First cycle, and a few other questions

dimanche 5 avril 2015

First off, this site is amazing. I went from an uneducated noob to a (sort of) educated gym rat over the last month or so creeping on here. The amount of knowledge on here is pretty empowering, and has helped my decision tremendously. This post is going to be a long one for the first one, so bare with me. I also hope this is going in the right spot, with all the proper info in order to get good group opinions.

About me:

39yr old

6'1", 195lbs

around 15-17% BF (best guess, based on photo comparisons, and a caliper test a few years back)

I have been training pretty religiously since I was 19. Ran track, high school football, transitioned into rugby, which I played at a fairly high level until 30. Always maintained a good base, and have been training indoor/outdoor with world class athletes/coaches my entire life. Definitely have solid lifting knowledge.

Married, 2 kids. Wife knows what I'm thinking here, and is supportive.

Had bloodwork done recently, and it came back normal, except for a high cholestorol level. My brother had his tested at the same time, and it came back the same, so the doc figured it was genetic. I have low blood pressure, low sodium levels, low heart rate, normal ECG etc so that made sense. Not sure I agree with that, but I'll get to it further down.

I'm a VERY active guy. Crossfit minimum 4 times a week, run 3 miles a few times a week, and hockey a few times a week. I throw in a little Joe Weider here and there as well if I feel I need to work on a few movements. I absolutely LOVE to train and be active.

My diet has been a little lacking over the last few years, and I'm pretty sure this ties into the cholestorol thing. I try to be as clean as possible, but that isn't always easy sometimes. Also, with the amount of training I have done, I always got away with eating whatever I felt like, and it didn't affect my weight. When I wanted to, I could drop 10 lbs almost overnight with a clean diet and a ramp up on training.....well say hello to being 40. Pretty sure this is also where the cholesterol came from, I realize I can no longer inhale whatever I feel like and not care, and must (begrudgingly) stop drinking pints on weekends. This had to improve first.

Ran my TDEE at 3000 calories a day. To drop a few pounds and lower my BF% I have adjusted my diet to 2500 calories, consisting of (roughly):

Meal 1: steel cut oats, dry curd cottage cheese

Meal 2: shake w/half a banana, water, tbsp peanut butter

Meal 3 (also my PWO recovery): protein, veggies, shake w/glutamine

Meal 4 protein

Meal 5 (Dinner): Protein, veggies

Meal 6 (snack): protein

This is a loose idea (no point in posting my EXACT diet) but it works out to roughly 250g protein, 150g carbs, 45g fat.

The plan:

- fix the diet. I have been running it, tweaking things for about 3-4 weeks now and getting good results. Another 4 weeks to go.

- drop about 2%BF (pretty sure I'm close, my belts don't fit anymore lol). I get skinny pretty quick.

- run a blood test in 4 weeks time, make sure the cholesterol is in check

- if all looks ok run a cycle

The goal:

Drop to 12% BF, drop to around 180lbs, and make strength gains. My recovery in the gym right now is no fun, and I want to really ramp up the training. Hit some PR 's on olympic lifts, get faster, and basically push myself to the best shape of my life. Also look good......I mean who doesn't want to enjoy the natural byproduct of a strong training regiment?

As far as gear goes it's not a problem, I have access. Deciding WHAT is my dilemma.

Looking at a 10 week cycle, and I came up with this.

Week 1-8 500mg Test Prop/wk

Week 2-10 80-100mg Anavar (start low, run it up depending on how I feel)

Arimadex 0.5 EOD week 1-8

Clomid week 8-10 (100mg ED)

- Chose prop over test-e as it acts a little quicker.

- threw in a little var 2 weeks after starting the prop, finishing on it as well to lean out a little

- Diet will be fully dialed by that point, and run back up to the 3000 calories/day range. Totally clean.

I didn't want to get too complicated, which is why I went that. Just getting my feet wet here, as I really don't know how my body is going to react.

So here are the questions.

1) how does the cycle look? Go straight test? Keep the var for later?

2) how will anavar affect my joints? I already get joint pain from old injuries, and I don't want it to get worse. Especially knee pain, and an old ankle/ligament injury.

3) I also read that some can't take the "pump" it gives, and the last thing I want are my calves exploding mid workout. I talked to a pretty experienced fella the other day who said not to worry about it, but I'm looking for a few other opinions.

4) when should I start clomid PCT?

5) should test injections run EOD, or every 3rd day, or does it matter, as long as it is in the 500mg/wk range? 200mg every 3rd day?

6) what's up with giving blood? I see test will increase your red blood cell count, but is this a "must do"? I'm curious because I have never heard of it before coming on this site and reading it in one of the stickies.

7) tips to manage hair loss? I have a widows peak, and I'm concerned it will get worse. Propecia? Rogaine?

8) Diet tips? Not looking to make huge weight gains, but I need protein for muscle/strength gains. I also need enough carbs for the cardio I do. Is this going to be counter productive in some way? Maybe drop the jogging while on cycle? Or increase it all across the board?

So there is my plan in a nutshell. I would appreciate any constructive criticisms here, and any insight on my questions. I have some time to plan and adjust, so fire away!

First cycle, and a few other questions

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