Summer Stack Final???

mardi 7 avril 2015




(currently cruising on 250mg/w Cyp)

hey gents, well ive been researching n developing a Summer Cutter Stack for the past couple of wks n i think ive got it down,but as always any suggested criticism is appreciated:

Wks 1-10 Tri-Blend 1cc = (100mg Test Prop,100mg Masteron,100mg Tren Ace)


Wks 1-10 Adex .5mg/EOD (Mon,Wed,Fri)

Wks 1-10 HCG 250IU/E3D (Tue,Fri)

Wks 4-10 Anavar 80mg/ED

Wks 1-6 Clen n Keto


Day1: 20mcg

Day2: 40mcg

Day3: 60mcg

Day4: 80mcg

Day5: 80mcg

Day6-36: 100-120mcg

Day37-38: 80mcg

Day39-40: 60mcg

Day41: 40mcg

Day42: 20mcg

*Ketotifin: Taken at night

Day12-42: 1mg

*Taurine: Taken with clen

Day1-42: 3-5mg

so is this a keeper or does it need sum fixin?

Summer Stack Final???

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