First Time User - HELP

mardi 28 octobre 2014

Hi Everyone,

So this is my siutation:

I have dinobol steroids ready to go. But after some research, I have decided it isn't the best thing to use, on its own, on a first cycle.

I know there are some threads on here which may answer my question, but I need to ask, whats the best steroid for me to use? for how long, and what do I take after the cycle?

My other question is, is there is steroid to take in oral form which can be taken with dinabol? I understand the repercussions with liver issues etc but I would seriously consider taking a tablet form and not an injection. Even if its for a good boost to look good in the Aussie summer.

I am around 165 Pounds - 5'7 and 25 years old.

Thanks in advance everyone, I really appreciate it.

First Time User - HELP

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