EQ or NPP?

mercredi 31 décembre 2014

Planning my next cycle. I'm thinking either....

Test E 500 mg/week and NPP 600 mg/week


Test E 500 mg/week and EQ 800 mg/week

I've been reading around a lot on different forums and it's a pretty close 50/50 split between the two but I'd say a bit more people seemed to prefer NPP. I've ran it before myself, but only at 350 mg/week and some DZine along with it with test also at 350. I always respond amazingly to DZine so it was difficult to tell how effective the NPP was. EQ would be cheaper and I heard it gives a nice hard, vascular, full look which I love and am going for but not a fan of the high BP and blood viscosity. But then again I once ran superdrol for 7 weeks with test and my blood pressure was 112/72 at the last week of the cycle so it might not be a problem for me.

So which cycle would you guys prefer?

EQ or NPP?

a cycle I can't find any logs etc on!

4 weeks

250 a week of Test E and Deca

20mg per day for the 4 weeks of Methlysten? Any thoughts or knowledge on how this could turn out? etc etc

Previous cycle was Halodrol at 50/50/75/75/75/100 :-)

I'm 23



Lifting 2 years

Looking to add 6 or more pounds of LeanISH muscle in the 4 weeks, haven't got enough test or deca to run for any longer

thanks guys :-)

a cycle I can't find any logs etc on!


Hi guys

Has anybody tried or using GTROPIN by g-sci pharmaceuticals??


Gtropin ----g-sci pharmacueticals

Hi guys

Has anybody tried this or have any information regarding this. G TROPIN?????

Gtropin ----g-sci pharmacueticals

Headaches with test prop

I'm running test prop eod at 125 and I have been having headaches. This is my first time running test prop.

My last cycle was test e, deca, and Dbol and had no issues at all but acne even tho I didn't run hcg or any Ai with it.

I'm assuming it's high blood pressure. I'll try to get it checked today and see.

Diet is on point and right now I'm trying to lower my sodium intake.

Anyone had this issue with Test prop ?


Headaches with test prop

Nebido results (includes blood work)

From time to time people seem to be interested about Nebido, how fast you can feel the effects etc. I now have had two injections and since I have some blood work available I thought I would share them to you who are interested. I was able to find some studies of undecanoate and based on them it should reach its peak around 10 days after the injection. Based on my experience it does.

18 days after the first injection:

- TT 30 nmol/l (10-38)

- FreeT 589 pmol/l (200-500)

- SHBG 17 (10-57)

- E2 0,16 nmol/l (<0,15) on Anastrozole 0,25mg e3d

Loading injection six weeks after the first one, blood work 11 days after:

- TT 47 nmol/l (10-38)

- FreeT 937 pmol/l (200-500)

- SHBG 16 (10-15)

- E2 0,19 nmol/l (<0,15) on Anastrozole 0,25mg eod (+ zinc 40mg / day, been on it for a month)

I think in my case the loading shot came too fast, even though it is a standard protocol. Next one is scheduled in eight weeks and the bloods will be drawn just before it. The final injection frequency will be decided based on those values. Though I might delay the injection a week or two, because it might be too early again. Splitting the coming injections in four is also under my consideration. I guess this all in all would be easier if I just would learn to inject myself. It could help to control the whole thing better and saves a few bucks too.

As you can see, I'm converting much E2 and I can tell you it's frustrating to adjust. Now I'm standing at two days after the last blood work and balancing around 0,5mg eod / 0,5mg ed. I also noticed that a quick front load results good if you're high already. Upped the dose once with a 1mg and then continued with a 0,5mg. E2 recheck in a week. Costs a bit, but helps to get on track.

So, I've now found myself to be in a situation what I've been reading about - E2 is tricky to control. I've reached the sweet spots occasionally, but these peaks seem to surprise me. When I'm in the sweet spot, it's all good. When I'm not, nothing is good. It makes the biggest difference of how I feel.

Recognising being high or low is also a pain in the ass. I guess I should crash it once to understand better :rolleyes:

Nebido results (includes blood work)

Cycle advice please help

Hi, I'm currently on sust 250 and deca stack and looking for some info. I'm about to finish my cycle, how long should I come off for before starting my next cycle and do I need pct?

What is best

I'm 36, 178cm tall 17.5 stone diet is good.

Not picked up any form of pct yet, and did not run hgc during my cycle. I researched the use of hgc during my cycle and decided not to, I have not noticed any side effects and the atrophy has been minimal.

Any help and advice is appreciated

Cycle advice please help

Cycling info please help

Hi, I'm currently on sust and deca stack and looking for some info. I'm about to finish my cycle, how long should I come off for before starting my next cycle and do I need pct?

I'm 36, 17.5 st diet is good.

Currently injecting 1mm of sust with .75mm of deca in a 2mmbarrel.

Cycling info please help

First Cycle, done quite a bit of research but...

This is gonna be a longish post, I'm gonna put up as much info as I can on my current status and see what advice I can get.. If you dont have time to read a few paragraphs or your response will be research the forums thanks for your help anyway.. I've been researching a lot and I dont know anyone who uses steroids for advice.. Some great info on youtube and these forums but I'm looking for advice on my current situation. I know Diet and how hard you work plays a big part.

I'm 26, 6 foot 1 270 lbs, currently cleaning up my eating habbits) and trying to trim off this beer gut.. I've always been active guy, outdoors-men, dabbled in sports as a teen, started working hard labor jobs at 15 (summer job offloading shrimp boats). Worked in the plant 4 seasons and flat roofed for a few years with other labor/bouncer jobs mixed in.. I'm fairly strong still but I'm pretty out of shape after being laid up a couple times from injuries and the daddy life tied me down. Trying to cut some weight naturally then I'm going to run some clen(taurine/potassium as well) and T3 and try to get 20-30 lbs pounds off(5lbs gone).

Aside from the clen and pct everything I plan to use will be Teragon labs products so any info on their quality would be great, all the reviews look good anyway. I was looking at a 12 week cycle to start off and perhaps extend it to 16 weeks if I felt up to it after 12. I was looking at T-350 witch is 5 esters of test 350mg/ml. I know ppl will say stick to a single ester to start with but I'm on a budget and $/mg ratio is in favor of T-350.. 115 mg evry 3 days of test. Go big or go home right?? Dbol and Tren 50 mg's of each per day for 6 weeks then switch to deca 500mg/week for 6 weeks. Am I crazy? I know about hte possible side effects of tren and will start it slow at say 20 mg's for 2 days then 35 for a day then 50. I might run the dbol an extra 2 weeks into the deca cycle. I'm looking to add mass after I loose the flabby mass I have on my gut.

Whats your thoughts on that cycle? I know it might be a little extreme for a newb but I dont half ass anything. Its no bostin loyd cycle.. Anti estrogen? what brand and how much? I was thinking about the deca after the tren/dbol because it would help rejuvenate my joints to push hard for the whole 12 weeks. Should I run stack something else with the deca? not interested in gh or peptides at this point I just want to be able to take my shirt off and feel good about my body rather then the embarrassed slouch I currently sport.

I know a good pct is key in any cycle. How much HCG should i buy? and how should it be dosed? what type of anti estrogen dose as well??

I know the risks and I'm going to take steroids, theres no talking me out of it.. Asking for advice to do this as safe as possible. I dont want to start with a super low dose basic test/dbol run but I dont want to go to far ether. From my research the doses i mention are about moderate?? any knowledgeable advice would be extremely appreciated!!!

First Cycle, done quite a bit of research but...

20mg Dbol 2 weeks (mid test e cycle)

Would this help in gains at all ? I'm not sure when I'll be able to get more dbol so I figure why not just run it for 2 weeks at a low dose, or am I wrong? Whatever you guys think, I'll do whatever, it doesn't matter to me. But if I can benefit, I'd like to benefit.

20mg Dbol 2 weeks (mid test e cycle)

New to the forum

mardi 30 décembre 2014

Hi All, I've been reading with interest the threads on these forums for a few weeks, but thought I should get involved and introduce myself :-)

I'm 38, 6ft tall ex Royal Marine with a long history of physical fitness and weight training!

I'm now coming up to week 5 on a Deca 250/Test T-400 - I jab 1ml of each every four days into my quad and this is my first cycle - and although it's been a slow start I've gained 9kg (putting me at 200lbs exactly at present) libido up, assertiveness up and my wife of 16yrs is loving the effects....we're having more sex now than ever :-) all very positive so far and I'm considering running the course for 12-16 weeks ready to be in good shape by the summer :-)

I work out 5x days a week and eat 8x clean meals a day.....just wandering what some thoughts or tips you could give to me as a novice?

New to the forum

New guy

Hey guys, I'm new to this forum. I've been lifting for several years now and I'm looking to introduce steroids into my regiment. As a newbie I'm really excited to be able to interact with you guys and gain some more knowledge!

New guy


How the best for diet and carbs potato or rice before work out



Here goes nothing im 185lbs 9% bf looking at adding a clean/lean bulk have done several cycles in past and this is.what i was thinking

anavar weeks 1-4 40mg split

Test enth weeks 1-20 600 split

Deca weeks 1-16 400 split

Eq weeks 4-18 400 split

Adex .5 eod

Pct clomid 80/40/40/40

Tomxifen 40/20/20/20

Looking.for any input good or bad. suggestions on changes or should this work


New guy here

Hey guys! I'm a 27 year old male from canada. I've been going to the gym pretty regularly for the past 3 years, but I've only recently become interested in steroids. The reason I've become interested is due to a multitude of reasons, both physical and psychological. I've been reading up quite a bit lately on some of the positive effects testosterone can have on depression, anxiety, and an overall lack of general energy and interest in things, and so I took the first step and got my blood work done today to see if I may actually be producing less testosterone than my body needs. Since I may be introducing myself to injectable hormones, I've decided to start gaining more knowledge about how the system all works. I'll try to keep the dumb questions to a minimum. I already appreciate all you guys do and I look forward to getting to know some of you better!

New guy here

Advice on First Cycle - Win + Ava

Hi guys,

Thanks in advanced for reading; I will provide you with as much information as I can.

I am 5'7", 23.5 years old, 130 pounds. I have been working out on and off for 10 years, mainly doing maintenance as of recent. Luckily my genetics allow me to retain most of my muscle with mere push ups and such. I can do 15 pull ups, hanging to chin.

Now my big no-no here, is that I have no access to Test. What I do have, is this:

100 tabs 10mg Anavar

100 tabs 50mg Winstrol

Triazole (T boost, anti-est)

MusclePharm Combat Protein

Opti-Men Multivitamins

On top of this, I am taking an a-typical anti-depressant which inhibits the re-uptake or nor-adrenaline and dopamine. I have read that if anything, this drug will also increase testosterone.

My goals are not to look like a cartoon character.. in fact, I am pretty happy with my look already. I just want to add a tiny bit of lean muscle and get cut.

Because of my goals and my lack of access to T, this is my current plan:

25mg Win

10mg Var



Triazole - (To counter the shut down, or for PCT??)

I know that my first cycle should be just test, but this is my situation, and I would like to at least try it.

What do you guys think? What else, besides a good diet, should i add to make this first cycle of mine relatively easy on my body, and moderately successful?

Thanks again


Advice on First Cycle - Win + Ava

Study finds possible alternative explanation for dark energy

Study finds possible alternative explanation for dark energy

These are the types of examples I'm always referring to that challenge what we know and what some of us consider a "fact". So we now have a good theory that debunks dark energy. The general thesis of the article....

"The passage of time would therefore be slower in the present and faster in the past."

This has huge implications if true.

Read on, then we can discuss when I have time....

Phys.org)—Dark energy is an unknown form of energy that is proposed to drive the accelerated expansion of the universe. A new study by University of Georgia professor Edward Kipreos suggests that changes in how people think about time dilation—the slowing of time predicted by Albert Einstein—can provide an alternate explanation of dark energy.

In the recent Hollywood film "Interstellar," a team of scientists travel through a wormhole in space to access planets with promising conditions to sustain life on Earth. One of the issues the team must grapple with is time dilation: each hour spent collecting data on a given planet is equal to seven years on Earth.

Einstein's general theory of relativity indicates that time dilation in response to gravity is directional in that an object in high gravity will have slower time than an object in low gravity. In contrast, Einstein's theory of special relativity describes reciprocal time dilation between two moving objects, such that both moving objects' times appear to be slowed down relative to each other.

The new paper makes the case that instead of being reciprocal, time dilation in response to movement is directional, with only the moving object undergoing time dilation.

The study, "Implication of an Absolute Simultaneity Theory for Cosmology and Universe Acceleration," was published Dec. 23 in the journal PLOS ONE.

A molecular geneticist whose lab works on cell cycle regulation, Kipreos became interested in cosmology and the theory of special relativity several years ago. He says the phenomenon can be easily understood in the context of how Global Positioning System satellites work.

"The satellites, which travel in free-fall reference frames, are moving fast enough, in relation to the Earth, that you have to correct for their time being slowed down, based on their speed," he said. "If we didn't correct for that, then the satellites' GPS measurement would be off by a factor of two kilometers per day."

This simple example—GPS satellites sending out the time, which is then detected back on Earth, where the distance between the two is measured—is based on the theory of special relativity and the Lorentz Transformation, a mathematical map that describes how measurements of space and time by two observers are related.

"Special relativity is supposed to be reciprocal, where both parties will experience the same time dilation, but all the examples that we have right now can be interpreted as directional time dilation," Kipreos said. "If you look at the GPS satellites, the satellite time is slowing down, but according to the GPS satellites, our time is not slowing down—which would occur if it were reciprocal. Instead, our time is going faster relative to the satellites, and we know that because of constant communication with the satellites."

An alternative theory, the Absolute Lorentz Transformation, describes directional time dilation. Kipreos found that this theory is compatible with available evidence if the "preferred reference frame" for the theory, relative to which directional time dilation occurs, is linked to centers of gravitational mass. Near the Earth, the preferred reference frame would be the "Earth-centered non-rotating inertial reference frame," which is currently used to calculate the time dilation of GPS satellites.

"A strict application of the Absolute Lorentz Transformation to cosmological data has significant implications for the universe and the existence of dark energy," Kipreos said.

As the universe gets larger, cosmological objects, such as galaxies, move more rapidly away from each other in a process known as Hubble expansion. The Absolute Lorentz Transformation indicates that increased velocities induce directional time dilation. Applying this to the increased velocities associated with Hubble expansion in the present universe suggests a scenario in which the present experiences time dilation relative to the past. The passage of time would therefore be slower in the present and faster in the past.

Supernovas that explode with the same intensity are used as "standard candles" to measure cosmological distances based on how bright they appear. Supernovas that are relatively close to the Earth line up on a plot of distance (based on the redshift of light) and brightness. However, in 1998 and 1999, the observation that supernovas at greater distances are fainter than would be expected provided evidence that the rate of universe expansion has accelerated recently.

"The accelerated expansion of the universe has been attributed to the effects of dark energy," Kipreos said. "However, there is no understanding of what dark energy is or why it has manifested only recently.

"The predicted effects of time being faster in the past would have the effect of making the plot of supernovas become linear at all distances, which would imply that there is no acceleration in the expansion of the universe. In this scenario there would be no necessity to invoke the existence of dark energy."

Study finds possible alternative explanation for dark energy

trying to make an account on a different forum.

I'm trying to make an account on s t e r o I d - f o r u m s and it keeps telling me I need to answer the random question which is "what is the color of the sky?" What the **** kind of question is that, I've tried everything and I keep getting it wrong, can anybody help me with this.

trying to make an account on a different forum.

Shorter pin?

Hey guys, this is more for the experienced guys. I'm on my first cycle, have done two inj so far. I've been doing delts with a 25g 1inch pin. Talking to a gym buddy and he was saying it's ok to use a 5/8pin for delts. Anyone ever done this? Or safer to just stick with the 1"?

Shorter pin?

New member seeking info on deca250 capsules

Need to know the dosage of deca 250 and when is the best time to stop leading up to tested contest?

New member seeking info on deca250 capsules

***next interview is with Kel***

lundi 29 décembre 2014

The next interview is underway so if you have any members' questions regarding anything you would like to ask Kel about please send the to me via PM.

His is open to anything within reason, so ask away

Send your questions to me via PM please

***next interview is with Kel***

MY source (friend) said geneza changes colors every order?

This pertains to my thread earlier about my nolvadex being dbol, well I confronted my friend about it and he said they change color every order and they send him a list of what's what every go around, how likely is this? It seems like it would be a bitch to change the color of your gear every time you sell a batch.

MY source (friend) said geneza changes colors every order?

Help wanted!

29 years old

215 lbs

4-5 years exp in the gym

10-12% bf (winter fat)

1cycle done so far

(TNT.dbol.anavar 12 week cycle 1000mg e3d and 50mg ed dbol and var were not ran at the same time. Half and half.) my next cycle will go.as followed feel free to advice and suggestions.

12 week cycle my PCT is included in the list,

-5 vials of 10ml Test Enanthate

-3 vials of 10ml Deca Dura

-1 bottle of Arimidex

-4 bottles of Dianabol

-10,000 total iu's of hCG

- 60 tab bottle of Nolvadex

1-12 test e 500mg e3d

1-8 deca 250mg e3d

1-6 dbol 100mg ed

1-12 arimidex .5mg ed


15 - hCG 1000ui ed

16-20 Nolvadex 40/40/40/20/20

Help wanted!

PCT to Australia

Hey mate,

Do you have any feedback on success of shipping clomid and nolvadex tabs to Australia?


PCT to Australia

Igf1 ghrp6 and hgh one shot

I know this is a dumb idea but I don't like sticking myself 3x with all of this stuff can I do them in one shot since it's all water based

Igf1 ghrp6 and hgh one shot

The best bulk compound/cycle and keeping libido??

Just wandering what is the best bulking cycle, that allows you to bulk up on muscle size, and typically keep your sexual function?

The best bulk compound/cycle and keeping libido??

Blood test 6 Weeks - Lab Work done same day with different results - Advice?

I did my own labs based on an aritcle here regarding suggested blood work mid cycle. I am a newbie and on my 7th week -

Doctor prescribed me 200mg of T every 6 days, HCG at 200mg everyday and Letrozole 1MG taken every other day

After some conversations withj Kelkel I changed it to 200MG of T every 6 days, 250mgs HCG 3 times a week and 1mg of Letrozole every 3 days.

I am also taking Vitamin D 5k, DHEA 50 mgs and Pregnenolone 50 mgs daily, multi vitamin and fishoil.

the first number is my original blood work on 10/27, the 2nd and 3rd values was blood work taken on the same day at the same lab at the same time.

I do not understand why my T numbers are so different..

I know that my E is too low and I stop taking the Letrozole and will start with a 1/4 of the dose later this week.

I dont have all the same values as my origianal work but Kelkel gave me some additional test that I should add on.

Next doctor visit I will get off of Letrozole and see if I can Pin my T every 3.5 days instead of 6.

CBC with Differential/platelet

WBC 5.3 5.5 5.4

RBC 4.99 5.03 5.02

Hemoglobin 15.7 15.8 15.8

Hematocrit 46 46.5 46.4

MCV 92.3 92 92

MCH 31.6 31.4 31.5

MCHC 34.2 34 34.1

RDW 15.4 14.7 15

Platelets 121 162 162

Neutrophilis 61.7 56 55

Lymphs 21.3 26 29

Monocytes 4.7 7 6

Eos 11.9 11 10

Basos 0.4 0 0

Neutrophils (absolute) N/A 3.1 3

Lymphs (adbsolute) N/A 1.4 1.5

Monocytes (Absolute) N/A 0.4 0.3

Eos (Absolute) N/A 0.6 0.5

Baso (Absolute) N/A 0 0

Immature Granulocytes N/A 0 0

Immature Grans (asb) N/A 0 0

Comp. Metabolic Panel (14)

Glucose, Serum 85 94 N/A

BUN 16 11 N/A

Creatinine, Serum N/A 0.91 N/A

eGFR if nonAfrican Am N/A 100 N/A

eGFR if African Am N/A 116 N/A

BUN/Creatinine N/A 12 N/A

Sodium, Serum 139 142 N/A

Potassim, Serum 4.4 4.5 N/A

Chloride, Serum 102 101 N/A

Carbon Dioxide, total 22 27 N/A

Calcium, Serum 9.6 9.3 N/A

Protein, total, Serum 6.9 6.3 N/A

Albumin, Serum 4.4 4.2 N/A

Globulin, total 2.5 2.1 N/A

A/G Ratio 1.8 2 N/A

Bilirubin, Total 1.6 1.1 N/A

Alkaline Phosphatase, S 91 72 N/A

AST (SGOT) 24 28 N/A

AlT (SPGT) 20 33 N/A

Testosterone, Serum 384 1110 1427.3

Free Testosterone 51.5 N/A N/A

LH N/A 0.1 N/A

FSH N/A 0.3 N/A

Estradiol 22 5.1 N/A

Estrogen, total, Serum 167 N/A N/A

Estrone, LC/MS/MS 35 N/A N/A

TSH 2.83 N/A 2.72

Tyroxine (T4) 1 N/A 5.9

T3 Uptake 3 N/A 28

Free Thyroxine Index N/A N/A 1.7

DHEA Sulfate 94 N/A N/A

B12 561 N/A N/A

Cortisol 11.4 N/A N/A

Blood test 6 Weeks - Lab Work done same day with different results - Advice?

Is Losing Fat and Gaining Muscle at Same Time Possible?

Hello guys?

Is there any way I can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time?

many guys here advice me to save muscle loss when losing fat

I am thinking is there a way I can lose fat and gain muscle on same time?

I dont worry if I need to use AAS

I have DBol, Testosterone Enanthate, Anavar, Clenbuterol, T3, Arimidex, Nolvadex in Hand

I can start whenever its needed.

If its possible please tell me the way... I mean just the names of the protocols I will research them by myself no problem :)


Is Losing Fat and Gaining Muscle at Same Time Possible?

How does my bloodwork look to you?

I just started my 3rd ever cycle. I am using Test E @ 500mg/week. PCT/AI/HCG etc are all in place...

I'm 30 years old 5'8 72kg and have been fitness training for over 10 years.

I did bloodwork before this cycle. This was mid September, 1 month AFTER I finished PCT from my last cycle. Can you take a look and tell me if all looks good. My doc says its normal and I see that all values are in range (in brackets) apart from slightly higher HDL.

Cholesterol (Serum) : 3.95 mmol/L (2-5)

Triglyceride (Serum) : 0.9 mmol/L (0.1-2.3)

HDL Cholesterol (Serum) : 2.0 mmol/L (0.9-1.45) HI

Non-HDL Cholesterol : 1.92 mmol/L (0-3.36)

LDL Cholesterol (Calculated) : 1.51 mmol/L

Total: HDL Cholesterol Ratio : 1.95

TSH (Serum): 1.55 mIU/L (0.3-3)

Free T4 (Serum): 12 pmol/L (11-18)

Prostate Specific Antigen: 1.05 ng/mL (0-4)

Total Testosterone: 15.9 nmol/L (5.55-25.2)

Free Testosterone (Calculated @ (Total Testosterone-3.7)/0.24): 50.8

White blood cell count: 5 x 10*9 / L (3.5-11)

Red Blood cell count: 5.3 x 10*12 / L (4.5-6.5)

Haemoglobin: 15.5 g/dL (13-18)

Haematocrit: 45.9 % (40-54)

Can you tell me which values I need to look at primarily. I normally see three/four digit figures for testosterone being reported here. Is that because they use different units? If so how would mine add up in three/four digits?

How does my bloodwork look to you?

I need YOUR input ASAP

Guys, Gals (in case we have 1 or 2)

I am looking for a list of people on this site who have been the most contributing throughout the year.

i am not sure that this conversation can be done very organized, so please look below to see what I am asking:

I want to know the most helpful and most regular members of this site this year. Please do not present members who are not worthy as I will not have patience for that. What I am looking for are people who have steroid.com's best interest at heart and who go out of their way to make sure this forum is well taken care of.

If I were to ask:

"Who is the top 50 people on this forum?"

Who would be recommended?

Upper Members: Please monitor this thread and help me come up with a list of the top 50 most influential members. If you have been an exceptional member, please do not be ashamed to toss your hat into this arena, however if you do, be advised that the regular members here will have an opinion.

What I am looking for:

1. Most Helpful

2. Most Loyal

3. Most Active

4. Longest Members

5. Most liked

Please submit your suggestions in this thread. There is a good reason why I am asking. Thank you

I need YOUR input ASAP

New Aussie, relocated to Boston need some local help

Just hatched on here and in need of some help from the veterans.

I'm a 24yr Aussie and I've just relocated to Boston, MA and feel like I'm starting from scratch in the workout world. I've been a professional swimmer since I was 12 years old and have always had the mind frame to do whatever it takes to be content with your success. With that said, I've run a few cycles since my swimming career has fizzled out and I've put more emphasis on keeping my body in a shape I'm happy with.

I have zero contacts in Boston regarding gear and I'm hungry. I'm training but it feels half-assed and its killing me. If any of you guys can point me in the right direction (not to the sponsered ads on the side of the forum thanks) or ANYTHING that can get me a little further in my search it would be greatly appreciated.

Ive never done any of this forum stuff but I've always looked from the outside in at people's responses and how helpful these forums are so I really look forward to any advice people.

Thanks, have a great NY and make it count lads.

New Aussie, relocated to Boston need some local help

Advice Needed

Hello All,

I am Ansh & I have a really weak skinny figure. I am 5 feet 6 Inch tall and I weight around 110 Pounds.

I want to gain 50 Pounds more.

I have the following Steroids with me available :

Anadrol 50 - 50 Tabs

Deca Durabolin 250 : 10 Ampules of 1ml Each

Dianabol 10mg - 50 Tabs

Testosterone Propionate : 10 Ampules of 1ml Each

How do I use these ? For how long ? And what would be the best way to use these & how often. If anyone who is an expert can advise would be really great. I am totally new to this, But I have hit the Gym for almost 1 year and got no gain, so leaned towards these steroids to gain up muscle.

Please advice a cycle of how to use the above.

Thank you very much.

Advice Needed

trt patient looking for advice on first legit cycle.

dimanche 28 décembre 2014

I'm 6' 0", 33 years old, 190lbs right at 15 percent bodyfat. I'm a trt patient, and I'm looking to run a cycle along with pct. I'm looking to do the pct to see if I can come off of the trt. If I can't come off the trt, I will continue it.

my plan is to run test cyp 200mg per week, 400 test enth per week, and 600 EQ per week. The reason for the two tests is due to a blend. It is 300EQ, 200 enth, and 100 cyp per ml.

I have run a pro hormone with horrible effects. My blood work went from everything being in range to my free and total test being cut in half, and my estrogen being quadrupled. I don't remember the exact numbers, but my blood work has never come back like this in 3 years.

a couple years before I did a half ass test, decca cycle. Training was bad, diet was bad, doses were bad ( had no idea about the half lifes), so my results were bad.

I have hcg, arimidex, nolva, and clomid. I will take .25 adex eod, hcg 250iu 3× weekly. I plan on running the EQ at 600 per week, and the test at either 600 or 800 per week. If the test is 600 it will be 400 enth, and 200 cyp. If 800 it will be an even split between the two.

The plan is to run this for a minimum of 16 weeks, if at 16 I'm still progressing well I will go to 20. Start nolva, and clomid 2 weeks after last shot.

i know you guys say test only for first cycle, but I'm thinking if it has not been a problem yet I could introduce eq. If that is a bad Idea I can run just test cyp at 4-600 a week for 12-14 weeks, and hold of on the blend for a second cycle.

Is there anything you would change, or any critique I'm here to learn. Any help would be appreciated. Don't hold back if my thinking is dumb, you won't hurt my feelings

trt patient looking for advice on first legit cycle.

First tren cycle

As stated above I'm wanting to start my first cycle of tren. Planning on running 75mg ed along with 500mg/week test C. Just looking for advice on this

First tren cycle


Hi everyone ! Im 30 years old and still newbies in steroids.


dosage help needed.

I've got a few cycles under my belt including tren cycles, this will be my first time on masteron though. I decided to buy what was on special which was a premixed stack of tren, test p, and mast. I've never tried a mixed stack as I've always bought everything separate but this was on sale so I indulged.

It's 150 per ml (50,50,50 of each) I've run my test p at 100 in the past and tren at 75 eod in the past with good results but since I'm introducing a new compound this time around I'm a bit confused as what would be best. Also does anyone really think an oral is needed? I don't think var will do a damn thing since I'm taking tren already maybe just some winny at the end which I've never had problems with. I'm not on a contest prep or anything I'm just getting my cycle ready for spring break.

dosage help needed.

Lost pct

Hi Guys,

DISASTER!! Coming to the end of a cycle and had my PCT put away for a while one, but Ive only gone and lost it, and my source!!!!

Really worried - can anybody help? Im in Australia.


Lost pct

Gh everyday ?

I got some saizen somatotropin and I'm hoping it's real :/ Anybody else had luck with this brand? I plan on doing 3ui's a day for 150 days. Should I have off days?? Thank you

Gh everyday ?

making of 'dBol / Anavar / test E' cycle

Hello guys.

I'm in the middle of the planing for my next cycle, in next month or two. I was thinking of doing something like this what you can read below, so there's still enough time for me to make some changes.

I'm 42 now. Low Test levels, but still in range. I made my last cycle very short and light. It was 8 weeks cycle, containing: testE(500mg/week) and Anavar 20mg ED. I was more than satisfied with my results and I kept all of my (tiny :haha:) gains after PCT.

The only thing that I didn't like was a little too late 'the kick' of the ass. That's why I added this time some small amount of dBol, just to speed up the process.

IS THIS good enough reason to add second oral (but not in the same time, of course)?

I want for this cycle to be also light and short, but because of added dBol I need to stretch it up to 10 weeks (or maybe not?).

Here it is:

1-10 test E 500mg/week, twice a week

1-2 Dianabol 30mg/ED

3-10 Anavar 30mg/ED, 3 times/day

3-10 HCG 250 IU every third day, up to 3 day before PCT

3-10 Arimidex 0.25 EOD or Nolva 20mg EOD or Aromasin at 10mg/ed

week 12 PCT

NOLVA 60/40/20/20

CLOMID 50/50/25/25

Some liver protection will be added during cycle, also multivitamins, Omega 3-6)

Ha? What you think?

Thank you all!

making of 'dBol / Anavar / test E' cycle

Safe cycle!


I am interested into experimenting myself, into making a first cycle. But to do that, I need the advice of someone really knowledgeable person into that, as I want to minimize the side effects (for example of gyno, testosterone problems after cycle etc.)

The steroids I have in minds for example from what I have read are testo and winstrol, maybe dianabol? Also at the very end, if I will find I was thinking to take EPO, to test the difference in stamina by testing myself in cooper and maybe half-marathon.

What I really need as advice, is what to take for my cycle (I want lean muscle mass, maybe losing some fat if possible for more ripping and in the very end only, to have something for aerobic endurance), what would be the minimum dose for recent results and what to do and take to minimize the side-effects!

Every advice from you people, would be welcomed!

Sorry for being such a noobie and sorry if to some people question sounds stupid! I really tried to read about these, but still the experienced and knowledgeable's person opinion, is always invaluable!

Safe cycle!

Gyno won't go away with 60mg nolva

So I ended my first cycle (500mg test + 40mg dbol) 2 months ago.

My pct sucked cause nolva and clomid were fake.

But I didn't get gyno.

Gyno appeared 3 weeks ago. I noticed pea size lump under my right nipple so I decided to get nolva. I didn't get it until 1 week ago. This nolva is not fake( it is astrazeneca).

I started nolva at 60mg ed. Now I am at 8th day and lump didn't reduce size. I think it may just become bigger.

I don't know what to do help mee.

Should I get letro or just wait for week or two.


Gyno won't go away with 60mg nolva

Starting a New Cycle of Test Cyp and Tren A: Any Suggestions on injection time table

I'm starting a cycle of Test Cyp and Tren A. Does anyone have any suggestions on the best time table to inject?

Starting a New Cycle of Test Cyp and Tren A: Any Suggestions on injection time table

need some advice

Hi everyone

male 21,

Am going to start my first cutting bulking steriod cycle.so need some advice should i go with this stack or should replace any of these products??

Thanks in advance :)

1 x Dianabolos

1 x Anadrollic 50

1 x Decca

Manufactured by: Golden Star Labs


-Week 1-

AM: 1 tab x Dianabolos/A50s/Decca

Pre-Workout (30min): 1 tab x Dianabolos/A50s/Decca

-Week 2-

AM: 1 tab x A50s/Decca

Pre-Workout (30min): 1 tab x A50s/Decca + 2 tabs Dianabolos

-Week 3-

AM: 1 tab x A50s/Decca

Pre-Workout (30min): 1 tab x A50s/Decca + 2 tabs Dianabolos

-Week 4-

AM: 1 tab x A50s/Decca

Pre-Workout (30min): 1 tab x A50s/Decca + 2 tabs Dianabolos

need some advice

Need help with high Prolactin and libido crash!!

Hi i was wondering if someone could help me here on my current situation. I had a really high prolactin levels about in the 160 range and had no idea for a couple of months. I felt my energy levels down and stopped going to the gym and became very depressed. When i went to see a urologist he checked my fsh and lh which were normal. Then he checked my testosterone and free testosterone which were in the low normal ranges. Also at this time my libido was gone and dead and my erections were gone. they scanned my brain and told me they dont know why it was so high and put me on medication to lower it. The doctors put me on cabergoline which is a dompaine agonist to lower my prolactin levels and he told me once this happens my testosterone should raise up and my libido should come back. After taking my first pill i got horny after like 4 hours and my energy level was high. I felt like my old self. This lasted for about 8 or nine days then my libido dropped and my erections were gone. My libido had crashed bad. It felt like someone had just drained it right outta me. i've been on this medicine for almost 2 months now and i'm wondering if my condition could be similar to someone who just finished taking steroids.

I read that high prolactin stops the testicles from producing testosterone. Maybe thats what happend to me for months without me noticing. Do you guys think i should Take Clomid or something to get my balls to jumpstart again. I feel like they are smaller then before and my sperm is less and less when i ejaculate. Is there any other tests i should do and why did my libido crash if my prolactin levels are being lowered? Thanks alot and hope someone here could help.

Need help with high Prolactin and libido crash!!

SP laboratories

Anybody familiar with them? Are they any good?

SP laboratories

Some comedy to start your day

My daughter is refusing to sleep so now I'm on the Internet, hope this makes y'all laugh as much as it did me.


Some comedy to start your day

2nd cycle

Hi guys, this is my first post on here mainly used it for research up until now, too afraid to ask the wrong question I suppose, anyways as above 2nd cycle consisting of 600 test prop,600 tren ace,and 600 eq per week,for 12 maybe 14 weeks, last cycle( first cycle) I ran dbol first 4 weeks and 1200 test 400, 8 weeks in I started tren a at 800 per week for the remainder of my 18 week cycle, I know your all going to say wtf were you playing at but its done now I recovered and I'm back on but at more conservative doses, problem is I'm not feeling as good nor as strong as the first time training is the same diet is the same, lab is the same and the gear is good, should I up my test to a gram if so should I ad in a long ester like test e or something? As 1g of test prob could be sore lol, stats are 26 years old, 6ft 3 inches in height, 120kgs (265 lbs) which fluctuates a bit, my bf is approx 16-18. % it varies and is on the upper end of what it is normally but hey it's Christmas so the diet is a bit

off for the last week

2nd cycle

For losing weight macro breakdown

For losing weight would you consider a 35/45/20 diet?

For losing weight macro breakdown

Does any body use bitcoins??

as the title states, does anybody use this method and feel secure in doing so? Im leaning towards it atm as western union or moneygram sometimes reject payments to certain receivers! Cheers

Does any body use bitcoins??

why wouldnt a very short cycle be reasonably safe for someone 18-24

im probably ganna get flammed so hard for this but after ready alot about bill roberts 2 week cycle protocol, i just dont see the potential for any real adverse affectsfor yound people such as a ****ed up hpta or hurt liver in those who know what their doing, not uneducated teenagers.

the hpta rebounds extremely fast, because the pituitary is never desensitized to lh due to such a short time on.ill link one of bill roberts study's demonstrating this. and since your on for a third of time, i dont see why this cant give appreciable gains over time.

im considering starting steroids soon since ive completely stopped gaining and since im only 18 and extremely prone to stretch marks, i think this would be a reasonable cycling strategy if i do decide to start eventually. has anyone had experience running this type of cycle and if so what were your experiences with it.


why wouldnt a very short cycle be reasonably safe for someone 18-24

Know of a good reliable online store fro Sustanon?

samedi 27 décembre 2014

I am looking for Sustanon 250 and I have done research and realized that there are fakes out there. Can anyone give me reviews on reliable sites? Please and Thank you. Also, PM me or add me as a friend.

Know of a good reliable online store fro Sustanon?

Am I suffering from low estrogen from Test cycle?

I'm on a test cyp only cycle with no AI. I did 250 first day & 500 the week after. First few days my libido was very good. However, starting around day 6 to now day 10 i have no libido and no/weak erections. This seems to be an estrogen problem. After doing some research pretty much all my side effects (dry lips, mood swings, no energy etc.) relate to having low estrogen. I've heard of people having too high of estrogen while on cycle, and therefore using an AI. I'm not using an AI tho. Is it possible for me to have too low of estrogen while on Test alone? I'm a little hesitant about using Adex since I wouldn't want to suppress my estrogen even more if that is the issue. Help, anyone?

Am I suffering from low estrogen from Test cycle?

Sore to the next level

Anyone else get sore as f*@k on cycle? I just killed back today, and I'll be dammed if my back isn't in some serious pain, I mean I got sore pre-cycle but the soreness on is crazy, this isn't just back specific it applies to all muscle groups, is it because all my weights are going up and my bodys trying to adjust to these heavy ass weights and it's not use to it, or it it just excelled growth?

Sore to the next level

Diet for first cycle

Stats: 180lbs around 15%bf 5'8

Hey everyone, just need some help making diet adjustments. Im not getting into detail on my future cycle but the gist of it is dbol and test e.

Currently eating-

1 cup egg whites, 1/2 cup oats

10oz grilled chicken 1 cup white rice

8oz chicken or 90/10 ground beef 1 and 1/2 cup white rice

Post workout optimum n. Whey shake 30g protein 1 scoop

10oz chicken 1 or 2 small white potatoes or rice

ALL meals are generally ate with broccoli or green beans

I've never counted macros in my life, but this ^ keeps me at 180. I'm not sure how I should adjust this while taking gear, a mild cycle. Also, I will randomly eat a bowl of cereal or pasta every now and then and I use a lot of condiments like ketchup or bbq sauce. I'm really into old school ways of everything, I heard Arnold say he ate 1g of protein per lb. but, what I've been told to eat is around 300g+ of protein which is f*ckin insane.

Diet for first cycle

Stopping and Starting HGH

I will be travelling out of the country for two weeks and won't be taking my HGH with me. (No Prescription)

I am currently on 5ius, 5 days on 2 days off.

I will be at the 5 1/2 month mark when I need to leave.

Do I need to taper off before stopping?

Should I stop two weeks prior to leaving, to let things normalize?

When I re-start injecting, do I need to taper it back up again?


Stopping and Starting HGH

Acne Marks!! Help...

It is been almost 9 months since pct and the marks are all over chest shoulders back and even forearms. It is not going away. The acne came back 10 days after the pct was over. And the acne stopped 5 months after it and left many scars and marks. Some dark red some purplish. Only used Test E for 12 weeks and clomid and nolva for pct. Is this eventually gonna go away? I'm using zinc and b5. There is only 10 percent improvement but it is still very bad. I can't take my shirt off or go to vacation because of this. Did this happen to you. And what is the best thing that works. I'm hoping it is not permanent and time will heal them. Thanks.

Acne Marks!! Help...

Clen and Keto?

Hey guys, I've been using Clen for 8 days now, and I would like to start Ketotifen with it.

I've done (mcg) 50-50-50-50-100-100-100-100.

Should I keep my dosage at 100mcg and add Ketotifen at 1mg? I had a friend tell me I should reduce my Clen dosage, not 100% sure about that.

Any input? Also does it matter what time a day I take it, from what I've read, it's better to take it at night because it makes you sleepy.

Clen and Keto?

first cycle test e or c?

Looking to pin sometime within the next 6 months. I'm looking for some insight from Bros that ran either test enanthate or cypionate first run. I leaning toward enanthate due to longer intervals between injections...yet I'd like to reap the benefits of the faster acting cypionate. I see most people take about 3 weeks to feel enanthate as where cypionate is around 10 days. I'm not worried about PIP. Between the two would cypionate offer a shorter rocovery time cause it has a shorter esther? I don't think it matters but I could be wrong.

I've heard cypionate is a bit easier on the body such as soreness and pain thus making the eod injection tolerable...is this true?

Thanks dudes!

first cycle test e or c?

post cycle blood work

hi all.

the result of my recent blood work (post cycle) just came , and everything is back to normal.

slightly lower total testosterone (pre cycle was 7.2 but now 5.24) but free test is almost like before (pre 15.6 and now 15.1)

mid cycle my sgot-ast has gone above normal but now it's back to normal.

just one thing is bugging me and that's my fsh level , actually i never check that before or mid cycle but in my recent bw i ordered it and it is low, mine is 0.87 but normal range is 1.4-15.4.

should i be worried or it will be ok after a while??

my cycle was :

test e for 10 weeks

anadrol 4 weeks

hcg 10 weeks

pct : clomid and tamox 1 month

post cycle blood work

What peotides burn fat and build muscle?

Need advice on peptides that will help me burn fat and tone up. I also need a reliable source of clen/t3. Also btox... Can anyone please help???

What peotides burn fat and build muscle?

How fast do you get blood test results?

If I do it at 1pm I usually get the results at 6pm in email.

How long do you have to wait?

How fast do you get blood test results?

New from DC

Hi! New from the East Coast. I plan to be fit, strong and healthy in 2015 and I'm pretty sure this is the place to be. I hope to find good mentors and advice here. Happy Holidays!

New from DC

pct/cycle advice

could i run ostarine(mk-2866) with novladex and clomid?

Will be running just 600mg/ml a week for 10weeks of test e, My pct will be this;

Clomid 50/50/25/25

Novladex 40/40/20/20

Ostarine 50/50/50/50

also could i stack d-bols with it only for 4 weeks possibly staring at a low mg and going higher if i dont see the strength gains i want..

pct/cycle advice


vendredi 26 décembre 2014

I need help in cutting trianing program


i need help

When i in work time and meals time come i take my eggs white any problem with this or should be eating meat or chiken because ready of eggs white and take with me is very easy

i need help

Opinions on Turinabol

Anybody ever used it and if so did you like it?

Opinions on Turinabol

legit steroids.....

Anyone wanna pm me with a good clean source for my cats var cycle hes lookin to start asap?

My cat says thx in advance!

legit steroids.....

Muscle Memory???

Hey guys, happy holidays and all the rest, don't know if there's been a post on this already, but I've got a quick query on muscle memory. My last cycle was about three years ago (tren/test), during which time due to some personal shit I didn't step foot in a gym, ate crap, drank like a fish, lost most of my gains and packed on a lot of fat.

Recently I've got it together and have been on a hard natural cut using IF 20/4, HIIT fasted 3 pw, high rep lifting 2 pw and taking in 800-1200 clean calories a day. By all logic I should be shedding what muscle I have like crazy. However (call it a Christmas miracle), I've been seeing some explosive gains. In the last five weeks I've lost nearly five inches round my waist, but other than the first week when I dropped nearly a stone, the scales have barely moved. It seems every pound of fat lost is compensated by a pound of muscle gained and my strength is soaring.

I came across this across this Norwegian study on mice, explaining that long after a cycle is over, due to an increase in the number of muscle nuclei, you can still achieve results far superior to natural lifters (the mice who had been on cycle three months previous gained 30% extra body mass in six days when exercised, while their natural counterparts only gained 6%). Just wondering if you guys have had any experience of this and any advice on capitalizing on these gains while sticking with the cut?

Muscle Memory???

Bloodwork question

So I have a problem. I had bloodwork (full panel) done 3rd week into cycle and my doc was concerned about test levels being high and scheduled an appointment to have bloods done again 6 months from now (my insurance will only cover every 6 months). I have called a local lab in my area about just paying cash and having bloods drawn with a full panel. According the the guy on the other end of the phone no place will draw blood for me without a prescription from my doctor. She will not give me one and seems concerned about why I want bloodwork done only 2 months after previous bloods and says that it is unnecessary. I obviously cannot tell her what is going on so that's out. For the private labs that you can send your bloods too do you have to freaking draw your own blood???? So here I am 9 weeks into cycle eating 4500 calories a day and only up 10 pounds of water and waste and I can't get bloods done easily to see where I stand.

Bloodwork question

Dosing question about Letrozole

Have read info that while on cycle .25mg-.50mg per day can assist with estrogen reduction and keep FSH and LH elevated. Just noticed that what I have is 2.5 mg per tab. Seems odd that in a tab form anyone would manufacture 5-10x the normal dosage.

Did I read the recommended dosage incorrectly? Any info is appreciated.

Thanks for helping a new guy.

Dosing question about Letrozole

Bac water

Once you use a vial, how long can you keep using it?

Bac water

Roidsmall: Legit or Not

I have tried to get some info about product from Roidsmall.com by email through their contact us tab. And after several attempts I've heard nothing back in return? Does anyone know if they're legit?

Roidsmall: Legit or Not


Hey guys.

Anyone run this alongside there trt? Any benefit to it? Experiences? Anyone who has just generally tried this drug please chime in .. Cheers


help: androl left me with uncontrollable acne spots..

hey fellows...I need some help again. I just finished cycle of anadrol and test E followed by well dose of pct. however the anadrol shit left my face with severe acne problem inspite of taking minocycline to control it. I swear I will never take this shit again although it was good for bulking .does anyone knows the best remedy to this acne situation?

help: androl left me with uncontrollable acne spots..

Is this cycle good to go?

First cycle, want to double check with you guys to make sure everything is in check before i start to be safe.

Also do you suggest ii switch over to aromasin instead of Armidex?

Age: 25

Lifting Experience 10 years

Height: 6'1

Weight: 230 15% b/f

Week 1 - Test E (500mg, 250mg twice weekly) + Arimidex EOD 0.5mg + Dbol 30mg ED

Week 2 - Test E (500mg) + Arimidex EOD 0.5mg + Dbol 30mg ED

Week 3 - Test E (500mg) + Arimidex EOD 0.5mg + Dbol 30mg ED

Week 4 - Test E (500mg) + Arimidex EOD 0.5mg + Dbol 30mg ED

Week 5 - Test E (500mg) + Arimidex EOD 0.5mg

Week 6 - Test E (500mg) + HCG 500 iu + Arimidex EOD 0.5mg

Week 7 - Test E (500mg) + HCG 500 iu + Arimidex EOD 0.5mg

Week 8 - Test E (500mg) + HCG 500 iu + Arimidex EOD 0.5mg

Week 9 - Test E (500mg) + HCG 500 iu + Arimidex EOD 0.5mg

Week 10- Test E (500mg) + HCG 500 iu + Arimidex EOD 0.5mg

Week 11- Test E (500mg) + HCG 500 iu + Arimidex EOD 0.5mg

Week 12- Test E (500mg) + HCG 500 iu + Arimidex EOD 0.5mg

Week 13- Arimidex EOD 0.5 mg

Week 14- Arimidex EOD 0.5 mg


Week 15: Clomid 75mg/Nolva 40mg (Daily)

Week 16- Clomid 50mg/Nolva 20mg (Daily)

Week 17- Clomid 50mg/Nolva 20mg (Daily)

Week 18- Clomid 50mg/Nolva 20mg (Daily)

Other products i will be taking:

- 600 mg of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) Daily

- Liv52

- Orange Triad Multi Vitamin/Mineral

Thanks for your help.

Is this cycle good to go?

Have you noticed?

Most good looking guys are non-lifting weaklings but most bodybuilders and lifters are ugly. The same with women.

Why is that so?

Have you noticed?

Looking to not be a fat boy anymore.........

Starting a light workout routine.......and a better diet all around. Would winstrol help? or tren? I dont know how much to take and what to supplement it with. And if i need anything to come off of it when the cycle is done.......Im a serious newbie. Im looking for a fat burner and something to build some lean muscle without getting hugely carried away.........I'm naturally a fairly big guy, and feel very comfortable at 245.....Im 6'1, 277 as we speak.....

Looking to not be a fat boy anymore.........

Testosterone enanthate help

jeudi 25 décembre 2014

Hey guys I am currently 19 years old 190 pounds I took testosterone enanthate for one week at a dose of 200mg and now its been 7 days since my lost shot and I feel like I dont have as much energy and everything. Is it required to do a pct at this low dose only if I did one shot ? Reason why I stopped after a week was I felt like it was not the good thing to keep contuining this cycle at this age.

Testosterone enanthate help

New and Hungry!

Hello everyone. I'm a 27 year old male from Canada. I have been using this site for information for around a while now but have finally decided to take part in the action. Everyone have a Merry Christmas!

New and Hungry!

Newbie Here

Hi all! I'm a new female member and would like access. I am looking to gain knowledge from experienced female users of aas's. I have been a gym rat for 3 years now and I am looking to delve deeper. Thank you in advance for sharing your knowledge and experiences.

Newbie Here

Is it too soon to ask my trt doc about this?

Basically I'm not too sure I can tolerate IM shots for the next (X amt.) of years in my life, but I just started in late November. Is it too late to ask my doc if subq injections are fine?

I'm coming up on my 6 week blood work here in a couple weeks and I dunno if I should wait and see the results and proceed from there or ask beforehand so that I'm dosing my Test cyp subQ about 2 weeks or so before my 6 week blood work. I don't want to just go ahead and do it without keeping them in the loop because if for some reason my levels are off, one way or another I want to be able to pinpoint the precise reason for their change. Thoughts or suggestions?

Thanks and Merry Christmas folks!

Is it too soon to ask my trt doc about this?

Thoughts on running sust and test cyp together?

My original thoughts are to run sust 300 with cyp 250 how should my dosages go?

Thoughts on running sust and test cyp together?


Are they good, biomex anavars and test e?


Test P and EQ Advice needed!

Hi everyone,

Been searching around and have reached to the cycle i'm about to share with you, and i'd like to have your opinion on, and the many questions I have!


30yo, 5'10, 230lbs, and 16~18% BF. This will be my first cycle

So my plan is to run the following:

- Test P W1-8 100mgs EOD (400mg/week)

- Equipoise W1-8 400mg OR 600mg a week (200mg 2/week or 200mg 3/week. need advice here)

- Anavar either W1-6 or W3-8 60mg ED (need advice here)

- Arimidex W1-8 0.5mg EOD

I have limited the cycle to 8 weeks for a reason. It's my first cycle and I'd like to see how things are, and ensure control over any undesirable sides that might occur.

Precycle blood work is done. I plan on doing blood work again on W5~6, and another one 3 weeks after my PCT


- Starts 3 days after the last Test Prop shot

- Clomid 100/50/50/50

- Nolva 40/40/20/20

Now my questions are (and please bear with me, I'm here to learn from your experience):

- I know that AI could possibly affect IGF-1 levels. Is it better to run it half way through the cycle? (I'm starting it from W1 because I'd rather be safe than sorry, but I need an experts opinion)

- Given my current stats, what should be my Equipoise dose?

- Initially, I was thinking of having Winstrol, since my target is cutting/lean gains. Then I have decided to change it to Anavar because of the undesirable effects on joints I kept hearing from Winstrol users. What are your thoughts on that? (I'm not concerned about the money spent on Anavar, and I know it's legit)

- If i'm to run Anavar, is 60mg per day enough? Since I planned it for 6 weeks, is it a good idea to start with var, or end the cycle with it?

- Last but not least, I have seen sample cycles on here with Equipoise running until the very last week, and PCT starts on the 3rd day after the Test P. However, after reading on Equipoise, it seemed to be a long ester. I'm not quite sure if I can start the PCT on the 3rd day, or I should delay it further?


Test P and EQ Advice needed!

Tren appetite and sickness. HELP.

On tren ace 300 test 200 prop a week. On 3rd week now and I got a stomach bug. This was Saturday. Since Monday I started drinking water and kind of eating again. However It's Thursday and I'm just about getting 1000 calories in a day. I force feed protein in but I can't do anymore. I'm not hitting calories and not hitting macros. Bad indigestion and heartburn. It's hard to even drink water. Could someone tell me if this is a result of me still recovering or a combination with the tren is suppressing my appetite? In weeks 1-2 I was eating 2500 for a RECOMP look.

Tren appetite and sickness. HELP.

masteron vs equipoise

Which on is better for lean gains? Stats: 27yr, 5'9, 179lbs, bf% 7.6

Mastern 600mg a week


Eq 600mg a week?

Thanks boys

BTW Merry Christmas

masteron vs equipoise

Merry xmas!

To all, and to all a good day.

Merry xmas!

testing for AAS (Urine Analysis)

Hey everybody. Haven't been on in a while. Hope all is well. Merry Christmas.

I got caught up in some shit over the summer and I'm currently going to drug/alcohol counseling. I get urine tests every week. Usually monday or tuesday. They've told me that they test for steroids, but I don't believe that they are specifically testing for every steroid individually. I'm assuming that they are looking at our testosterone/estrogen/creatinine levels etc and checking for anything out of the ordinary. I've read that aas in urine tests are detected by a T/E ratio test first. If you test positive, then they'll start testing you for specific things. Does this mean that if I can keep my T/E ratio at around 4/1 (I think thats the correct ratio) that I won't test positive? Does anyone have any experience with this? I see other guys in my groups that definitely look like they're on the sauce. I've read if you mix testosterone and epitestosterone 1/1 you're good to go. Is that true? Also... I've never heard or seen anywhere/anyone selling epitestosterone. Is that something that can be bought online? I'm not asking where to buy it. I've just never seen or heard of anyone selling it but I was just reading about the "clear" and the balco scandal. I'm wondering if its available to buy still in the world today. Thanks everybody. I'd really appreciate some insight/advice on your personal experiences with Urine tests and AAS.

testing for AAS (Urine Analysis)

19 years old, low testosterone.

Im a 19 year old male. About a little more than a month ago i had started and anavar only cycle. I took 20 to 30mg for 8 days when i realized that i shouldnt be doing aas at this age and i stopped.

I am not sure if that was really anavar or something else.

As a result my test levels dropped from 817ng/dl(before cycle) to 154ng/dl. I started pct with clomid and took 50mg for about 9-10days and got my bloods again. The clomid boosted my test to 1117ng/dl which is pretty high. I also had pretty high estrogen at this time: had 74 units, 43 being the max normal value. I stopped clomid as my test levels were fine.

Its been a month since then, i got my bloods done again..estrogen is in control but test has dropped again to 417ng/dl.

It is in the normal range but its way too low for a 19 year old. I got very less libido, starting to feel depressed/like shit and My body is shrinking infront of me, i get weaker and skinnier day by day even with a high calorie diet. i could easily make gains before all this happened. My doctor or parents do not give a shit because my test levels are in the normal range, which is from around 300-900 because of which i am not getting any sort of treatment.

Can someone please tell me what can i do about this. Should i go on hrt, i dont want to live the peak time of my life feeling like shit not being able to make gains.

19 years old, low testosterone.

What will your Tomb Stone say?

mercredi 24 décembre 2014


At the end of days, and all is over, what will your tombstone say?

not the one written by your loving family. But the one written by "god"?

Overall, were you a net benefit to society?

Net benefit to society does not simply mean you paid your taxes and didn't beat your wife and children, nor does it mean you didn't go to jail.

It means, overall, did you take the time to pay it forward? Did you try to help out your fellow mate?

Or were you more like the pig in the trough and only sought out those things that personally pleased you and gave you pleasure?

This is your thought for the holiday season

Merry Christmas


What will your Tomb Stone say?

Cause and effect relationship between media and public perception.

Everything we get on an issue is tainted with bias, sometimes to the extreme that it's flat out propaganda. People are starting to get wise to how the media is influencing their perceptions, but many are still choosing to get their news from the same slanted sources.

As much as the liberal and conservative media gets blamed for biased misinformation, how much of their influence is our own fault? Without an audience, would any program be able to stay in operation? At what point should we stop blaming the media and consider the media merely a reflection of our own ignorance, bias and apathy?

Is this a chicken or egg question?

Cause and effect relationship between media and public perception.


Whats up guys, gotta question for the exp.

I am 18 6'1", 275... i am mostly muscle but i can't seem to lose that last bit of a small layer of fat on my body.. are there any supplements that would help with this? Im open to all suggestions.


Warhammer 40k

Anybody play the tabletop or read the books? I am wanting to get into the tabletop, have read about 30 novels. Can't get enough of it.

Warhammer 40k

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays

To everyone on this forum and especially to all those that have helped me and also provided very interesting dialogues. My thanks and appreciation and,

MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY HOLIDAYS to everyone. Hope Santa brings a couple of goodies like in Kel's avi. Hohoho.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays

24 week cycle pct?

OK just a question. If I was to run a 10 weeker then trt dosage for 4 weeks then a 10 weeker again? What would a pct look like (6-8 week PCT?) or would that be grounds for trt? FYI Hcg ran through cycle. No insurance just trying to get a gage where I can go without going on trt. I also know that the longer ur on the longer it is going to take to recover. But won't hcg help with recovery (not in the PCT way?

Thanks boys

24 week cycle pct?

Topical spiro 5%

Hello i have a question i wanna buy topical spiro but i cant find an address can someone help me out

Topical spiro 5%

Npp experiences

I am gonna start soon with a npp cycle i am a nandrolone lover...what are your experciences and what are the dosages you took

Npp experiences

Preventing hair loss on cycle

I am prone to hairloss and i wanna cycle now with npp and in summer with tren. On my last cycle test tren dbol i lost a lot of hair it was a 14 week cycle. What can i do to prevent hairloss on steroids?

Preventing hair loss on cycle

anti ageing clinics uk??

Does anybody here know of any good anti ageing clinics in England? Any info greatly appreciated

anti ageing clinics uk??

My 2nd cycle need some advice

Hello 1st of all sorry for my bad english (not native english speaker)

My 1st cycle was compose of sustanon 350 3ml per week , anavar 60 mg per day and primobolan 400 mg per week

Its been 1 year for that cycle i gained over 10 kg of muscles and my bf was around 14 % wasnot following proper diet specially at the end of the cycle

Want some help regarding my 2nd cycle am 6th year medical student so already know all the crap related to the AAS and how to deal with it

Ofc i took nolva 20 mg and clomid for 4 weeks as pct

Age : 25

Weight :83 k

Height: 173

Bf : 20 %

Got 2 month before i start the cycle

And my aim of the cycle to lose atleast 10 % bf with some gain


My 2nd cycle need some advice

taking steroids and the end result

mardi 23 décembre 2014

This is a thread that will be more focused on young people and steroids and what happens later also for older people aswell, i know theres other threads about it but im looking into later in life after people have taking them besides from trt, gyno etc.

Lets say if you manage to dodge every short term and long term effects of steroids they say you'll still might end up looking bad become out of shape and have health issues later on in life but does this only happen if you stop putting in the time and effort into gym, eating right and staying healthy or is it physically impossible to stay in shape after steroids??

Also you see alot of people out of shape when there in there 30-40's anyway with out taking any steroids just plain laziness so who's to say it all comes down to steroids it probably has a lot to do with becoming lazy and not working hard enough in the end. Even with long term effects of steroids we should still be able to maintain a level of fitness in the gym and out of it, i dont see why not!

please your professionalism would be perferd in your comments if not leg it! and im not saying its possible to take steroids and have no side effects im just saying you dont just become some fat f**ker who's out of shape for just the reason of steroids it has to come down to people getting lazy and due to them taking steroids it has effected them in the long run twice as bad

taking steroids and the end result

Why is it that nobody speaks on what the ROOT cause is of *black on black* crime

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last 2 weeks (in specifics the last 3 days)

2 NYPD officers were shot dead by a black man that did a revenge shooting for the death of Mike Brown and Eric Garner.

I saw a clip from Fox News, and they was blaming black people for EVERYTHING.

BLACK ON BLACK CRIME was the topic.

I have always found it intriguing as we don't say Muslim on Muslim crime, gay on gay crime, latino on latino crime, Hindu on Hindu crime, White on White crime (Sandy Hook hello),Jew on Jew crime ,woman on woman crime or man on man crime.

There is a criminal element in EVERY community and chances are somebody who lives next to only blacks will commit a crime against another black, somebody who lives next to only whites will commit a crime against and white and so on.

Do people actually really understand how this under current begun?

People seem to forget that once upon a time Irish Americans (selling illegal booze), Jewish Americans (Gangsters) and Italian Americans (Mobs) were not classed white till about 1960 when they was given *white privilege* and therefore given CAPITAL and COMMERCE.

This then shuffled certain elements of Black America into that criminal underworld.

It bothers me that people such as Rudy Giuliani (who was granted white status not long ago) to talk about black on black crime saying Garner was committing a crime but not even acknowledging that Daniel Pantaleo's actions was ILLEGAL AS WELL!

Nobody mentions the fact that a lot of this *black on black crime* is gang members killing each other, crooked police officers supply these black community with firearms, puttings drugs into these community keeping these communities as *ghettos* (which is a Jewish word).

This talk about the Chicago crime in the South Side, people never mention how a lot of that crime is from gang members coming in from Detroit and other places, and also how the Chicago police let a lot of the criminal activity go on. and they will give little Tyrone a U.S. Glock and let him run back to his community to cause madness.

It is fooked up!

I don't like when the media don't tell the FULL story.

But I should never have turned over to Fox News big mistake.

Why is it that nobody speaks on what the ROOT cause is of *black on black* crime

Counterfeit Pfizer Pens

I'm still on a slow & so far pointless GH hunt. Best I have come across is Pfizer Pens - which of course look legit. But, considering the source just scream fake shit.

Are these faked? Can they be faked?

Shit - hunting for legit GH makes looking for real juice look like a walk in the park

Counterfeit Pfizer Pens

Low testosterone levels... but doc won't prescribe anything

Hi all,

I recently got my testosterone levels checked because I had some of the symptoms of low testosterone. My results came back with a reading of 8.5 (this is how it is done in australia). My understanding is that the lower limit of the "acceptable" range is 8. Given that I am a 27 year old male, and this range includes men of all ages, after some research I believe I do have low testosterone levels. However, my doctor is completely dismissive of this, which is extremely frustrating.

Because of this I feel like I am going to need to get it from the black market, but I am a total noob to all things steroids. What is a suitable steroid to take that would bring my levels up to the higher end of the acceptable range? I'm not interested in becoming huge, I just want to treat the effects of low testosterone.

Is anyone able to give me some advice on what sort of steroid I should be looking for, how much I should be injecting, and how often it would need to be injected?

Thanks for the help

Low testosterone levels... but doc won't prescribe anything

2 week on 4 week off blast cycles while on trt.....thoughts?

I am currently readjusting my trt dose from 100mg e3d to 75mg e3d to bring down test and estradiol level to normal range. I have been on trt for couple of years with great results and very little sides if any. I was reading up on 2 week blasts with 4 weeks off. Not being a bb but a 50 yo in great shape and wanting to keep it that way, I am curious on thoughts of the proposed blast cycles. Generally, it is to be easier on body and blood work levels and very side friendly. Supposedly gains are slower than regular cycling but so are the sides.

What are the experiences out there with this if any? What would be a good blast dose for test and any other doses for low side injectables like masteron or primo or even maybe eq? I appreciate anyone ideas or experiences with this.

FYI I am on HCG 250 E3d with no AI (not having ANY issues at all, just recent high count with high test levels)


2 week on 4 week off blast cycles while on trt.....thoughts?

1st Anavar Cycle. Advice and constructive criticisms needed.

Evening gents, been doing a lot of research on anavar and I'm still not 100% sure if I want to take the plunge and start my first cycle. There are still a couple of things I'm a little iffy about. I keep getting mixed reviews and advice from different people so instead of just reading about var I'm actually going to try and ask the public now.

To make things easy I'm just going to copy and paste the cycle that I had come up with. This includes the PCT.

Anavar 40-50mg ED weeks 1-8

Tribulus 5-8g ED weeks 1-12

Avena Sativa 2-4g weeks 1-12

Nolvadex 50mg weeks 9-11

The Tribulus + Avena Sativa combo is supposed to help with the changes you will see in your libido.

And I was thinking of throwing in a test Booster like pink magic in there as well along with fish oil to help with the liver and something else for the cholesterol. I have a friend who has done a couple cycles of var before and he keeps telling me that I'm crazy. That I need to take an injectable test Booster in conjunction with the var and then use the nolva + clomid as my pct. I've read completely different things online. Things that go against what my friend says to do and agrees more with the cycle I've worked up.

This is why I'm turning to you guys. If anyone has done a cycle of var I would greatly appreciate it if you'd share the specifics of said cycle with me. Honestly any type of info would be greatly appreciated. If you think I'm an complete idiot for the cycle I worked up then tell me where my discrepancies are. Thanks in advance guys.




13-14% body fat

24 years old

And I've been working out seriously, on and off, for the past 7 years.

1st Anavar Cycle. Advice and constructive criticisms needed.

My first cycle

Okay so I have just hit week 5 of my first cycle, and boy has it been a rollercoaster of stress and emotions.


So I decided about 9 weeks ago I wanted to run a cycle and went online to find some information and stumbled upon JohnDoeBodybuilding which made it seem VERY simple for a beginner - the 1 vial beginner cycle. I was sure I wanted to do this, read up on PCT, and went to the guy at the supplement store to organize me some Test C or E.

This is where I went wrong, I was speaking to the guy and he explained to me it takes 4 weeks to start to see results in Cypronite, and to rather do Test Prop, quicker results and shorter cycle life - 8 weeks.

I was sold, and believed him. He wrote me up my schedule - Pin twice a week on 0.5ml for 4 weeks then up to 1ml and it should last me 7 weeks. Cheap easy simple.


After 1 week I barely felt anything, I actually got freaked out from the PIP on my left glute and went online to seek advice and explained my cycle. I got lambasted by all corners about TITRATING my dosage and that I HAD to pin EOD.

My ego was bruised and I was so annoyed at myself for lack of preparation but one guy helped me out, said listen don't panic, up the dose to 1ml and pin MWF, this beign midway through WEEK2.

NEWBIE ADVICE: PROP WORKS VERY WELL and quickly BUT Be prepared for a bit of pain and pinning MIN 3 times a week. THE PIP is awful at the beginning especially on VIRGIN sites. For the first 2/3 weeks I could barely do squats. Would NOT recommend for first cycle.

NEWBIE ADVICE 2: My biggest fear was that of getting AIR into my muscle or hitting a vein and having chunks of my ass cut out so I have used nurses to pin. Yes I know its expensive but it has helped me immensely. Going to start pinning myself from next week.

WEEK 2 RECAP: I went from 0.5ml to 0.75 to 1ml on WEDNESDAY 3 dec, I could feel the effect of PROP. I started feeling ALPHA. Your gym sessions are heightened, your confidence too and your agro.

Week 3 : I only started Week 3 on the 8th DEC missing a pin inbetween. This was done for 2 reasons - 1 I was driving cross country. 2- My wednesday pin got swollen and slightly infected. Sitting on my ass for 8-10 hours driving made it swell up so badly. DONT PANIC. Take some anti inflammatory and anti hystamine. If it DOESNT go down then go see a doc.

Week 3 - PROGRESS WEEK. I started to see REAL GAINS here! I cut my deficit diet and starting eating higher than my TDE but cleaner foods. My shoulders swolled, biceps, tricpes and back. Loving the effects of PROP!

Week 4 - I learn to do MATHS.

I went to Pin M on week 4 and my Vial looks barley full! I freak out as I thought it leaked but after counting up my pins I realized I had used up 6.25ml plus the 1 that day and had barely 3ml LEFT. I tried contacting everybody and anybody and nobody could help. One website tried to sell me it via airmail but after doing my homework I realized they really don't have a great succss rate.

I accepted my fate and cut my dosage down to 0.75 for the week. I immediately felt the impact, I wasn't alpha anymore. I was tired, lethargic etc..

Week 4 I learnt about TNATION and thanks to ALOT of advice from eatmorefood - top poster - I found out a way to continue my cycle.

I could only find 1AMP of SUST 100 where I am and 10ML OF cyp. So I made the switch in Week 5 to CYP.

Pin 1 - M - 0.25ml PROP + 1ML Cyp

Pin 2 - T - 1ml CYP + 1AMP Sust.

Pine 3 - T - coming up same as above.

Here is where I really learnt about long ester bonds, kickstarters and keeping my blood levels stable.

I regret I didn't plan my cycle better and keep enough PROP on me or just go with CYP but to survive you need to ADAPT or DIE.

I will keep posting about how its going.


My first cycle

Anyone else ever try Ropex?

So a buddy of mine tried this stuff and said I had to try it. What it is supposed to do is when you cum it makes more volume and it comes out with a Rope effect. I was pretty skeptical but since I'm on TRT and a blast right now my volume isn't all the impressive. So, I started taking this crap a week ago and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary because all the sex I've had with my wife has ended inside her so no idea how much. Anyways, last night she gave me a B.J. and when I finished it was INTENSE. More volume than I've ever seen before and so much so that my wife was asking what the hell just happened. I read other reviews and it seems it either works for you or it doesn't. Now, I want to go drop loads all over her. HAHA

Anyone else ever try Ropex?

is this a Keto Diet?

Hello friends,

I am planning and trying to follow a keto diet

today I ate

200g Brocolli

50g Strawberries

800g Chicken

20g Canola Oil

This makes up

128g Fat, 200g Protein, 28g Carbs (Roughly 2200 Cals)

Please review and correct my diet as I think the Calories are little high. I think I should drop 500 Cals

please tell your views

I want to lose fat as fast as possible

I am 21yo, weigh 198 pounds and 5'10'' tall

TDEE roughly 2400-2600 Cals


is this a Keto Diet?

birth controll and steroids

my girlfriends getting nexplanon birthcontrolls today and shes going to be doing a anadrol cycle within the next month does anyone see any possible problems from this.

birth controll and steroids

Thoughts on general long-term HPTA supression

So whole were all aware of the supressive effects of steroids, and that there is no way possible for steroids to not shut down at least some aspects of the HPTA, I wonder about how well the HPTA recovers after several years of cycling and how resilient it is, and specifically how realistic our understanding of HPTA resiliency is. I consider women specifically in relationship to how they take birth control, especially very supressive levels of progesterone which shut down their different, but similar axis completely. I just find it interesting the double standard we hold in regard to the level of precaution we use regarding female HPTA supressive vs male, and while AAS cycling is obviously used in dosages much higher than female dosages of birt control, quite often the steroids used are significantly less supressive than either their estrogen or progesterone vvased birth control on a mg per mg basis. So if estrogen is well controlled for, and progesterone based steroids are avoided (specifically deca, tren while being a progesterone has very little progestin receptor affinity, with 20% affinity with deca and 1% affinity for tren...), how concerne should we be with regard to recocery? Obviously pct is essential for ensuring recovery to the highest possible deegree, but I am most wondering about the danger of long term blast and cruise cycles.

Specificallu, many trt protocols follow a 200mg/wk protocol of test e at the high end, so how terrible would it be to self administer such high tes dosages in order to cruise. How likely is recovery to fertile levels of hormones be, after say 3 years f doing this? Any of us know? Anyone here come off extended trt use? I'm obviously not advocating this, but rather trying to entertain how realistic it is to return to functional hormonal levels would be after such a severe length of HPTA supression? It works with females with bc such as implanon which is 3 years of estrogen based supression, so it just got me wondering.

Thoughts on general long-term HPTA supression

myofascial pain syndrome

any of yall out there suffer from this? i think this is my problem, and i have been battling it for over a year now. just 1.5 years ago, i could go out and run 3 miles or bike 20 like it was cake! now, it sucks just to sit down! i have been lifting some, but can't go heavy due to everything being so damn tight! i have tried massage therapy (shit gets expensive), foam rolling, acupuncture, doctors, and etc.... when i take time off to rest, it seems that it gets worse. i feel better when i am active, but my body is just not allowing me to. just wondering if anyone has had success with vitamins/supplements, or any other advice for this. thanks.

myofascial pain syndrome

Serum testosterone level (XE2dr). level 12.5nmol/L

Pls can somebody convert an tel me if its high or low for a 37yr old male


Serum testosterone level (XE2dr). level 12.5nmol/L

Is it a must to use ai or serms on cycle ?

As i asked i ran 500mg test enth/week and felt no lump behind my niples and no sign of gyno after taking 4 weeks off i am planing to run 500mg test enth + 250 mg deca/week so should i wait before using ai or serms or do i use right when I start the cycle.

Is it a must to use ai or serms on cycle ?

tren not so bad

lundi 22 décembre 2014

So I'm two weeks in to adding tren in to my 12 week cycle. I'm on week 8 now.

I haven't seen anything crazy like people talk about running 350 mg a week. My friend whose running a identical cycle has night sweats and normal tren sides.

I'm only more vascular. Am I one of the lucky ones or could I be a non responder?

tren not so bad

Researching Cycle

Hello all, brand new member to these forums, but not new to reading them! I have been researching what to do for my first cycle for weeks now, spending hours a day making sure I understand the effects of everything. I am currently 19 yrs old, 5'11, and ~175 lbs. I am fully aware that 19 is not the optimal age to begin juicing, but I play collegiate football and I am looking for something to help with the level of competition. Here is the catch: in about a year I need to weigh EXACTLY 172 pounds to be eligible to play (long story). My current body fat percentage is also not optimal: probably around 18-20%. Additionally, I used to have slight man boobs during puberty. Not anywhere close to gyno, but it concerns me that I might be predisposed so I want to get fat down to the lowest level possible before starting. I am not looking to begin the cycle yet as I am not ready.

Due to a price matter though, I need to buy my gear in the next few days. My goal is to continue intense training (diet is pretty on point) and get my bf% down in the next two months before beginning my first cycle. I have been researching different substances to create my cycle and would like some input on what to do. I am a little needle shy so I would prefer to run an oral only cycle although I know it is no where near as safe and effective as injectables. If I need to stop being a bitch and just commit to injections (I'm sure everyone will tell me this) you're probably right and I might make that decision before I begin the cycle, but I'm looking for advice on orals.

The substances I have been heavily researching are mostly Dianabol, Turinabol, and Test E in the case that I make the jump to injectables. Planning on running Arimidex during cycle, with Nolva and Clomid on hand, hopefully not using either until PCT. I know a Test E cycle would be best, but in the circumstance that I just can't do it, I am trying to decide what oral to run. Since I have plenty of time to get my weight back to 172, water retention due to D-bol doesn't sound terrible, but from what I've read, would T-bol be better for me in this case? My goal is to be the absolute strongest and leanest I can possibly be and still weigh 172 pound. From all my research, it would appear that T-bol will give me cleaner gains and should make my job easier when it comes to cutting back down in the future. Also, if I were to run Test E, is hCG an absolute must? I'd like to minimize the number of injections.

I have read that it is possible to actually gain weight and muscle while on a cutting cycle. Should I instead begin with a cutting cycle so I can get fat to a minimum and worry about bulking to whatever weight from there? I doubt this is correct, but I thought it is worth asking.

Due to reasons I do not want to get into, I am positive I will not be drug tested any time including all of next season so no need to warn me I could get caught.

I am a molecular biology major at an ivy league university (the only place you can be 175 and play football!!!) so feel free to explain things using scientific terms, it would probably help me understand better.

Researching Cycle