Will hcg allow me to have sex while on cycle?

lundi 20 octobre 2014

I am prepping for my first cycle starting this december. Test cyp at 400mg a week/10 weeks, dbol 20mg daily/4 weeks. Arimidex on hand for on cycle support if needed and clomid/nolva standard pct 75/50/50/50 40/20/20/20.

I am in a very serious relationship and I'm not going to tell me girl about my cycle. My concern is sex drive. I am gonna most likely be using hcg in my cycle at 250iu every 3 days. Since it's my first cycle, I don't really know what to expect during the shutdown. Can someone give me an idea if I will be able to perform sexually during my cycle or if I won't? Thanks

Will hcg allow me to have sex while on cycle?

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