question peptide reconstituiting/hcg

vendredi 10 avril 2015

I'm about to mix hc g for the first time, and I'd just like a little advise whether I'm doing it correctly or not. I've watched videos on it and read all about mixing it but personal experience is reassuring as well!

So basically I've been advised to mix 5000iu hcg with 1ml sterile water (My bac water shipment was canceled and I'm trying to find another legit source in the mean time) So all I could grab is sterile water and I'll freeze them down for the time being.

So my sterile water comes in 2ml vials, and if I draw up the whole thing on my insulin syringe it gives me 100 UNITS, so in order to mix it with 1mg of sterile water this means I add 50 UNITS to the hcg thus 1ml.

Then after mix I draw it up into 10 insulin pins creating 5 units per syringe. Can anyone vouch this is correct. It didn't seem like it would be much per syringe to pin, but I'm told 1ml is all you need to dilute it with.

question peptide reconstituiting/hcg

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