VERY low test levels but still have muscle mass? confused...

dimanche 1 février 2015

I'm 33 in June. Skip to the end for the short version. So i had a blood test done the other day for my hemochromatosis(Iron overload) and my new doctor decided to check my testosterone levels at the same time.

The result was (sorry im not clued up to the exact terms used in the measurement) my doctor said that normal levels for a man my age(32 are between 30 and 70, Mine was 1! which he explained that a 1 on the test in all likely hood means that my level was so low that it probably didn't even register on the test.

He was quite shocked as was i. So we had the test repeated and it confirmed that my testosterone levels are nearly non existent.

Now ill give you a little bit of background, i bodybuilt from the ages of 16 to 27, i hit my natty peak around age 23, i must of had good levels back then cause i grew like a mofo, i spose i could of gotten a little bigger natty if i had the perfect diet and training but at 24(stupidly) i took the gear road. All up i did 2 12 week cycles of test E, each with PST in between consisting of 10 weeks on nolva and clomid. At my peak i weighed in at 135 - 140kgs with not much fat, not sure of the exact % but it wasn't much, and then i slowly quit bodybuilding over the years, working out on and off to the age of 30.

So i have all the symptoms of low T, severe treatment resistant depression and anxiety, lethargy, low sex drive, yada yada... all but one. i don't have low muscle mass, actually im still quite large with quite a bit of mass and strength, atm i weigh 130kg but with a bit more body fat, if i had to guess 15 - 20%? Also im not losing any hair or facial hair, this was another thing that really surprised my doctor. We also learned from the test that my cortisol steroid levels were extremely low as well.

Is this out of the norm? to have non existent T levels but still have quite a bit of muscle mass and strength?

I'm actually glad to find this out, because the depression and anxiety was literately killing me, not one medication has helped, tried nearly every anti- depressant in the book, nothing helped, and my doc said the low T and cortisol levels were in all likelihood behind it.

I'm going to see a specialist next week but i wanted to get opinions on my story, so any help is much appreciated.

Many Thanks.

VERY low test levels but still have muscle mass? confused...

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