tren adding extra bodyfat?

mercredi 25 mars 2015

I was watch an iroids video on YouTube on the profile of tren. @ minute marker 1:18 they stated that "if ur insulin sensitive you can notice an increase of bodyfat on trenbolone due to strong anabolic properties"

If fun that I ran a cross this video because a buddy of mine had stated the day before he was going get off of this tren cycle (his second one) because of the fact that it always makes him gain fat.


1.I thought u want the body to be insulin sensitive so its harder to for the body to spike insulin and hold bf?

2.has anyone here experience this before on tren or heard of this before? (I have noticed a little increase in bf since being on my tren cycle, seems the only way for me to loss bf on this cycle is to be on very low carbs (0-50 gm a day) and fats(0-40gm a day)

tren adding extra bodyfat?

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