Diet for first cycle

samedi 27 décembre 2014

Stats: 180lbs around 15%bf 5'8

Hey everyone, just need some help making diet adjustments. Im not getting into detail on my future cycle but the gist of it is dbol and test e.

Currently eating-

1 cup egg whites, 1/2 cup oats

10oz grilled chicken 1 cup white rice

8oz chicken or 90/10 ground beef 1 and 1/2 cup white rice

Post workout optimum n. Whey shake 30g protein 1 scoop

10oz chicken 1 or 2 small white potatoes or rice

ALL meals are generally ate with broccoli or green beans

I've never counted macros in my life, but this ^ keeps me at 180. I'm not sure how I should adjust this while taking gear, a mild cycle. Also, I will randomly eat a bowl of cereal or pasta every now and then and I use a lot of condiments like ketchup or bbq sauce. I'm really into old school ways of everything, I heard Arnold say he ate 1g of protein per lb. but, what I've been told to eat is around 300g+ of protein which is f*ckin insane.

Diet for first cycle

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