Need help with my TRT question...

mercredi 29 octobre 2014

I've been taking testosterone cyp for about the last 3 years from my dr do to low T levels. He has basically been telling me there is no problem with taking the test cyp every week for the rest of my life which i find that hard to believe and that is why i've been doing alot of research over the last few months on trying to reverse my issue if possible. From the blood test he's taken he has determined it is 2ndary hypogonadism, which is my pituitary gland not sending the LH signals to my guys to produce my own Testosterone and said there is nothing we can do about that problem?? I started doing research online about testosterone and realized this is the same stuff bodybuilders are taking and realized it turns off natural testosterone in them as well, but they some how learned what helps turn it back on. I actually have a couple questions I was hoping someone could assist me with.

1. Is there anything that can be taken to help get off the testosterone for a bit to kick back on natural testosterone and get my pituatary gland working properly? For the last 30 days i have tried stopping the test cyp and have been taking HCG and Clomid (2 weeks) and i feel perfectly fine like my own test is working. From my research HCG acts as if the body is sending LH signals so i don't think it is really helping with the core issue for my pituitary gland not being able to send the signals my body needs.

2. If i'm going to be taking the test cyp i was contemplating taking another anabolic steroid with it to get better results in the gym like Deca. I posted it in another forum and they suggested getting my TRT under control but wasn't exactly sure what that means if there is no solution for the issue above. Would Deca be a good choice to start with in combination of test cyp, i've seen several examples like the novice cycle II on this site. And would you suggest any other things i could be doing while off the test cyp in conjuction with the HCG?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Need help with my TRT question...

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