Clenbuterol cycle help

jeudi 26 février 2015

Hi all! First off i would like to apologize if i am posting this in the wrong thread. I'm new around here so idk where to look.

I am 19 years old. I weight at around 290 lbs, 6'2. I workout everyday and i am an Offensive Lineman. My bench max is 405 and squat is 545.

Idk if any of that information is relevant but i posted it anyways just in case. I recent just purchased Clenbuterol (100 40mcg tablets). It is from Geneza Pharmaceuticals. I started my 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off cycle like everyone else is using. I am currently on the third day in which i just took a dosage of 40 mcg.

This is what i have so far....

Day 1: 2mcg

Day 2: 40mcg

Day 3: 40mcg (currently)

I woke up today (the third day) and i had a sore throat this morning. I'm pretty sure its side effects from the Clen. I researched the topic up and it may be because it has something to do with it being a bronchitis treatment medicine.

What i notice on clen

In class i sometimes find a lil shakes on my hands but its nothing im worried about. No headaches.

I follow my coaches workout weekly.

MON; Upper Boddy

TUE: Lower Body

WEN: Extreme cardio (running, agility drills)

THUR:Upper Body

FRI:Lower body

I found absolutely no trouble at all with my workouts while on Clen. I was able to complete all the ability drills without having asthma like symptoms.

I just wanted to see if i can get any tips and things i should look out for and do while i am on this clen cycle. If anyone can show me a good 2 week on/off cycle i should be doing with the increases in dosages that would be great!

And also any insight on the sore throat thingy. . .

Thank you for your time and again sorry if i'm posting this on the wrong thread!!!!!!!

50 shades of GAINZ

Clenbuterol cycle help

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