Were They Doing it Wrong in the Early Days??

mercredi 28 janvier 2015

So, I came onto this and similar sites to work out the "where to get it" question.

I've since shelved that for the time being and immersed myself in learning everything I can BEFORE I even start shopping. My one and only ever "cycle" was a weekly injection of 1cc of T-enanthate (100mg - I think). No PCT, no AIs, no blood work. I was stupid. I got the bottle from "a guy" I knew.

I'm amazed (now) at just how much balance and planning is involved in a cycle. Been reading Austinite's postings and it seems that for every possible risk - there is a balancing measure to keep it in check. Then to read posts from members here who have been doing cycles for 20, 30 and more YEARS!!! There has to be something to the science.

So why the horror stories all over the internet that tell of this former Mr Universe who is a medical wreck now and blames it all on anabolics??....or all the young dead professional wrestlers??....hair falling out, balls falling off, kidneys crashing, aliens flying out of your butt...(ok, I made that one up).

Is it mostly because back in the 70's, 80's, (maybe the 90's) they didn't know all we know today? Did HCG, Clomid, Nolvadex not exist until just recently?? Or is cycling really the Russian Roulette that the BBC and National Geographic want me to believe when I watch their documentaries? (They are clearly slanted AGAINST steroid use.)

Of course I understand there is NO risk free ride when playing with your hormones. But has the bodybuilding community gradually discovered how to do this a lot safer than back in Steve Michalik's days? Would like to get some perspective from some of the old timers.....

Were They Doing it Wrong in the Early Days??

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