First cycle planning, 7 years working out seriously

lundi 3 novembre 2014

Hi, I introduced myself a few days ago and as I mentioned, I am planning on running my first cycle. A little background about myself: I am a dentist of profession and was always very athletic in my school years, but very thin. I did from gymnastics, cross country, tennis, etc and began working out seriously at the age of 25, (I am 32 now). I am 5 ft 10, began at 142 lbs very lean and in 4 years I managed to achieve 170lbs with 9.5% bodyfat. My best lift were bench 230, squat 305, deadlift 315. Then I began with other responsabilities, more work etc and I started to keep maintaining what I could. Since then I was never able to regain what I achieved, with on and offs but keeping my actual state. Actually I improve slightly for the summertime, but nothing great. I am actually 182 lbs with aprox. 15% bodyfat, lifts are far less in numbers than before, considering also that I was limited to train because of a shoulder injury, which prevented me of training arms, back , chest and shoulders for 8 months. I recovered from that 3 months ago.

I was always very interested in nutrition and farmacology, that is why I have tried to be consistent and trying to know myself regarding what works for me and how. I have always considered nutrition to be key, but I also have use steadily whey, BCAA´s, glutamine and some pre workout supps depending on the time and goals. But now I am trying to recover what I had and I want to try a cycle. I do not have any illness or condition whatsoever. Since my recovery I have been very consistent and trying to drop bodyfat (cutting) Since this is my first cycle I thought of something basic, aiming to CUT, not bulk and gain a bit of strength. My goal is to maintain or slightly reduce weight but keeping muscle mass and going for that "hard look":

Week 1-10 test e 500mg a week (2x 250mg) human grade, good lab

Week 1-12 AI (arimidex) 0.5mg EOD

Week 6-10 Winstrol oral 10mg 3x a day

week 6-10 Silimarine 1x day (Milk Thistle)

PCT 4 weeks

Nolva 40/40/20/20

Clomid 50/50/25/25

I want your input and expert advice, so i have a few questions:

1) would it be better to bridge winstrol with pct?

2) since it is my first cycle and 500mg test e, is it necessary to include HCG during weeks 1-10?

3) Would 0.5mg AI be enough to control bloating and gyno? Does that depend on the lab of the AI?

Thanks in advance… and keep lifting

First cycle planning, 7 years working out seriously

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