3rd cycle

dimanche 23 novembre 2014

Hey guys Im just trying to get some feedback on my 3rd (2nd well educated cycle).

My main question is is it to dangerous to run Superdrol 20mg 4 weeks as a kick start, and then use winny 50mg 9-12 to clean up and polish off this cycle.. I know superdrol and winny are both harsh compounds so thats why Id like some feed back. Thanks.


26yrs old



I am a NPC mens physique competitor so keep thoes goals in mind

My last show, I was 190lbs on stage @6.2% BF

My last cycle (most well educated) was CONTEST PREP

1-4 Tbol 50mg EOD

1-4 winny 50mg EOD

1-8 Test P 150mg EOD

1-8 MAST P 100mg EOD

8-11 Test P 200mg EOD

8-12 MAST P 200mg EOD

8-11 Winny 50mg EOD

11-12 Winny 100mg EOD

12 Test P 50mg EOD

1-12 adex .5

Heres the new proposed cycle cycle :

1-4 Superdrol 20mg ED (10 morning,5 Pre WO, 5 Bed)

1-12 Genza Andro Mix ((50 test p +extra 100 test p), 50 mast p, 50 tren a)EOD

9-12 Genza winny 50mg ED

1-12 HCG 275IU EOD

1-12 .5 Adex


Genza clomid 100,50,50,25

Genza Nova 80,40,40,20

Ive never used tren but id like to give it a go I enjoy staying under 12% BF at all times but would like to always be building. I Really enjoyed winny on my last cycle, the only sides I had was knees always hurt but nothing crazy. I like to keep my doseages pretty low, not a fan of really high amounts of gear.

Anyway, is the new cycle on point? IS it okay to Kick start with sdrol and then clean up with winny? My main goal with this is to do a clean bulk. I CAN NOT USE DECA due to it gives me outrageous acne. Thanks guys!

3rd cycle

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