Should I increase anastrozole?!

mardi 27 janvier 2015

I have decided to go all basic on my 3rd cycle. My first was a Test prop (100mg EOD) 10 week & for my second cycle around 5 months ago I did a 10 week course of Test prop (100mg EOD) +Eq (200mg E4D). I noticed strength increases on both of them but mainly AAS have been a great recovery aid. I always felt like I am ready for my next hard session.

I am now in week 4 of this cycle. I want to see appreciable results on my body composition while keeping same mass and also to help with my training intensity (I feel sore and sometimes lethargic with all these hard sessions). 4 weeks in my strength & weight has gone up from 74-77kg with no apparent increase in bodyfat, I have put on some muscle but mainly I am holding onto an extra bit of water (which I really tend to do even when I'm all natural).


- 30 years old 5’8 / 72kg / approx. 14% body fat

- Sports: Boxing

- Diet: Clean 2000-2300 cals/day of 40/30/30 pro/carbs/fat split into 3 small meals and 3 snacks

- Training intensity: 6-7 days a week (twice/ day for 4 or 5 of these days) doing cardio, weights, circuits etc...

CYCLE: 12 week cycle as below:

- Test E 250mg: Mon & Thu : Weeks 1-10

- Test Prop 100mg EOD: Weeks 11-12

- Arimidex: EOD 0.25mg: Weeks 2-12

- HCG 250iu: Tue & Sat : Weeks 7-12

- Animal Pak Multi Vits: ED Weeks 1-14

- Omega 3 Fish oil: ED Weeks 1-14

- Chitosamine + Chondroitin + MSM: ED Weeks 1-14

PCT Protocol:

PCT (Start 2 weeks after last Test E injection):

- Nolva (40mg ED for 1 week then 20mg for another 3 weeks)

- Clomid (100mg ED for 1 week then 50mg for another 3 weeks)


- D-Aspartic acid natural test booster

Now my problem is that my weight has gone up, even with just 2000-2300 cals./day and lots of cardio. I don't afford this because I have to keep my weight class. Also I am having very high libido, I get semi erections 4-5 times a day with the smallest thought of sex and seem to want to have sex at least every day. Is this due to high estrogen?

This is my first cycle where I have used 0.25mg EOD Arimidex (anastrazole) as an aromatse inhibitor. On my previous 2 cycles I have used 12.5mg ED Aromasin (Exemestane). Should I try to bump up my dose of arimidex to 0.5mg EOD? I dont notice any particular nipple sensitivity or any lumps under them, but would like to control water retention & fat accumulation.

Thanks lots for your help. I read a LOT but any good advice coming from this forum is very appreciated

Should I increase anastrozole?!

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