Making sure everything is covered

samedi 11 avril 2015

I've done a little testing with my supplies and I'm good to go. I have a few questions before I jump in. I'll list my cycle and supplies. After reading the AI sticky, I'm adding it.

40 yr


300 lbs 18% BF

My cycle

Test-E 500mg Mon,Thur Week 1-12

Dianabol 25mg ED week 1-6

Nolvadex 40mg ED week 15-17

My questions, is Aromasin and Exemestan the same thing? All the posts say Aromasin is easy to find, I'm having problems. I've read a few post about Ar-r and Strane, I travel every day and would like to get it in pill form not liquid. Any advise is appreciated. Is there anything else that I should add to my cycle as a preventative? This is my first cycle, my TRT doses were low compared to the cycle I'm going to run and I want to take every precaution that I can. I know my BF is high and that is coming down befor I start.

Making sure everything is covered

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