First cycle - 250 or 500 mg?

samedi 24 janvier 2015

Hi all, a few introductory notes

28 Male, healthy, 6'2'' (188 cm) and 198 lbs (90 kg), with 14% BF.

Maintenance diet (no deficit or surplus) that I plan to continue.

Been on a nice workout plan for a good 4-5 months and going ok. Plan to continue that as well. Not too much training experience (1.5 - 2 years), this is a limitation.

Goal is mainly to switch fatty to muscle tissue. That is more or less to maintain weight with less BF and more lean tissue. A small bulk gain would be welcome, but not mandatory.

As for the cycle:

wk 1-12: Test E weekly

wk 1-14: Arimidex .25 eod

wk 1-12: hCG 250 iu biweekly

wk 15-20: Nolvadex 40/40/20/20/20/20

wk 15-18: Clomid 100/50/50/50

Supplementing with NAC and EFA.

So, to my 6 (!) questions:

First, am I missing something that slipped my mind? Sanity check.

Second, since it is a first cycle and I want it on the safe side, should I go for 500 mg or opt for 250 mg of Test E? I am not overly interested in "mad gainz", just some leanness. Will I see a big difference?

Third, I was thinking a more "on and off" approach for the hCG, it makes more sense physiologically. Like 2 weeks on, 4 weeks off. What is the current consensus? And, am I otherwise stopping hCG on the correct week?

Fourth, the workout plan is a mild all-rounder 3 times a week (120 reps weekly volume for each muscle group) with little to no cardio. It is borderline recuperable for me as of current state. Should I up it or is it OK as for intensity? Or maybe add cardio to create caloric deficit if I am able to recuperate more and not anaerobic?

Fifth, for the weekly injections of Test. It would give any significant pharmacokinetic benefit to administer 3 times in its half-life. I mean, compare the curves in a concentration calc. The top concentration and area-under-curve are comparable. Once weekly is enough and more hassle free, isn't it?

Sixth, I am running Nolvadex 2 weeks more after Clomid, as per instructions. This is OK, right?

And two extras: If I stop Test early (side effects or whatever, of course with otherwise proper PCT) will that be a problem? (apart from reaching the goal). And, does it make sense to run test only, on a maintenance diet or with a small caloric deficit?

Thank you for taking the time!

First cycle - 250 or 500 mg?

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