Evaluating cycle dosage

lundi 24 novembre 2014

How deep into your cycle do you start to play with dosages to figure out if you're taking a sufficient amount? I just ended week 4 and finished up my dbol cycle. Still on test E but I added in tren going into week 4 at 75mg EOD. Taking my HCG twice weekly and on 25mg aromasin daily, which I suspect is keeping me feeling thin even with a 6-7lb increase in weight to 227lb. Also the 25mg for me seemed to do away with dbol back pain. Would have extended dbol another week because it wasn't until my final 8 days that I figured out that 40mg a hour before my workouts are ideal for me with the remaining 10mg following right after.

So now here's the Tren and I've done 4 pins so far. I'm killing folks in my dream and they seem vivid. One night out of no where I did get suddenly cold, and I think it was the tren because it was on same day as 2nd pin. Okay I'm rambling now. My cycle is going okay and wanted to know if and when is the right time to try and figure out if the cycle needs tweaking with test e 250x2 and tren 75mg EOD. Neither I feel right now is giving me a edge. Ride it out another week or bump up to 100mg tren EOD? BTW, no other sides exist and I have caber as well in hand just in case.

Evaluating cycle dosage

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