TRT blast question

mardi 7 avril 2015

(40 years old. 6'3" 220 lbs 12% BF 4 or 5 test only cycles in the past).

I'm a relatively new TRT patient...started off at total test of 450 but free test of only 2.5. Started on 100 mgs of cyp weekly and went up to about 900. Was doing great but petered out on libido. Got bumped to 150 mgs weekly but went up over 1600 and my doc wasn't comfortable with me there (felt great!). Now I'm on 125 a week and am doing good and don't have labs until 7/29. Like a dummy (couldn't resist the temptation) on 4/1 I decided to run a 12 week blast of 400 mgs a week (100x2). I'm due to finish on 6/21 and have labs on 7/29. So about 5 weeks time from end of cycle to labs. My questions is this to close of turnaround from cycle to labs to get back in the 1100-1200 range (my doc is good with me there)? Or am I potentially screwing up a good thing with a good doc? The 125 has made a uge difference in terms of libido and sex drive and really given me some energy back. I just know what test can do and decided if I could put on 10 lbs of lean muscle then why not? I've tried some of the calculators and done some reading...but my bro-science sucks. Any thoughts, advice, options would be greatly appreciated. Should also mention I'm taking 500 I.U. of hcg 2 x a week. Also, if I continue to run this...should I pick back up on 125 mgs the following week? I may consider doing a private lab too but thought is at least get some input from the good folks of this community.


TRT blast question

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