PCT issue / Looking to next cycle

samedi 4 avril 2015

Hi guys,

I've finished my first cycle which was simply 50mg dianadrol per day for 5 weeks. I was intending on going for longer but got called out of the country last minute, which also led to me only having nolva for PCT because my supplier became uncontactable.

I'm now coming to the end of my second week of pct on just 20mg nolva per day. I'm out of the country for one more week (getting to the end of week 3 pct) before I return to England.

At this stage am I best just continuing with nolva for 4 weeks total on it's own and then finishing this PCT? Or should I be adding something else in at the start of week 4 when I'm back home? And if so, what should I go for and how long should I run it for?

I know I screwed up on just getting nolva. I haven't experienced any side effects and sex drive etc is back to normal even now on week 2 of pct, but I have lost a lot of the gains I put on with the dianadrol.

And don't worry, I have learnt to make sure I have my full pct in possession before starting my next cycle!

My stats...

Age - 28

Height - 6ft

Weight - 85kg

BF% - 12%

Gym Experience - 10 years

Cycles completed - 1

Also, once I'm back home I cant wait to get training properly again... how long should I leave it before starting my second cycle? And is there anything you would recommend (pills only) which will be a bit stronger than the 50mg dianadrol (which I had no sides with) - or would it be better to just up the dianadrol dose?

Thanks for any advice in advance.

PCT issue / Looking to next cycle

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