2nd cycle Prop or Enanthate ONLY

mardi 3 mars 2015

I am planning my 2nd cycle after i succesSfully completed a 10 week Test E 500mg/wk cycle and am currently in proper pct for that cycle, i gained 40lbs (190-230) while eating whatever in sight and i'm on week two of pct and am only down 5lbs, which i know isn't that relevant but wanted to jot it down anyways.

I am looking to do a cycle of test prop @ 100mg eod and am wondering how the gains will compare to the 500mg a week, i know it will only be 350mg of test a week so i'm curious as to how my body is going to react to a smaller amount than last time, and if it would even be worth it to run for 8 weeks. Any opinions or personal experience with running a 12 week test E cycle V.s an 8 week test prop cycle as far as gains, retention of gains, and etc..

stats are



6ft 1in

17% bf (will cut down to 12-14 before cycle)

2nd cycle Prop or Enanthate ONLY

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