So whole were all aware of the supressive effects of steroids, and that there is no way possible for steroids to not shut down at least some aspects of the HPTA, I wonder about how well the HPTA recovers after several years of cycling and how resilient it is, and specifically how realistic our understanding of HPTA resiliency is. I consider women specifically in relationship to how they take birth control, especially very supressive levels of progesterone which shut down their different, but similar axis completely. I just find it interesting the double standard we hold in regard to the level of precaution we use regarding female HPTA supressive vs male, and while AAS cycling is obviously used in dosages much higher than female dosages of birt control, quite often the steroids used are significantly less supressive than either their estrogen or progesterone vvased birth control on a mg per mg basis. So if estrogen is well controlled for, and progesterone based steroids are avoided (specifically deca, tren while being a progesterone has very little progestin receptor affinity, with 20% affinity with deca and 1% affinity for tren...), how concerne should we be with regard to recocery? Obviously pct is essential for ensuring recovery to the highest possible deegree, but I am most wondering about the danger of long term blast and cruise cycles.
Specificallu, many trt protocols follow a 200mg/wk protocol of test e at the high end, so how terrible would it be to self administer such high tes dosages in order to cruise. How likely is recovery to fertile levels of hormones be, after say 3 years f doing this? Any of us know? Anyone here come off extended trt use? I'm obviously not advocating this, but rather trying to entertain how realistic it is to return to functional hormonal levels would be after such a severe length of HPTA supression? It works with females with bc such as implanon which is 3 years of estrogen based supression, so it just got me wondering.
Specificallu, many trt protocols follow a 200mg/wk protocol of test e at the high end, so how terrible would it be to self administer such high tes dosages in order to cruise. How likely is recovery to fertile levels of hormones be, after say 3 years f doing this? Any of us know? Anyone here come off extended trt use? I'm obviously not advocating this, but rather trying to entertain how realistic it is to return to functional hormonal levels would be after such a severe length of HPTA supression? It works with females with bc such as implanon which is 3 years of estrogen based supression, so it just got me wondering.
Thoughts on general long-term HPTA supression
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