Acne Marks!! Help...

samedi 27 décembre 2014

It is been almost 9 months since pct and the marks are all over chest shoulders back and even forearms. It is not going away. The acne came back 10 days after the pct was over. And the acne stopped 5 months after it and left many scars and marks. Some dark red some purplish. Only used Test E for 12 weeks and clomid and nolva for pct. Is this eventually gonna go away? I'm using zinc and b5. There is only 10 percent improvement but it is still very bad. I can't take my shirt off or go to vacation because of this. Did this happen to you. And what is the best thing that works. I'm hoping it is not permanent and time will heal them. Thanks.

Acne Marks!! Help...

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