Is loading 1mg ed of arr MT2 for one month too much?

mardi 7 avril 2015

I just want to ask if 1mg ed for a month seems like too much to build it up in system?

my buddy said he did this for a month and then just took 2mg ew (in more than one shot, I think 2) for a few more weeks and stopped, he said tan lasted like a year after that and only complaint was some freckles.

I want to try it but part of me feels like he is full of crap with that dose or maybe it was underdosed?

I have 30mg of ar-r's MT2... but Like I said ... it seems a bit much no?

Would 1mg eod be better to bast with?

Thanks guys!!

Is loading 1mg ed of arr MT2 for one month too much?

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