Started 12 Week Blast today - Log

mercredi 19 novembre 2014

Gentleman - I thought I'd start a log regarding my 12 week Test-C blast. I will update this log once a week at a minimum for those that are interested in my progress. I'm currently on 80mg/week Test-C, and 700IU of HCG/week with no AI.

As some of you know, I lowered my dose from 100mg/week of Test to 80mg/week, and results have been great in terms of well being/libido. At the 100mg dosage split @ 3.5 days, and 100IU of HCG/day, my Total T comes in at 778 with Total E at 27 (blood work 72 hours post injection). I have no idea what my blood work is at using the 80mg/week dose split @ 3.5 days, but I've been feeling great (better libido, nips less puffy).

Although this is a very light blast, I'm doing it as I've had good results with low dose cycles in the past. Plan is:

1) 200mg Test/week split every 3.5days

2) 80iu HCG/day

3) 20mg Nolvadex/day

4) No AI

5) Stats are 32yrs old, 6'1 height, 207lbs, 13.5%BF

My thinking with the above is that I should get my Total T around 1500, which will improve my recovery time, muscle building/anti catabolism given that I'm dieting. The reason for no AI is my thought is that my Total E should be around 50-55 given previous blood work. I'm running the Nolvadex since I am prone to puffy nips/gyno since I developed lumps during puberty. I feel the Total E @ 50-55 is still within the range, and it's always best to avoid an AI if possible. I need Nolvadex since even when I was at 100mg/week (Total E @ 27) nips got puffy, so 200mg/week will really cause nip/gyno issues in my case.

I'd like to hear your feedback regarding the above, especially my thinking with the no AI / Nolvadex given my blood work reference and where I believe my Estrogen should be around.

Thanks in advance for your comments

Started 12 Week Blast today - Log

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