Expectations vs reality

lundi 17 novembre 2014

So today was my first pin of 200mg test cyp.

My cycle is the recommended, 400 mg/ week x 12 week + adex and hcg that is found in the beginner threads.

30yrs old, 1st cycle.

My goals are far less aesthetic or anything to do with body building. I compete in Olympic weightlifting, so like power lifters I am more concerned with pure performance. Strength gains without massive weight gains are my goals. I can always cut before a meet or move up a weight class, so I am really only concerned with how heavy a barbell I can move.

Training looks far different than a BB routine. We train the two comp lifts (clean & jerk + snatch) most days, with accessory work, plus we squat heavy 3 days per week.

It's pretty taxing even with two full rest days per week, and recovery is a huge concern.

So I wanted to ask about some reasonable expectations in regards to the effects of a test cycle. I have read all the threads for first cycle logs, but most are not complete or involve other AAS.

With my US made, pharm grade test, what would be the consensus on when effects such as increased recovery and strength start showing up?

Would there be an expectation of more pronounced effects compared to ugl stuff or foreign gear?

Expectations vs reality

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