How to make epic end of first cycle

samedi 24 janvier 2015


This is my first cycle and I'm currently on week 9. The cycle has been layed down like this:

Week 1-12: Test C 250mg e5d

Week 8-14: HCG 250ui e3d

Week 8-14: Adex 0.25 eod

PCT will be 40/20/20/20 nolva only.

It's like this, I have 4 injects left but I have 4.5 vials containing 2ml. And so I will have like 3-4ml left. And I want to use it all. What's the best way to do this? My last option is to make the cycle longer due to track times in the blood. Can I pin 500mg e5d the last 4 injects or is that a bad idea? Or should I inject 250 e3d the rest of the time? Or is the best option to just prolong the cycle and make it 15 weeks and continue to take 250mg e5d?


How to make epic end of first cycle

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