High alkaline phosphatase (bone) came down after starting trt

mercredi 25 mars 2015

I was diagnosed with high alkaline phosphatase around two years ago, right at the same time when my cancer treatments ended. They examined it more detailed and indeed, it was coming from the bone. After having a cancer which in many cases spreads to the bone they first suspected it could be a recurring cancer. When after a thorough inspection nothing was found the diagnosis was "beginning osteoporosis". No actions, just monitoring two times a year. It has been at the same level all the time: 125-150 I/U (35-105).

In the history I've been breaking my bones quite easily. Ribs, ankle, wrist etc. Some of them have snapped way too easy. So the diagnosis kinda made sense to me. I was just wondering isn't there anything they could do about it.

Eventually I came aware of my low T. Also found out that osteoporosis is one possible side effect of low T, even though cancer treatments could cause it too. So when trt started it remained to be seen how the alkaline phosphatase would react.

Now, after being 8 months on trt I received my latest results of it and the result was 97 I/U. A significant decrease. My cancer doctor have been suspicious about my trt, but that's just purely because of his lacking knowledge of it. Now he had to agree it's working. That poor old fella.

Anyone else who would have been experiencing the same? Any thoughts?

High alkaline phosphatase (bone) came down after starting trt

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