mean I know the longer and harder you go the harder it is to recover. But is it really THAT much of a difference 12-15 weeks?

40 Years Old - Did My First Pin EVER this weekend.

anyone having trouble with bcbs?

I have been on hrt for over two years and for some reason effective January blue cross blue shield says they won't cover my script for test anymore because of one of the compounds in it.. this is strange because a friend and co-worker who goes to the same Dr. And pharmacy and has the exact same insurance as me has had no problems this year getting his script covered... Anyone else have this problem?

anyone having trouble with bcbs?

Daily Cialis script granted, where should I have script sent?

I have been on TRT for a year and a half due to pituitary tumor. I take .25ml twice per week via sub q injection and 250iu of hCG twice per week. I have been having massive erectile difficulties for quite some time. We have played with the AI and I've gone up, down and at brief points hovered around the "sweet spot." Even at the sweet spot, I have trouble maintaining. I do my TRT through the site sponsor, who has been great. It was brought up to me to inquire about daily Cialis. I brought it up to my doctor after discussing the situation that has been ongoing.

This brings me to my question. My doctor got back to me telling me he wants me to try Cialis for daily use. He asked me where I want the script sent. This is where I am clueless. I have no idea what this is going to set me back? I'm not opposed to generic and I'm not certain I want to try research chemicals. I can order from Walgreens or CVS, however I'm certain that it's at an enormous cost even with insurance if it would cover it. Do I have options? I do not have a hard copy script from my doctor, as he said he would call it in.

Has anyone experienced this? I am not sure if it has to be name brand or could it be generic? He didn't discuss what dose he would put me on as it was all done via email through the site sponsor.

Please can anyone help? I'm lost with this and I really want to get going. It has been 9 months since my wife and I were able to have sex. If I don't take care of this I don't know how much longer she's going to put up with this, lol. (Sort of kidding. We are married 5 years and have a toddler, she's not going anywhere, but we DO need to rectify this issue asap.)

Daily Cialis script granted, where should I have script sent?

Pro-hormones.... any stil out there??

since PH's are now off the market its an absolute bit*h trying to find one that is legit. If anyone knows where you can still find some or has some alternatives for PH's please let me know.


Pro-hormones.... any stil out there??

dietary finer subtracted from carb count on prep?

OK I see mixed reviews on this topic. Some people say to subtract ur dietary fibers away from ur carb count. So for example: quest bar 22carbs but 18DF (22-18=4 Carbs) if my daily carb intake is 40 then that means I can have 10 quest bars right? But others say to count the real carb count so it would be 22carbs not 4 carbs. Mind u this is all on show prep. Just trying to understand this. Thanks guys

dietary finer subtracted from carb count on prep?

dietary fiber subtract from carb count on prep?

OK I see mixed reviews on this topic. Some people say to subtract ur dietary fibers away from ur carb count. So for example: quest bar 22carbs but 18DF (22-18=4 Carbs) if my daily carb intake is 40 then that means I can have 10 quest bars right? But others say to count the real carb count so it would be 22carbs not 4 carbs. Mind u this is all on show prep. Just trying to understand this. Thanks guys

dietary fiber subtract from carb count on prep?

Test E and T Levels

Hi everyone

I have a question concerning my T levels: I'm currently running test e 415 weekly for 12weeks, and yesterday morning (Monday) was my 9th injection. Long story short, I have to get a pulmonary X-ray and blood work done for some immigration process by April 9th. I'm going to the get them done on April 8th, which is 10 days away from today. Knowing that test e has a half-life of about 5 days, and the normal T levels range of a male of my age is anywhere between 270 - 1070 ng/dL, how close to normal are my T levels gonna be the day I get my blood taken? I know there are a lot of factors to consider, such as the quality of my test e, but I just need a rough idea. This is my first cycle. I'd prefer to not tell the doc about my cycle.

Thanks for your help guys

Test E and T Levels

Winstrol injection pain.

So if you google this there are so many posts it's amazing.

So I get it water based hurts but I have yet to meet someone in person who says oil based Winstrol hurts. Only online.

I've been using T Cyp for years never any pain. I know they are different but both are oil based so my question is who has used the oil based Winstrol.

Post your experience with it.

Many people tell me it does not hurt. What is this pain people claim from the oil based? Burning or later it feels bruised? Occasionally I do get a tinge of a bruise feeling at the injection point but very very mild for a day.

Additionally a lot of people were only using 50mg once a week with results not every day so what gives. I'm seeing dosing every day at 50mg.

Winstrol injection pain.

4ft 4in bodybuilder finds love with 6ft 3in transgender woman

4ft 4in bodybuilder finds love with 6ft 3in transgender woman

No Bicep Pump

No matter how hard I hit my BI's I can only manage a little pump that quickly goes away. I've tried drop sets on cable curls which is the only exercise that gives me the small pump. Any advice? I want to murder my biceps today, it's back and bicep day for me! Thanks

No Bicep Pump

Pre and Post workout meals, What do you eat first? Carb or protein? Does it matter?

Suppose one is scheduled for breakfast at 6 AM and workout at 7:15 AM

Should one eat his oatmeal first and then eat the eggs? .... It seems the carbs would digest first, providing energy for the workout, and by the time the workout was over the proteins would be right on time for refueling/rebuilding.

And alternatively, suppose one is done working out and is due for a post-workout meal around 9 AM

Should the order be the same? or perhaps this time around, the protein first and then carb?

Or does it really matter?

Pre and Post workout meals, What do you eat first? Carb or protein? Does it matter?

athlete's first cycle need guidance

Hi guys how are you all?

Let me start off stats:


Height: 6'4''

Weight: 92kg

Bodyfat: 15%

Yrs training: 8 yrs (3yrs consistently)

Bench max: 245x1rep

Deadlift max: 355x1rep

Squat max: 295x1rep

Sports: Basketball

Workout: tried a lot of variations from 5x5, 531 by jim wendler, wwsb, classic bodybuilding split, most effective for me was the classic bodybuilding split it made me bigger and loss fat strength wise best was 531.

Diet: diet has been up and down, was able to diet cleanly(low carbs high protein) for 6month and had awesome results weigth dropped to 88kg and body fat was aroung 10% mybody reacts to carbs very badly I get easily bloated from it and easily get fat im talking about clean carba here brown rice, whole wheat products etc.. Then I tore my ACL had it operated last September 25 and diet has been a wreck since that day. Now Im in vacation here in india and diet is messed up as almost all of the foods here are vegetarian and milk and egg has been my only source of protein.

Goals: get back to athletic form, strengthen my legs more, jump higher and reach 95kg and about 10%bf

Before someone bashes me I know my bench press is weak it has been my problem ever since but I do have a nice built chest so really does not bother me.

Planned cycle 14 weeks

Week1-12: 250mg test E 2x a week

Week7-14: 40mg Anavar daily

Week1-12: 250ui hcg 2x a week

Week1-14: .25 mg adex eod

Pct: clomid 75/50/50/50 nolva 40/20/20/20



Milk thisle




Diet: high protein, carbs only before and after workout, fat would be coming from protein as well.

This will be my first cycle I have been reading about aas for about 5yrs now.

Planning to start this cycle mid may planning to hit 10%bf at 85-88kg

Feel free to criticize me or bash me its ok no problem this forum has been very helpful and has teached me a lot.

Thanks guys.

athlete's first cycle need guidance

Putting Together A "First" Prohormone Cycle

I have played with the idea of a prohormone cycle for some time, and now that 22 is rolling around I am considering running one.

So far I have run two Ostarine (MK-2866) cycles, one at full 25mgs for 4 weeks with no noticeable gains or side-effects (for some reason my body literally ignores it).

I was considering running 1-andro (which is essentially a metabolite of DHEA) for some moderate dry gains.

However, given my history of unresponsiveness to anabolics in the SARM area, would it make sense to run a more aggressive prohormone? Thoughts are appreciated.

Putting Together A "First" Prohormone Cycle

Beginner looking for Mentor

Hi there, I'm a 19 year old male from Canada and looking to do my first cycle. I am reaching out to a senior member to help me through this and to get me started on the right track. I've been lifting consistently for 4 years and am currently on a good routine, and seeing good gains but I would like to see even better. Please PM me for any details or inf your interested in helping me with this.

Beginner looking for Mentor

No ACNE during cycle - ACNE post cycle - Pls Help, need to shake it and move forward!

lundi 30 mars 2015

Guys, thanks for looking..

So I hit a 12 week cycle of Dec/Test E/Sus.. 500mg/Dec/Week, 500mg/TestE/Week, 250mg/Sus/Week (thats all I could get)... Didn’t run any AI during or after cycle.

All went well.. Put on reasonable size and strength, about 11kg's went from 75kg to 86kg (now down to 82, 3months later, still good :)), 5"7.. Skin was little oily but not a pimple in sight all the way.. no Other issues other than excessive sweating.. (skin no longer oily)

Finished the cycle 12 weeks, waited another 2 weeks and then hit HCG 1000IU every 3 days (5 shots in total = 5000IU), plus 40mg Nolva every day for 3 weeks. I have no Gyno issue, the only visible thing during my cycle was my face little puffy as well as my ankles swelled up around week 8 and stayed puffy till 3 weeks after cycle, now back down to normal, no other sites.

... Basically within 6 days of starting HCG and Nolva my delts and traps filled up with ugly fkn acne.. some *****, others just thick bumps.... So I continued PCT (Nolva for 3 weeks and stopped).. Its now been 3 months since cycle end and I still got the acne, wash twice a day, with nutragenic soap, Still eating clean, drinking 2-3L/day, got on a week worth of antibiotics and they did nothing so I’m still battling it..

Need some help from the experts..

1. Why did I break out like that?

2. Is there a pill you can run to block the DHT, Im hearing “Avodart” blocks this creation of acne?? has anyone tried this with firsthand experience??

3. I want to hit another cycle soon, but haven't even shaken the acne of the first one, and want to put measures in place.

4. Got bloods taken last week (3 months post cycle), Thoughts?

Test - 20.9 nmol/L - Range (9 - 29)

Oestradiol - 68 pmol/L - Range (50 - 200)

Prolactin - 93 mIU/L - Range (85 - 500)

FSH - 3.2 IU/L - Range (1.0 - 12)

LH - 4.6 IU/L - Range (0.6 - 12)

No ACNE during cycle - ACNE post cycle - Pls Help, need to shake it and move forward!


Is it ok to drink milk? I hear 75 percent of people don't digest it properly?


peptide/RC company busted

I just read on another forum that purchase peptides has been shut down/popped. A heads up for people, thats all.

peptide/RC company busted

Just signed up from canada

Just signed up here been working out for over a year now and just kind of had a bug in my ear about hgh and all!

Just signed up from canada

I stopped eating fast food two months ago and the only thing that changed was....

The size of my credit card bill lol. Everyone says fast food is terrible for you (which I do agree with) but I was eating it almost every day for lunch. I now eat 8oz of 93% lean ground beef instead. I havent seen a bit of difference in how I feel or in how I look. The rest of my diet is pretty solid if your wondering (egg whites, oats, whey, salmon, sweet potatoes, eggs). Its very demotivating to not see any changes... makes me want to go back to my usual lunch consisting of two big macs with fries haha

I stopped eating fast food two months ago and the only thing that changed was....

Need a cycle that is easy on HPTA

I know - weird. But I was on test for a very long time and came off under doc supervision with clomid (been off clomid for a year now), my levels are in the mid 500's and I've been considering either taking another round of clomid on my own or something else that wouldn't punish my hpta too much.

I was wondering about, perhaps, anavar? Seems pretty mild. I'm not looking or huge gains, just something additional.

Thanks for your thoughts and ideas!

Need a cycle that is easy on HPTA

Libido durring strong cycle ( is TRT cycle best for libido)

I finished my 14wk Test only cycle and now on PCT.

500 Test-E per week with proviron every day. tapper off on 14th week to 250ml.

I had AI on hand but was not using it and did not noticed a increased in libido until around the 4th or 5th week then dropping off around 6or 7th week.

I then learned I should have been using my AI so I started taking my AI 12.5mg everyday and notice libido improvement but later falling off again so what if I pin less at 250 per week would that help stable the libido and I would use less of my supply until I get back to Thailand.

I work in Alaska in the summer but live in Thailand all winter so until i return I wont have any AIs so maybe my next cycle in Alaska might be similar to a TRT cycle 250 once per week no need for any AI i think.

I plan to do a Test & Deca cycle when i get back to Thailand so until i get back to Thailand maybe I should just do less.

Libido durring strong cycle ( is TRT cycle best for libido)

peg mgf

I can't seem to find info on here about peg mgf using the search function. What is the protocol? Has anyone here logged their experience, and I just can't find it?

peg mgf


I have some handy which I am considering using in a future cycle. Nothing soon though. Just wondering what people's thoughts were about it on here. People I've spoken to about it seem to be of very different opinions. I've heard from some that it's great at the start of cycles etc and others that it's too damaging to the liver to warrant even bothering with. I'd find it interesting to hear what some of you guys who have used it think about it afterwards..?


D-bol cycle

New to this site but certainly not new to the subject at hand.

Ok need to get stronger quickly and since PH's are off the market if you do find one worth taking its too much $$$

I am about to start a D-bol only cycle at 50mgs a day and I bought 2 bottles of fomestane, gonna take 1 dropper a day for estro sides.

Also I will be running T3/T4 combo from MJR

I know this isn't this safest thing so don't lecture me on safety unless you're a doctor and you think its going to kill me but also I take 70mg a day of vyvanse for ADHD.

Now my question is, have you ever taken a dbol alone cycle in place of PH? and if so what were your reactions and end results, sides, gains, ect.

Thanks guys appreciate it.

D-bol cycle

Does TRT Lead to Insanity?

In no other area of medicine, at least not one I can think of off hand, does the behavior of a patient in any way mirror that of a TRT patient. It's honestly somewhat unbelievable. No, this by no means applies to all or even the majority, and of course there are plenty of certifiable nuts in other areas of medicine. However, when it comes to TRT, the behavior if not crazy or insane is at a minimum often very strange.

Example 1:

TRT patients will often do all they can to rip off or take advantage of the system in order to save $10-$20 here and there, maybe more, but in the grand scheme of things it's never that much. Name me one other area of medicine where you would be this cheap with your care?

Example 2:

TRT patients will often use the phrase "I know my body." They've scoured the message boards, this or that website, etc. Their friends take this much testosterone, another guy they know takes that much and so on and so on it goes. Name one other area of medicine where you would do whatever it is you want to do and pretty much ignore your doctor and choose to listen to faceless strangers online?

Example 3:

TRT patients are often convinced and no amount of data or anything you say can change their mind, that if they befall any other ailment, sickness or anything in their life that occurs that is not perfect, if they do not feel like Superman at all times, then the treatment plan they are on must suck ass or there's something wrong with the testosterone.

Example 4:

A refusal to accept that testosterone is a Schedule III controlled substance. I understand, you want all 5 of your refills right now. I understand, you used your bottle of testosterone twice as fast as you were prescribed because you know your body and you are entitled to have another bottle immediately because you know your body. And I understand, I should write this RX immediately and continue to write them at whatever pace you deem necessary and risk my livelihood because you know your body. Please understand, there is nothing anyone at any doctors office of pharmacy can do regarding Schedule III laws and regulations. If you do not like such laws, I would highly suggest you start trying to do something about them or at minimum stop voting in people that put these in place.

Example 5:

"I was fat before I started TRT, and now after TRT I'm still fat." Honestly, I'm not even sure how to respond to this one, but it's one of the most common things I hear.

Example 6:

"My nipples were itchy so I started taking 3mg of anastrozole per week and now my penis doesn't work. I don't know what to do." Probably as common as the fat example above. Many men will destroy their hormone system out of an irrational and often impossible gynecomastia fear and no amount of blood work or calm talking can settle them down.

Example 7:

"My primary care physician said I don't need TRT." That's great, and he told you this before you came to see me, correct? Why did you come see me? Why have you undergone treatment for the last 6 months?

Example 8:

"I read online" Please stop right there. You read online or you read what some individual who could possibly be an 18yr old kid said on a message board or blog or you read online in an actual journal? Again, this isn't a knock against message boards, I actually think this is a great place to share info and there are some very smart men here. The guy kelkel, you guys are lucky to have him here. But please choose your words carefully. Think of how insulting that sounds to your doctor when you start saying things like this, or if not insulting almost idiotic.

Example 9:

"You don't accept insurance? OK, I want to use my insurance." Once again, no comment.

Example 10:

My favorite example of all time that relates directly to - "I'm looking at your website, it says $199 per month, is that every month?" "Sir, you're looking at our website?" "Yes, I've read through the whole thing." By far our most common phone call. Sometimes you have to laugh at least a little :)

Does TRT Lead to Insanity?

hcg dosage.

I've read the stickies, and tried to find more info on my question to no avail. If someone adds hcg to their protocol, and starts off with whatever recommended dosage is for their type of trt, and sees no results, should they up the dosage in small increments until they do? Also, is there a limit at which it can be harmful on a daily or eod schedule?

hcg dosage.

Getting off Cycle Early PCT?

I Was 4 days into my cycle of:

1-12 weeks 500mg Test E (only have done 1 pin)

1-4 weeks 40 mg ed Dbol

PCT was Nolva/Clomid

Having really bad chest pain and trouble breathing during workouts on this cycle, I've decided to stop it completely also due to the fact that my nipple is getting sensitive and seems to be a bit more puffy then when I first started.. I don't want to hear backlash for getting off I just want to know should I run Nolva for a week or so at 20 mg ed? Is it possible that the estrogen has built up this quick or is it more or less paranoia and constantly checking my nipples which has made them appear "puffy" or a bit more enlarged


Getting off Cycle Early PCT?

Pargine cause genital cold sores or just on the mouth?

I am interested in using pargine, but am reading about the cold sores issue. Will it affect the genital area or just the lips? Thank you

Pargine cause genital cold sores or just on the mouth?

Would you cycle if you were me?

Age 24,183,5'9. Training for 5 years, started at 205 skinny fat. Bench 315x1, deads :405x3 and squats 225x8.

I think that since I know how to train and make gains well while being a natty, I can rock cycling. But I wanted to see what people who have previously cycled thought.




replace the dot with a . Since I can't post links

Would you cycle if you were me?

Aspirating advice needed (made minced meat of inside quad)

So my first injection is done.

Note beforehand: I only inject in my quads. So please only advise on quads now. Thank you.

Things that went well:

- Injection time: I imagined it to be harder to push the plunger and put the oil in the muscle. So that's great.

Things that went wrong:

- Aspirating: I inserted the needle in the outer upper quadrant of my quad of the right leg with my right hand. When I had to aspirate, I used the thumb of the same hand. However I could not manage to pull the plunger back one bit.

I imagined if I'd hit a vessel, blood would've come into the syringe immediately. But since it didn't i started injecting.

My question to you guys:

I need to know if this way of aspirating is sufficient. Or should I really aspirate with both hands and make sure to pull the plunger back so hard that air is coming in. I was not able to manage that with just one hand. And injecting is still a scary business for me as you see.

Thanks guys.

Aspirating advice needed (made minced meat of inside quad)

Tbol 4 weeks or 6 weeks?

Which is the best way to run tbol in a test deca cucle should i run it for 4 weeks or 6 weeks instead? Also am noticing that my urine is very dark,taking aramidex tbol and saw palmetto for hairloss,what might be a possible cause

Tbol 4 weeks or 6 weeks?

What to expect from this cycle stack?

dimanche 29 mars 2015

Been taking Cypionate for years for low T. I'm moving to weekly shots next week.

I don't really use say what a cycle calls for but I'm looking to find out some info.

I'm looking to add Winstrol and Deca. I have my idea after reading and talking to users. Everyone as their ideas get it but near all thought its s decent start

What's your dose thoughts and what I can expect. Yes without listing my stats just assume I'm in decent shape to do it.


What to expect from this cycle stack?


Hey guys,

First I would like to please ask that you refrain from criticizing my mistakes. I need advice and productive input so that I can make the best educated decisions regarding my health. This will be a long post but I hope I can get some of you to take the time. I would really appreciate your input. I am 24 and dealing with low testosterone and the related symptoms. I've made some mistakes in my ignorance and I just want my health back. Here we go:

I am 24. 6'3. 210 lbs. 13% BF BP 245 x 6/Squat 325 x 8/Shoulder Press 85 x 8 - you would not think I was hypogonadal. I am well developed and wear a beard.

Last summer in July I took a prohormone for 6 weeks (epi "clone"). I used nolvadex only pct for 4 weeks but I now think the tamoxifen was actually fake.

In October (yes I waited this long) I decided to go get checked for mono because I was constantly lethargic and was dead in the gym. I also requested that a blood panel be done for my testosterone levels. Mono was negative, but my testosterone was low (190 ng/ml!) This was terrifying so I made the first apt. I could with the local urologist. I gave my urologist my history of abusing AAS and he concluded that I should probably just wait for my body to work itself out.

I shared that in highschool at the age of 16 my friends and I all tried out a product called spawn and that this was a highly toxic, legal steroid. I also explained that I dabbled again with other products I found at the local GNC and that in college I ran 2 cycles of test enanthate and winstrol for 6 wks each with nolvadex only as a pct. ( I know, this is idiotic! )

I explained that I had felt great these last few years before my most recent prohormone use. He concluded time was my best friend. I did blood work for the next few months:

I do not have the blood work in front of me but i do have my TT written down. I will request my records and update so you can see the result of my full panels. I also remember that I was low in FSH and LH each time, indicating secondary hypogonadism.

Initial Oct blood work: TT 190

Nov blood work: TT 202

late Nov blood work: TT 282

February 12: TT 327

Guys I know these are all really low numbers and this is terrifying. I do not want to be on TRT because this is a lifelong commitment and I do want to have children. I am hoping time and some assistance could get my body back on track. My doctor put me on 25 mg clomid/ED last week and I will be running this until next month when I can finally see the best urologist in Texas. From my research it looks like I am secondary Hypgonadal. I need your advice in how to approach my next doctors visit.

It is a good sign that my levels are increasing on their own, right? I understand we do not have a baseline for pre AAS use, but I always had an amazing sex drive and was lean and muscular so I assume I was healthy (500-800 or so)

Should this clomid help my pituitary pick up the slack and signal the testes? Or should I continue to deal with the crash naturally and let my body do it's own recovery?

When I speak to the new urologist, should I request HCG/tamoxifen to jumpstart my system?



What test to use? Prefer prop, but now its too expensive from my source....

Ive mainly used Prop with all my cycles and have had amazing results with 525mg a week. My most recent cycle i used test E, and honestly i had great strength but i feel i had more side effects. I always cycle tren ace also, and im thinking this may have been where my issue resides. If i cannot afford prop what should i do? Go with test e and maybe something comparable to tren?... (unlikely i know)

My past cycle i ran 900 test with 500 tren ace, with 350 winny for 15 weeks. Combined with clomid pct im just now recovering from acne from this cycle (5 months off). I shot EOD and this really didnt help with stable blood levels, compared to ED with prop. Could the left over ester be causing my instability? Does t-ace go well with test e?

Also can someone with a better source tell me what i should be paying for 100mg/ml prop? (id post further info but idk if its unwelcome)

What test to use? Prefer prop, but now its too expensive from my source....

Been Lurking For A While

Hi guys, I just wanted to drop in an introduce myself. My name is John, I am 28 years old and have been training consistently for the past 6 years. I have been doing research for some time now and I think I am ready for my first cycle. Its been great being able to read about all the other fellow members and their experiences and I think Im ready for my own now haha. Ill keep you guys updated!

Been Lurking For A While

new here

Just joined. Wanted to say hi. Lifting again after some time off. Lots of good info here. Thanks again.

new here

Trt pin protocal

Im on trt for almost 1 yr. 100mg cyp per week. Test level was 150. My doc is on a 2 week pin schedule. I told him this is out of date protocal,so he said do it how I would like. The 1st vile I did every 2 weeks and my test was 405. The next I did every week,test was 687. Now I started twice per week (50mg each pin). I will go back for bw in 2 months. I am willing to bet I will be in the 700s. Does this make sense that I would have this type of increase just pinning


Trt pin protocal

bunk gear !!!!

Hey so i noticed that everyone on here keeps everyone posted on almost everything so i thought i would just do a little shout out on some bunk gear i got last cycle. I finally said the hell with it I'm gonna step up to a Tren-E__Test-E kick start it with Dballs to get bk into it so i started everything was from same lab i run a Test Deca cycle before this had good results.To make a long story short i was on was on my 8th week an was losing not gaining i had no night sweats no nothing off the tren i then contacted some people an started to get on them about this an I'm not the first to question about it.

SO the lab was Almere an I'm not gonna sit here an run it down because like i said had good results off the Test E an Deca and no one i know have had any Infection problems so everything seems VERY clean but from what we are hearing their Tren and EQ was not what it was said to be seemed like it was just oil. Just though i would through it out there an see if anyone has heard anything about this lab or even heard of it. Product of the Nethrlands.

I'm not out to offend anyone or the lab just trying to get some solid info for this is going inside people and its not a game we all should know.

bunk gear !!!!

New Member/First Cycle


I am looking for some feedback from experienced members. I am 33 yo 6"3 and 220, former gym rat through my 20's and have completely gone downhill since having kids. I consistently maintained this weight at around 12% bodyfat until my early 30's. Currently at 21% bf and getting back into exercise. I went to an anti aging clinic a month ago to look at my options to help with the general lack of energy and joint pain I have daily. By lack of energy I mean a true lack of energy non related to sleep deprivation due to a 6 month old. I played college baseball and was heavy into mma for a few years and my body is a little beat up at this point. Bloodwork from the clininc showed the following:

Total Test 392, free test 9. Total Cholesterol 204 a little high, liver enzymes were a little high with the ALT at 88 but the AST was fine at 32. I have a history of fatty liver but it is easily controlled for me with a healthy diet. The Total Cholesterol and ALT levels will absolutely go down with a month of cardio and clean eating for me. I am typically able to put on muscle and lose fat fairly quickly. All other labwork was within the normal range. I also have a dysautonomia that causes the blood vessels to not constrict and dialate properly sometimes that can lead to tachycardia and once every blue moon afib, this is controlled though beta blockers. The doctor at the clinic is looking to start me on a weekly injection of Test Cyp with an AI and HCG throughout the 2.5 month cycle to see how I feel and get me back on track. They run labs on a monthly basis and are very professional.

My questions are as follows after giving the background info:

1: With all of the research ive done there doesn't seem to be a link between Test in moderate levels and increasing heart rate or heart attack risks.

2. Should I wait and drop into the 195 range and a healthy bodyfat percentage to minimize sides and then build from a clean base. I can typically drop 10-12 pounds per month through a clean diet and exercise.

3. Should I wait altogether until my total test level is in the toilet later in life and just go on trt at that time. I don't plan on anything longer than 10 weeks currently as we want to have more kids.

4. How long will it take for the unit to start working again after the cycle to be able to have kids again.

5. General risk when taken in moderate doses. Don't really want my kid to not have a dad around.

Any feedback would be great, I'm not rushing into this and want to make an educated decision. There is plenty of info out there but sometimes the best info comes from personal experience. I know my diet has been shitty and I have cleaned that up at this point, have been heavy cardio for about 3 weeks and have gone from 231 to 220 in that time.

Thank You,

New Member/First Cycle


Interested to know what yall think about this cycle

50mg tren EOD

500mg test /week

PCT:1mg arimidex EOD

Any thoughts about stacking dbol with this.

stats:5-10, 200lbs


Gym troll

casein vs blend before bed?

I just want to know which one is better before bed,casein or blend ? Share your experience plz......

casein vs blend before bed?

Tri tren blend

First off i want to say that I'm not planning a cycle. Just looking to gain some knowledge on this. In case I use it in the future. I was just looking at what I had tucked away in my closet. For some reason I thought it was tren ace (even though it said tri med). I've only seen people talk about tren a and e. With a blend like this how often would you inject? Would you go with the short ester and do it ED or EOD? If you pinned E3D would it b safe or fluctuate your levels too much?

Tri tren blend

Deca dosage

Hey guys , i started my second cycle deca 200mg , test e 500mg , and dbol , do you think i will see any gains from 200mg of deca if i never used before ?

Deca dosage

Sharing my next cycle

Doing some research for my next cycle and settled upon going with a Test P/tren ace/ mast blend at 100mg each pin. I'm also considering adding more Prop to the blend so that its 150 test p/ 100 tren/ 100 mast. I actually would run less tren to be honest. Pins will be EOD for 12 weeks maybe 14.

Stats: 5'10 225lb 11% bf, age 37. One past cycle last year of tren ace, test e, masteron. Had a great time when I was on. PCT sucked. Standard pct with clomid and Nolvadex as outlined on this site a million times so won't go into that unless to clarify.

As far as test p and pain post pin, what have people done in here to lessen that? Being that the blend is 1ml I have room to cut it. Is that recommended or perhaps the blend will lessen the PIP from the prop?

Any advice appreciated.

Sharing my next cycle


Hi I'm new to the group and Only after a bit of advice here.Been trying to do a bit research on parabolan .so far I relise the real or original was banned some time ago and basically now any is made up of tren.what I can no seem to find is what people stack this with if they do at all,for cutting or bulking.only thing I can see is using a bit test and t3 .has anyone ever used parabolan in a cycle and what results did you see or even stack this with.any help would be great thanks


Cycle Questions - 1st in a while - Test/Var/Cle

samedi 28 mars 2015

Hey guys,

Well you convinced me to avoid the oral only var, read all the threads. I need some help as I want to make sure I got this nailed down to a T and also just some research questions. See below.

Week 1-8

Test Enan 250mg every 3.5 days (500mg/week)

Clenn 40-120mg [2 weeks on/weeks off]

Var 50mg/day

Week 8-10


Week 10-14

Liquid Tamox - 40/20/20/20

Liquid Clomi - 75/50/50/50

I am confused after I hit Week 8, do i taper off the var? Do i taper off the clenn? I usually never tapered. If i do need to taper, do i start on week 6?

Do I need an AI if var suppresses? also i assume most know where I am getting the liquid, they only had Liquiddx or stane, they didnt have any of the AI suggested in the cycle thread.

What about hcG? The thread refers that it would be smart to get this, but i havent seen many people mention it?

If i do need the AI or HcG, I have no clue where to get these.

In regards to my research questions, var suppresses your natural test just like any stuff so why does adding test as a base change that scenario? Your natural test would still shut down if you did a test only cycle right? I am also confused about the AI, because var doesn't require an AI based on what i read but adding test changes that scenario as well.

Hoping you guys can set me straight here.

Cycle Questions - 1st in a while - Test/Var/Cle

High Protein/Fat low carb while bulking? any one tried? get in here! :)

anyone tried high protein - fat low carb macros while bulking?

interested in opinions to people who have and the differences they noticed to the general high protein moderate carbs and moderate fats macros... ?

did you notice

- energy level differences?

- physique changes?

- strength levels?

- did you gain much fat while bulking?

- would you recommend it ?

High Protein/Fat low carb while bulking? any one tried? get in here! :)

AAS in Canada a few questions

I was wondering if anyone knew the legality with possession. I have checked the government website and it is a controlled substance but so is marijuana and the authorities don't care about it as long as it isn't large quantities meant for distribution. Are AAS treated the same way? Or is it considered more serious? I know the Conservative government has introduced stricter punishments for a host of non violent drug crimes (stupid) and trainers distributing AAS now have stiffer penalties.

Also, what is the availability of human grade product or pharmaceutical manufactured stuff here in Canada. Alternatively, I have read that there are some quality UGL's here, specifically in Alberta where I live. Are they comparable?

Importing from out of country worries me and these sites seem like a gamble with quality and delivery. Best way to get around this would be buy from in country or a personal source.

Any advice on these issues? Help is much appreciated!

AAS in Canada a few questions

test e only beginner cycle first cycle

1) what is the average cost fro a 10 week test E cycle?

2) what is the necessary PCT and cost?

test e only beginner cycle first cycle

Free Test v. Free Test, Serum

I've been monitoring my testosterone levels for a couple years and have gone to a clinic to start TRT. My total test has been on the low range of my blood work, but my free (serum) test has always been a notch or two below the normal levels. The clinic prescribed 200mg test cyp/week, 2000iu HCG/week, and anastrazole.

Before I started, I had my PCP do another blood test. Instead of free test, serum, he did free test this time. I with this new blood work he said my free test was normal despite the serum test showing low last year. Does anyone know the difference between Free Test and Free Test, serum? Why would one be normal but one low? Should I stick with the TRT since my Free Test serum has been consistently low?

Thanks for all the help.

Free Test v. Free Test, Serum

Running peptides with Prop And Tren A

im running test prop and Tren A EOD and am going to be adding Clen, T3, CJC1295, Frag 171-191 and winnie. im obviously looking to lean out, and im not sure the best way to schedule dosage and timing looking for a layout. not my first cycle but new to peptides. any information or a layout would be awesome. thanks.

Running peptides with Prop And Tren A

Blood work

Hello I've been away for quite some time and had some blood work results I had a couple year questions about.

HDL cholesterol 39 L

AST 42 H

RBC 6.11 H

Hematocrit 53.3 H

RDW 16.2 H

T-total 1677 H

Free T 444.7 H

Everything else was in range how can I get my RBC and hematocrit lower?

Appreciate any advice.

This is 6 weeks in on a test only cycle 500mg pw

Blood work

Tren night sweats

Has anyone personaly found a way of combating the old tren nightsweats? Im 4 weeks into my cycle and they seem to be getting worse. Really disturbs my sleep too. Not pleasent..

Any ideas? My doage of tren is 450mg a week.

Tren night sweats

Am i doing this the right way ?

hi guys i started cutting around 15/1/2015 started at 91kg now i am 87.8kg as my digital scale says :D i dont know if i am going slow or is this fine i eat 4 mealss per day 30g carbs, 50 to 60 proteins, 10-30g of fats depends on the protein source i started using lipo-6 i am halfway through the bottle and was thinking going for something more powerful like clen after i finish my lipo need some advice on what to do.

Thanks in advance

Am i doing this the right way ?

Insulin before prejudging

I've done many shows and I'm quit experienced with insulin. Last year I ran it the whole way through prep. This year I dropped it 10 weeks out and I'm getting leaner faster because of it. (obviously) Last prep I loaded with insulin Wed, Thurs, and Friday morning. Then I tapered my carbs down and nailed it Sat morning.

I want to hear some experience from those who have taken insulin (I have novalog) the morning off. Did it make a huge difference in fullness? Will you do it again? I know the pumps get insane and fullness on stage would be nuts! I want to hear from people who have done it and not what you heard or read. I usually feel I'm full and hard enough from the heavy load Wed and Thursday but you know how it is.....maybe I could look a tad bigger :wg:

Insulin before prejudging

Test e deca dbol cycle helpppppp!

hi all recent been looking into doing a test e deca dbol stack

need abit of help with running an AI and my pct....

going to run HCG threw out this cycle but truely unsure on what AI/PCT to run and what dosage...

D-Bol 40mg eachday 1-4wk

Test E 500mg 1-12wk

Deca 300mg 1-10wk

HCG 1-12wk ( 500IU Twice a week wednesday/sunday??????)

ive read online to run Arimidex ???????? as an AI ?

PCT Clomid @ 100/50/50/50 & Nolvadex @ 40/20/20/20 ????

Also planing to stay on n-acetyl cysteine for liver support. 1200mg daily

ive read abit about nolvadex somehow toxic to the liver. It causes the heart stress related issues and even blood clots in the lungs.???? is this true???

Help would be appreciated

thanks in advanced. :scratch:

Test e deca dbol cycle helpppppp!

Herniated disk/sciatic nerve issue

vendredi 27 mars 2015

Last year I herniated my l4/l5 and it was crushing my sciatic nerve.

After months of laser treatment, stretching and relaxing and miss work, its slowly coming back again

Is tb500 something that could help this? I am at my wits end with this injury, especially the sciatic nerve end of it. I am open to any helpful ideas!!!!

Herniated disk/sciatic nerve issue

Any body suffering w/ RA?

Bout 4 years ago I was diagnosed with RA... What a horrible deal it is and I've been suffering with this disease! Chronic pain and inflammation not to mention the fatigue and whatnot! I was lucky to get with a good doc and get the right cocktail of meds to control it! I have been what most consider high functioning up till this last August but my bitch of a future ex wife let my insurance laps! So I just been riding it out for the better part of a half year! Just wanted to see if anybody else was expecting something like this too?

Any body suffering w/ RA?

Thoughts on what dr says??

I been on TRT for over two years. Before trt, at my physicals my ekgs were always normal. After trt last year my ekg was abnormal.

They did an ultra sound on my heart and it was fine. This year my ekg was worse, so they are having me do a stress test. My dr also wants me to stop the testosterone for the time being. I don't agree, but I have stopped for two weeks now. Stress test is this week.

Anyone ever have this happen after starting trt?


Thoughts on what dr says??

Been lifting for 6 years ready to try this out

I am currently a full time student working on my exercise science with a minor in nutrition I have competed in physique shows for the last couple years. Been lifting for 6 years. I just have hit that roadblock on gaining mass and size. I started my freshman year in college weighing 135 skinny as can be at 6 feet, with nutrition and proper lifting I have got my weight up to 205 without gear right around 6'1 now. I have followed this site for many years just watching and reading about gear and what and what not to do with gear. Now I have finally decided I am going to take and run with it now that I am a little bit smarter and older. I have a lot of friends who have done gear and fellow competitors as well. I am willing to see what I can do to further my progress and shape with a little help from all who are willing to follow me and my progress on my first cycle. PS I am starting first cycle next week. I will be running Tren Test P and Anadrol. Ready to hit the ground running.

Been lifting for 6 years ready to try this out

i just dropped my liquidex, enough for 2x. traveling....

so i am traveling out of the country and low and behold i just dropped my arimidex and most of it spilled out. arghhhh. i just order a new one, but i wont be back in the states for another week and 2 days. i have enough for 2 drops in the mouth. but that leaves me dry for at least 2 more drops before i am back. should i really worry, or missing 2 x arimidex be ok?

i just dropped my liquidex, enough for 2x. traveling....

Melanotan Issues

After about 6 days of use I have developed darkened freckles on my face and back. Kind of self conscious about it now. Looking up different medicines to use. Has anyone had this problem and used something to lighten them. Want to try something first before I go get them lasered off!! Sorry if this isn't the right spot for this

Melanotan Issues

IIFYM - Thoughts?

Somewhere in there he talks about a list of unnecessary factors while cutting, lol. Here's the list:

1.3 Unessential Factors

Since many questions revolve around further details of cutting diets, here is a list of factors that I believe to be of insignificant effect for body composition:

- Cardio and fat burners,

- Meal timing and meal frequency,

- Protein / Carb / Fat distribution throughout the day,

- carb / fat ratio,

- Sodium intake,

- Moderate alcohol intake,

- Use of supplements resp. meal replacements,

- "Clean" food vs. Junk food (sugar and saturated fat).

IIFYM - Thoughts?

Went back to Endo for regular checkup and left with some surprising news/info

So, went in for the usual 6 month checkup with the Endo for my thyroid. I ended up going to a lowt service for TRT after this guy kept on and on with Clomid. I was doing fine with Clomid (745-785) but I wanted more out of trt than just fine though. At the time, he wouldn't prescribe test cyp or HCG because he wanted to see how well I responded to it. Then I decided to switch over to a lowt company after the doc at the consult agreed with me that if I want my levels to top out, I should at least try for it and see where I land. Well, apparently with their regimen I was doing about as well as I was on Clomid...Well worst at first, 465 or 485 at the 6 week mark and then they increased my dosage. So, my Endo says that he wants to run a full Test estrogen panel this time with a different lab group (they took 4 regular sized tubes out of me) along with the same TSH T3 and T4 panels I have done every 6 months. This is all after I told him I went with a lowt site and that it wasn't going through my insurance at all, he said that it'll probably cost a fortune in the long run. He told me about how Androxal was just filed with the FDA back in February and that a lot of that research with enclomiphene looks promising. Anyway, after all that he asks me how set I am at reaching the max range and I told him I was pretty set. He asks to do a panel and what I'm currently taking (200mg/week Test cyp 1000IU/week HCG) for trt. He then kinda chuckles and says "ya know I have this 45 y/o guy who comes in here for hrt and before he even denies that he's on some stuff I show him his tests and ask him if he's going through foreign labs to get the stuff he's using and he tells me he's going to do what it takes to get what he wants. If you're about to do something similar or are already doing this, let me know now and I can at least mitigate some of the damage you do to yourself by prescribing this to you legitimately. Because it's almost like heroin users, they're gonna find or reuse needles because they want their high. Denying them needles without a prescription doesn't stop them from getting needles or drugs - that's why they have needle exchanges in cities with IV drug problems, it keeps these people from infecting themselves with something else." I thanked my endo and got my blood drawn, Now I'm just waiting for the results and debating about what to do next.

So, with all that being said I'm now kinda wondering what to do after I get my results back...?

Went back to Endo for regular checkup and left with some surprising news/info

Sustaprim 250 by BRG labs?

Sustaprim 250 by BRG labs

I got a vial of this from a friend and have never heard of this product. Also the ester blend is labeled as test prop 70/ test cyp 180.

Anyone ever heard of this product or ester blend?

Can anyone suggest proper dosing protocol with this blend?

Sustaprim 250 by BRG labs?

Stomach illness reccomended to take hgh and igf1-lr3

Hey I was wondering if anyone had any input on HGH and or IGF1-LR3 for helping stomach illness much like chrons disease... I'm told it will do miracles and would like more opinions

Stomach illness reccomended to take hgh and igf1-lr3

good life advice for guys new to aas

I did my first cycle of gear about 4 years ago now, I had been working out for about a year and a half and did about 6 months research before my first pin. My thoughts were that I would make some solid gains and have a body most people would be proud of. I was married with one son to a wonderful girl that I had dated since high school. To make a long story short I made impressive results and became so vain and about myself that I disregarded the needs of my family and put my own needs ahead of everyone else... I also garnered the attention of several young new girls who didn't care the slightest about my family or my now two kids... They were only out for what most guys are looking for... To bag a trophy (not to marry just sex). I came within a gnats ass of loosing my wife and two sons over a lifestyle of fast living and fast women... So if anyone out there is reading this that's new to working out and aas... Take a word of warning from someone who has been there and done that! Having an awesome body is an amazing feeling.. but don't ever forget who was there at the begining... Who loved you when you weren't in the best of shape... My biggest message is don't loose sight of who you are in spite of your self. Because trust me with a solid body comes much more distractions... I know I'm preaching to the choir to some people here but if this helps someone out there then if done my job.

good life advice for guys new to aas

The best fat burner

What my local store has for sale(quality things): animal cuts, lipo 6 black, arnold iron cuts, cellulor hd, hydroxycuts hardcore, bsn hypershred. Which one should I choose? I want it to be hard on fat and mild on muscle. Also hard on appetite and energy levels!

The best fat burner

rice milk as a source of carbs

Hey guys, I find rice milk an easy way to get carbs into me do you think im reducing gains if im substituting proper rice or pasta if the macros are the same? I know the rice milk will have more fat gain due to the sugar but would it affect muscle growth? Thanks

rice milk as a source of carbs

Second Cycle Critique

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Body Fat: 14%

Weight: 205 lbs

Starting my second cycle shortly. My previous cycle went really well and included test e (500/wk) for 6 months, with tren E on the last 3 months. I also used Winstrol for a bit too. I ran aromasin the entire cycle, and mirapex while on tren. I started and ended the cycle with test prop. My PCT included Nolvadex & Clomid.

Planning my second cycle to look something like this:

Weeks 1-20 - T-350 (700 mg)

Weeks 1-15 - Deca (500 mg)

Weeks 1- 4 - Dbol (40 mg ED)

Weeks 16-20 - Winstrol (30 mg ED)

Weeks 1-15 - Prami (0.25 mg ED)

Weeks 1-20 - Aromasin (12.5 mg ED)

Weeks 1-20 - Proviron(25 mg ED)

Nolvadex & Clomid PCT

My diet hasn't been as clean as it should be lately, but I do know how to eat properly. My training has been on point. My goals are to bulk up and lean out. Simply training for myself as a hobby.


Second Cycle Critique

help about a rash

Hello all I'm in need of some help as I'm doing a test only cycle and I have come out on a rash over my neck shoulder back it's red spot like

Thank all

help about a rash

Cycle questions

hello, I have read a lot about steroids but it seems to me that more than I read , the less I know .

according to the recommendations and advice for the first cycle, I envisioned my cycle like this:

Length of the cycle: 12 weeks

Substance : testosterone enanthate twice a week for 300 mg. (600 mg a week)

Diet : Total from all meals 3233.56 kcal ,

1034.88 from proteins , 1214.8 from carbs , fats from 983.88

My stats are:

178 cm, 75 kg, bf around 12%, 22 years.

I use : proteins , creatine (what dose do you recommend? some say 5g some 10g...), omega 3 , multi vitamins , digestive enzymes , BCAA , casein .



can I inject 12 weeks only in one muscle?

can testosterone be stored at room temperature?

is there any protection recommended during cycle?

what should I use for PCT? I know that is needed but I really do not know what would I use.

should I reduce the dose of testosterone in last weeks?

I have read, that after 12 weeks on cycle I should take 14 days break and then continue with PCT. Is this correct?

what is the fastest and easiest way to get rid of acne if they appear?

thank you for answers, and please give me as many advices that you can.

Cycle questions

Anavar + Clen Cycle - Need help on PCT

Hey guys,

I am planning on doing an 8 week cycle of 50mg of Anavar. It is the real deal coming from my buddy who trains. The only thing is I am hearing different opinions on PCT. He told me to take Liquid Letro but before I took nolvadex for PCT. Online in Anavar FAQ on a great forum, it says to take liquid clomid 50/mg day for 2 weeks. Can someone help me on what is the best PCT?

Anavar 50 mg/day

Clen [2 weeks on/2 weeks off], will start at 40mg and work my way up

Question is what is the best PCT for this? I assume I should start the PCT at beginning of week 6?

I have done clen before but haven't done anavar in years. I know many recommend you need test with anavar but can you go without it and still get results?

Anavar + Clen Cycle - Need help on PCT

Mid cycle blood work results - input?

jeudi 26 mars 2015

This is my first cycle running test e at 500mg/week. Blood was drawn 7 weeks into cycle:

FSH 0.7 w/ reference range of 1.6 -8.0 mIU/ml

FH 0.2 w/ reference range of 1.5 - 9.3mIU/ml

Progesterone 0.8 (in range)

Estradiol 71 reference range: < OR = 39pg/Ml

Test total: >10000 ng/dl

Test free: 3511.4 pg/ml

No gyno, mood swings, etc. The only severe side effect I guess I have is chronic fatigue which started at about 8th week. All I want to do is sleep and all I did was sleep. I'm in my 11th week and noticing the chronic fatigue diminishing.


I ran HCG 250IU/2xweek and .25mg of arimidex EOD.

Mid cycle blood work results - input?

quit SubQ, back to IM

I switched to subq last summer. For the first four months it went fine, then I felt as though I did not have enough T so I upped my dose a bit (126mg to 140). A couple months after that it still wasn't enough and I got more symptoms of being low but did not change the dose. Then I noticed that I was developing a lump in the stomach fat injection site.

I went back to IM a month ago at my old dose and feel much better. But there's still a lump in one of the places I was injecting. It's shrunk but it's not disappeared. Any idea what this is and how long it will take to go away?

quit SubQ, back to IM

New member

hello, I'm a new member trying to learn about anavar. I participate in Crossfit about 4 times a week, absolutely love it, but would love to cut some extra fat off. Hoping to get educated from some of the pro's here. Any info is appreciated.

New member

First Cycle Critique, please help!

I'm 24 years old male

5’9 tall

161 lbs

9% body fat

This is my first cycle. I am 5 weeks out from a mens physique show and considering a 4 week test prop/anavar cycle.

I've been training since I was 22 and I've been consistently training for nearly 3 years now.

My goal is to get a thick and full look on stage while also having a dry/hardened look

Here is my cycle proposal:

Week 1 to 4: Test prop at 300mg per week. (100mg EOD)

Week 1 to 4: Anavar at 80mg a day

Week 2 to 4: hCG at 1000iu IU weekly

Week 1 to 4: Adex 0.5mg EOD

PCT after 4 days with Clomid at 100/100/50/50 and Nolva at 20/20/20/20 for 4 weeks

Please can you critique my cycle and let me know if there any changes to dosages or anything else I should make?

Your help would be greatly appreciated!

First Cycle Critique, please help!

Need clarification of this conversion technique

Hello, I am planning in converting some test-e for my first cycle. I am going to use this guide:

Remove the dots before "online"

It is pretty simple but I do not understand what is the point of the 25g pin in the vial? It is not used in the process so why did the author include it.

Hopefully someone with knowledge in this area can answer.

Need clarification of this conversion technique

classical E2 Question

Hey Bros

I switched from my TRT protocol to my blast cycle.I bought some Farma Aromasin .My current Blast is at 600 mg wkly.

Aromasin dose at 12.5 daily.

Do the symptoms that I am feeling relate to high estrogen?

Feeling lethargic, some insomnia, yesterday could not get my bad boy up for my wife which truly sucked, kinda of an itchy back, hot flashes.

As of this minute, I kid you not, i got a phone call with my E2 sensitive test.

It came out to 45.7 pg/ml and ranges are 25-70 pg/ml.

Am I a lil up in the E2 level? And would you suggest to up the Aromasin dose to 25 mg ed instead of 12.5?

Thanks in advance

Sent from my iPhone using Forum

classical E2 Question

College football receiver needs advice on next cycle

Hey guys, my first post on the forums but quick stats about me.

-College Wide/Slot receiver

-20 years old

-5 '11

-4.6 lazer

-195 LB (currently)

Now this is going to be my third cycle coming up this summer but my previous 2 cycles I put on way to much weight. The first cycle I ran test prop and a peptide to help heal my hip laberal tear. I honestly forgot what the pep was called but every time I took it , within 5 minutes I felt like I was about to starve to death and ate ALOT. Nonetheless my diet was pretty on point. Second cycle I took test prop, sus 250, and tren and I shot from 190 to 225. I admit that this time I purposefully stuffed my face to try to get gains for the spring season lifts.

Now spring ball is around and I've managed to go from 225 to 194 in 10 weeks eating clean and running a lot from practice. But I have noticed I've lost some speed considering I used to be a 4.5 guy consistently. This upcoming summer I'm looking for something to really enhance my training, my goals are to due straight plyometrics and legs in the gym and at the field. I've heard I should take everything from winny var sus 250 test prop test e and tren to help me get lean, gain VERY LITTLE weight IF ANY, and increase my speed and explosiveness. Any suggestions?

College football receiver needs advice on next cycle

Stretch Marks (After only ~4 weeks of diet and training) No gear

I have some old stretch marks from about 9 years ago in the common lower front delt areas.

But yesterday i noticed that it looks like the end of the old stretch mark is starting to "run/continue" down the front of my bicep.

How can i stop this, if it continues down the front of my bicep as it appears to be heading, that would be very unsightly.... Actually, I've never see a stretch mark down the front/visible side of anyones bicep.


Stretch Marks (After only ~4 weeks of diet and training) No gear

How far do you push it in?

Hi Guys

Firstly the title of this thread was made with a smile on my face, left open for Lovbyts to leave some outrageous comments lol..

Anyway more serious, I went to get my bloods done yesterday and a great 30 mins conversation with the guy about AAS. At the end of the meeting I stocked up on needles etc and he asked what sizes I had been using on which site so I said blues for all site injections (23Gx1 1/4'') and he said you are using these on delts, ouch.. Anyway I told him that I push the needle all the way in when injecting and he said I shouldn't be doing this on delts as it can cause serious damage, glutes are fine but no delts..

This is the way I have always done it, question is am I doing it wrong? how far do you put the needle in when injecting?

Thanks for reading guys and I look forward to your answers..

How far do you push it in?

steroid cycle plotting graph

hi guys - may have been posted before- but if you are planning a cycle this plotting graph helps keep trackof half lifes/active lifes of your steroid of choice.- should be a sticky. vote for it!

Steroidplot - Plot your cycle

steroid cycle plotting graph

Sustaprim 250 by BRG labs

I got a vial of this from a friend and have never heard of this product. Also the ester blend is labeled as test prop 70/ test cyp 180.

Anyone ever heard of this product or ester blend?

Can anyone suggest a viable cycle using this blend?

Sustaprim 250 by BRG labs

When will i be ready?

Hello, i just finished a 12 week course of sustanon 500mg pr week (1 shot a week)

The course was followed up by 2500ui hcg E4D and 40mg nolvadex ED for 16 days.

I had no sides but the usual, Night Sweats etc..

My question is, when am i ready to start on a new course?

I was thinking of starting the 1st of may, but is 6 weeks too short of a break? Considering my receptors and so?

Of course ill get bloodwork done before starting.

My next course Will be:

Test p 100mg EOD

Masteron 100mg EOD

Followed up by pct.

My worries is that i Wont feel anything from this course because of my short break..

Though I've been Reading on a lot of forums that the time on = time OFF is completely bollocks and NOT a fact, but simply a saying between bodybuilders on forums.

All help is appreciated!

When will i be ready?

Wondering if im going the right route test sustanon and winny

mercredi 25 mars 2015

Not gonna lie I'm very green. I was very overweight. 5'10" 245. Iv lost a considerable amount of weight in the last 6 months I'm now 195 pounds. I started hitting the gym hard a month ago. Already seen some improvement but I kno it takes a lot of time and hard work. Someone I kno suggested I start a cycle of test sustanon and winstrol. I did my first injection of the sustanon .5ml yesterday. Which I have been told to do every other or every 3 days. I have the liquid oral winstrol which I was told to do a .5ml squirt which is equal to 50mg everyday. I'm trying to cut away the rest of this baby fat and strengthin at the same time. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Wondering if im going the right route test sustanon and winny

facial hair

Anyone get increased facial hair from gear?

facial hair

HCG and HCGenerate, what to do..

Obviously pinning hcg is going to be better to get the boys working properly and to prevent shrinkage but has anyone tried HCGenerate instead? I have ready many reviews that it can get the job done pretty well. I'm about to start a test e only cycle and it will also be my first. Is hcg even necessary? Or can I use hcgenerate instead and get similar results? Anybhelp would be greatly appreciated!

HCG and HCGenerate, what to do..

Hi there!

Just reading this site out of curiosity - hope to learn more in the near future

Hi there!

is it ok to skip hcg just once pin??

so i am taking test e with hcg, 250 mg for test, and 250iu for hcg, 2x a week. i am traveling and forgot to bring my hcg. was wondering if its ok to just skip one pin of hcg? or should i inject right when i get back? i pin thursday, and will be back saturday to pin hcg. but then i will need to repin on monday

is it ok to skip hcg just once pin??

Hey guys!

Hey guys! How's it going! I'm new to the site and a new user. Does this site have a section specifically for prohormones? Where would I post about those?

Hey guys!

Gyno problems - advice?

It's been 1.5 years since I finished my last cycle but in the last 6 months my gyno lump that I got whilst on cycle has been growing a lot bigger, it now has spread round the entire nipple and is obvious through a t-shirt.

Blood tests have shown since my cycle my estrogen has been elevated at around 200 pmol/L, which is very high for a male. However my testosterone was at 19 nmol/L which is a little above average, so although my lumps were sore they were not growing any bigger. Like I said it was about 6 months ago when it started growing again and recent bloods have confirmed my test is now at 9nmol/L. My research tells me this is because when testosterone is much lower than estrogen this ratio causes more gyno growth.

So I have three options because I need to stop this lump growing now:

1) Take an AI like Letro even though I had no success with it the first time at 2.5mg daily and suffered heavy sides (don't want to do this again)

2) Do another PCT of clomid to boost my testosterone and resolve the test:estrogen ratio so that the lump will stop growing, but then I risk having my test levels drop down a few months after PCT like I have this time round

3) Start my next AAS cycle and take an AI (adex) throughout to ensure lump doesn't grow bigger, this will give me a few months for my body to be relaxed with plenty of test in it and estrogen suppressed.

Anyone got any suggestions?

Gyno problems - advice?

What cycle should I start with

What would any of you suggest I start with? I just turned 40. I'm 5'9 200lb and about 15% body fat now and have been working out regularly my whole life. I'm in ok shape but I'd like to start making some good strength gains. I tried a dbol cycle when I was in my 20's and had a good response. Then I lost my source, so I couldn't do another cycle.

I'd like to keep things simple for now. Any advise would be much appreciated.


What cycle should I start with

Sust and anvar?

Good mix , beastly gainz or better test e with anvar?

Sust and anvar?

High alkaline phosphatase (bone) came down after starting trt

I was diagnosed with high alkaline phosphatase around two years ago, right at the same time when my cancer treatments ended. They examined it more detailed and indeed, it was coming from the bone. After having a cancer which in many cases spreads to the bone they first suspected it could be a recurring cancer. When after a thorough inspection nothing was found the diagnosis was "beginning osteoporosis". No actions, just monitoring two times a year. It has been at the same level all the time: 125-150 I/U (35-105).

In the history I've been breaking my bones quite easily. Ribs, ankle, wrist etc. Some of them have snapped way too easy. So the diagnosis kinda made sense to me. I was just wondering isn't there anything they could do about it.

Eventually I came aware of my low T. Also found out that osteoporosis is one possible side effect of low T, even though cancer treatments could cause it too. So when trt started it remained to be seen how the alkaline phosphatase would react.

Now, after being 8 months on trt I received my latest results of it and the result was 97 I/U. A significant decrease. My cancer doctor have been suspicious about my trt, but that's just purely because of his lacking knowledge of it. Now he had to agree it's working. That poor old fella.

Anyone else who would have been experiencing the same? Any thoughts?

High alkaline phosphatase (bone) came down after starting trt

Can anybody help me?

Hey, took a few dbol only cycles awhile back (stupid I know) without pct each time I got off them i felt worse and worse. The last time I did it 2 years ago I felt my body crash and I still don't feel recovered, my libido is low, brain fog, hot flashes, sleeping problems but the doctors say my test is normal but I still fell liike shit. Anything I could do to help myself?

Can anybody help me?

tren adding extra bodyfat?

I was watch an iroids video on YouTube on the profile of tren. @ minute marker 1:18 they stated that "if ur insulin sensitive you can notice an increase of bodyfat on trenbolone due to strong anabolic properties"

If fun that I ran a cross this video because a buddy of mine had stated the day before he was going get off of this tren cycle (his second one) because of the fact that it always makes him gain fat.


1.I thought u want the body to be insulin sensitive so its harder to for the body to spike insulin and hold bf?

2.has anyone here experience this before on tren or heard of this before? (I have noticed a little increase in bf since being on my tren cycle, seems the only way for me to loss bf on this cycle is to be on very low carbs (0-50 gm a day) and fats(0-40gm a day)

tren adding extra bodyfat?

first real cycle

Hey guys so I'm new to this site but 8 wanted some feed.back on the cycle I have. So I am 5'10 185 lbs about 9 percent body fat. I'm 27 years old and have been in the gym since I was 18 going from 3-7 days consistently. I am currently on a custom nutriiton plaN that tells me what macro I need to hit.every day. My goal is to put on some good Mass, espicailly on my legs (I've had 3 knee surgeries) and get as ripped as.possoble. I have done test alone.previously 2 timesx obe for 4 weeks and the other 8. I wasn't educated on this at the time and didn't get any change in my.body. complete waste. So now I've done my research and this is what I have. I wanted to run 1 ml. Twice a week of test. Cyp. At 500 mg. Total for the week. Mondays and Thursdays. I plan on running the test cyp for 1-10 wk. Dbol at 30 mg everyday for weeks 1-4. To kickstart the cyp Since it has a longer half Life. Weeks 7-12 I was goING to run 50 mg everyday of Winstol. Week 14 I will start pct. I have hcg Nolvadex and arimidex on hand right nowm Ivenal ready started and am.on week 4. I'm at 193 now. I also am taken milk thistle. So should I run the Winstol later or should I save that for another cycle. I don't known of it will.he too much on my liver . I'd appreciate any feed back or.opinions. If i don't run the wnny. I'll stop the Dbol at week 5 and just finish wit test.

first real cycle

Muscle steroid

Pz tell me the best muscle building steroid cycle for first time user .

Muscle steroid

Can Androgel help build muscle mass

Hello I am a 40 year old male who recently had blood work done and my T was down to almost 90! My Doc was blown away and put me on 4 pumps daily of Androgel and it has been increasing my T numbers but I am wanting to get back into weight lifting to try and turn what I let myself turn into back to where I was. I have had 3 back surgeries and recovering from those I became a lump on our couch. I have packed quite a bit of pounds on and have recently been weighed and have hit rock bottom and tipped the scales at 300 lbs. I am so embarrassed that I let myself go and let my wife and 4 kids down. I used to be big into weights and let it go. I want to put muscle mass on and need help figuring out first if Androgel will work and then what next? Do I need to loose weight first and then build or can I start now? If Androgel won't work then what do I need to do? I am desperate and need help? Please help me give my wife her stud back and my kids a father they can be proud of? Not that they aren't now but I know when we go to pools and stuff like that it's got to be embarrassing for them to be seen with me.

Can Androgel help build muscle mass

oral tren or dbol.....

mardi 24 mars 2015

I was wondering if anyone had taken both at different times and had better results with another. I have both and only want to use one. Test and npp cycle.

oral tren or dbol.....

Syringe and Needles are BACK!!!!! Please Read...


Seller sells these products for laboratory use, research or educational purposes only. Human usage of these products is prohibited and the Seller disclaims any and all liability for prohibited usage of these products and does not warranty these products are sanitary or medical grade quality.

Purchase and/or possession of these products is controlled and regulated by the laws and ordinances of the country, state, county, city or jurisdiction of residence of the Buyer OR the country, state, county, city or jurisdiction where the Buyer has the products shipped. The Seller has prohibited purchase and/or delivery of these items to the following states: Kentucky, Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Kansas, Maine, New Jersey. The Buyer shall have the duty and responsibility to abide by the laws, ordinances and regulations of the jurisdiction in which they reside and/or are located, in regards to the purchase and/or possession of these products. Seller reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.

Right here > Syringes Needles Filters - Accessories

Syringe and Needles are BACK!!!!! Please Read...

"Oh my God, there's a fu

This video just made my day, the reaction is priceless:

"Oh my God, there's a fu

First Cycle Check Over

Hey everyone! I’m sure you’ve seen it a thousand times but any constructive feedback towards my planned cycle would be great. I’m 26 and looking to start my first cycle as I’ve felt my lifts start to plateau. I’m currently 185cm, weighing at 85kg with roughly 13% bodyfat.

I'm going to bulk on 3900 with a macro breakdown of 30% protein/45% carbs/25% fat through food with supplementation of creatine/L-glutamine/Fish oils/Multi-vitamin and protein powder if necessary.

This is the cycle I plan to run.

Week 1-12 Test e 500mg per week

Week 13-15 Have off

Week 16-17 Nolva 40mg per day

Week 18-19 Nolva 20mg per day

Any constructive feedback would be great to ensure I don’t stuff this up. Thanks

First Cycle Check Over

Is an AI absolutely necessary?

Need some advice. I have done a few cycles of sustanon in the past as well as a sust and tritren cycle. I have never used dbol but I am about to start a cycle of 30mg dbol ED with sustanon 250 every 3 days. I have nolvadex but I keep reading conflicting things. I have never had an issue with gyno so do I need to use the nolvadex or wait to see if I get any symptoms and save it for pct? Do I absolutely need to use an AI like aromisin or adex or will the pct by itself be enough?

Much thanks

Is an AI absolutely necessary?


Can a vasectomy lower testosterone? Went to urologist today, he says it sounds like I have very low testosterone. Getting blood work in the morning.

Jw if its possible


High AST. Differential - low neutrophil, high EOS. Avg. IGF1 w/ sermorelin

Just received my blood work. Just wondering if I should have any concern with my numbers and what it could mean.

AST 70 5-39


Neutrophil 43.2 45-75

EOS 5.2 0-5

Also, my IGF1 hasn't changed since being on 300mcg Sermorelin/ 100mcg GHRP2 for the past 6 months or so (will have to double check dosages when I get home).

IGF1 173 87-255

Blood work was done first thing in the morning, fasted. I pin the Sermorelin in the middle of the night.

I'm also on TRT 120mg/week, .5mg Arimidex after test shot. I have been slacking on taking my TUDCA, Nac, Milk thistle and Bio curcumin, could this be the reason for my AST is high?

I have a dr appointment in 2 weeks to go over the bloodwork. Thanks for any insight.

High AST. Differential - low neutrophil, high EOS. Avg. IGF1 w/ sermorelin

Food poisoning

I have had food poisoning and haven't managed to keep anything down today. Just trying to keep fluids down me at the moment. What do you guys reckon I should do for the rest of the week? Eat extra food? What do you guys do after recovering?

Food poisoning


Anyone ever tried Sustanon 250 organon/Karachi? This will be coming from Moldova


question about getting dry

Ive been taking testosterone sustanone and boldenone, about 1000 mg each twice a week. Im dieting while taking those, i also started with winny recently. altogether the cycle should be around 12 weeks.

So my question is - I managed to shed a lot of fat, so I barely have any left, but according to the pro that took a look at me, I have a lot of water retention. Ive been running arimidex, 1mg every other day, but I wanted to do the water manipulation for a week in order to get dry as powder.

So my question is, this is the 8th week on my cycle, can I go with drinking 2,5-3 gallons of water for four days and then cut water in order to get dry, or does adex / the juice prevent that from happening?

question about getting dry

Does everyone use Armidex on a cycle?

Simple question, from what I've read it's pretty important.

Does everyone use Armidex on a cycle?

Does everyone use Armidex on a cycle?

back at it. first cycle

Great site... First cycle.

Hey guys 37 year old fairly extensive training experience but due to family issues etc took some time away from the gym. Always been football rugby type body stats currently are 5"11 270 around 20 % bf going by the pictures I see posted on here.

Have my diet set up by a friend who has done shows before adjusted for me personally so I can get my body fat down to a more respectable level.. Been back full time at the gym for two months and feels great. Looking to try a cycle this fall. Going to be following the first cycle thread to the letter. Test enanthate 500mg hcg nolva Clomid arimedex all on hand. Wanna do a cutter. I'm going to be sticking with just the one compound but have used clen in the past. Was wondering if it would be fine to add that or been curious about the t3?

Any thoughts about adding either of those or both together?

Thanks in advance.

back at it. first cycle

what are people talking about

So iv seen some posts about people posting their cycles and listing their diet saying

Whey protein ON

Bcaa ON

Does that mean they are taking them or is that a brand? If it means they are taking them that seems a little self explanatory cause the just listed it lol

what are people talking about

Tren A going out of town

lundi 23 mars 2015

I am currently using tren a pinned eod. I have had a trip come up that I must take.

Can I in any way use tren e before I leave.

Looking for a solution to a problem I have never encountered I do not travel with with gear.

I will be missing four pins .

Any help would be great.

Tren A going out of town

Talking fitness all day.

Is this normal?am I the only one that wants to discuss gym n fitness n gear all the time n be surrounded by bodybuilders? I think I'm losing it.

Talking fitness all day.

HCG Help

Hey guys and girls, I have a question about Gonakor (HCG).

I Bought that brand in Mexico for years but it seems to have disappeared south of the border.

Does anybody know where it went??

Thank you

HCG Help