Female 1st Anavar Cycle

vendredi 24 octobre 2014

Hello! I started my first cycle of anavar 10/21.

I have been weightlifting for 3 1/2 years, and have a decent strength base but have hit the wall and am looking to see strength increase as well as build lean mass. I train 2-3 hours a day, 5 days a week weightlifting, as well as run 1/2 mile every day.

I'm at 1850 calorie intake, 160 g protein, 40-50g fat, 100-140g carbs

I eat clean and train hard.

Current Measurements:

age 29

weight 137

height 5'6

chest 34

bicep 11

shoulder 19

waist 27

hip 36

thigh 21

calf 14.5

Current strength:

Backsquat: 220

Front Squat: 195

deadlift: 230

press: 80

snatch: 108

Clean: 150

Jerk: 145

So far I am on day 4, and haven't really noticed any difference. Last night a little trouble sleeping.

I look forward to the cycle and any advice anyone has to offer.

Thanks =)

Female 1st Anavar Cycle

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