Thoughts on upcoming cycle

jeudi 27 novembre 2014

I am planning a 12 week test and deca cycle in mid December. My goal is to put on 10-15 pounds of lean mass and keep as much as possible. I plan on running prop and a test blend of 100/100/100 e/c/p along with decca. I would like some opinions on how much decca to run, it's 250mg/ml 10cc bottle, I was thinking maybe 1 shot every 4 days, not really sure how to dose this one. The prop is 100mg/ml 10cc and planned to run 2 shots per week and 1 shot of the blend.

week 1- monday-100mg prop, 250mg decca

- wed-test blend 100e/100c/100/p

-fri-250mg decca

-sat-100mg prop

I will keep the decca moving at 4 days until week 9-10

I will drop the blend after week 9 and sub in the 100mg prop through week 12

I will take hcg @ 250iu twice per week and adex at .5mg eod.

PCT will be clomid and nolvadex in the standard format.

Want to keep this as mild on the system as possible and have a good PCT. What do you think, no need to sugar coat anything, if there is something wrong, let me know.


Thoughts on upcoming cycle

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