22 Years Old with Gynecomastia and Low T

dimanche 19 avril 2015

Hello guys,

I am having a big problem here and I know that there are some very knowledgeable guys on this forum, maybe you can help me with some input.

I am 22 years old. I should be a ball of energy and youthness. Actually it is the exact opposite. I am tired all the time, low libido, my workouts take a toll on me, etc. Some time ago I clearly remember having absolutely no issues. To top it off, I discovered that my strange chest/nipples shape was actually Gynecomastia. I looked at a picture of me at 19 and I did not have any sort of Gyno so it should be 1 or maximum 2 years old.

I am highly suspecting a hormone imbalance, after all how could I have all these symptoms, especially Gyno, when I never touched AAS before?!

I did a few tests in August 2014, (part of a regular check-up, back then I did not know about my issues) and I got these results:

Type of analysis------------Result--------------Range

Cholesterol----------------117 mg/dl---------140-220

Total Testosterone:-------380 ng/dl---------200-1000

LH:------------------------1.0 mIU/ml--------0.57-12.7

FSH:-----------------------6.1 mIU/ml-------0.95-11.9

Prolactin:------------------10.1 ng/ml---------4.0-12.0

Since then I started to introduce far more fats in my diet, hoping that I would raise my testosterone level. ( even though I did not realise that I have any issues back then, I just wanted a high testosterone level. )

Now, since a month or so, I seemed to realise that there is something wrong with me because I am more tired than ever before. I realised that I have gyno and pretty much imediately went to the doctor.

I did my full blood work and here are the hormonal results:

Type of analysis ------------Result---------------Range

Cholesterol----------------137 mg/dL----------140-220

TSH-----------------------1.093 uIU/mL------0.35-4.94

Free T4--------------------1.01 ng/dl-----------0.7-1.48

Anti TPO-------------------0.35 UI/ml------------< 5.61

FSH------------------------2.37 mUI/mL-------0.95-11.9

LH--------------------------2.98 mIU/ml-------0.57-12.0

Estradiol--------------------44 pg/ml---------------11-44

Prolactin-------------------10.57 ng/ml--------3.46-19.4 - very strange, the former lab normal range was 4.0-12.0

Cortisol-------------------- 9.9 ug/dL------------3.7-19.4

Testosterone----------------724 ng/dl-----------142-921

Free Testosterone----------1.38 ng/dl----------0.43-4.1

( Actually the result was in nmol/L but i translated it in ng/dl so it would be easier to read and interpret)

SHBG----------------------34.15 nmol/L-------14.5-48.4

Strangely, even though I did not increase my Cholesterol that much, I have doubled my Testosterone. I did not expect such a thing, I expected all my results to be awful because that is how i feel.

So, Testosterone doubled, but Estrogen almost off the scale. No wonder I have Gyno and all these problems. Also, a high SHBG, high Prolactin and low free Testosterone. At least, this is how I interpret the results.

If any of you have any idea about my results, what is wrong and what is good, and any suggestions about what should I do, please post them. I will be very appreciative.

Now, my Endocrinologist said that she sees no problems in my results, wonders how can I have doubled my T levels just by eating more fats and only wanted me to try Nolvadex for my Gyno. What about an AI such as Arimidex? To lower that Estrogen?

Thank you very much for your future suggestions and have a nice day!

22 Years Old with Gynecomastia and Low T

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