Do the aches / pains from Cialis eventually go away?

mercredi 8 avril 2015

From what I understand, the aches [and pains in more severe cases] caused by Cialis is due to the "uneven" expansion of blood vessels. i.e. Part of the vessel are expanding because the Cialis is doing it's job however, other sections are slower to expand [still the original size], causing "bottlenecks" in blood flow and the pain.

So… If this is indeed the case, I'm assuming/hoping that eventually these "latent" sections eventually do expand and the blood flow is evened out; eliminating the aches/pains? And if so, how long does this usually take? Weeks? Months? ...Never?

I started taking 5mg last week and around day 4 I began getting some minor aches in my glutes and legs.. then eventually my lower back. It's nothing serious, feels like I'd had a tough workout back before TRT, but Aleve hasn't helped much and it's been waking me up the past two nights. I even have prescription Naproxan [high dose Aleve] and it didn't make much difference.

I have a script, but like most, my insurance won't pay for it. My Doc did give me a 30 day trial supply, with a coupon for another 30 days free, but sadly, my sex life is nonexistent right now. So I'm wondering if I should jut stop taking the Cialis, and save what I have for when I do meet someone… OR If the pain does eventually go away, just power through it, reaping the other benefits of daily Clails?

I've tried searching on this but have had no luck… So what are your thoughts and experiences?

Do the aches / pains from Cialis eventually go away?

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