feedback on cycle idea please!

mercredi 8 avril 2015

Opinion ons cycle ideas

Hi guys just wana get some feedback.on cycle ideas and learn some from you guys

Proposed cycle*

Weeks 1-12: Test E 250mg E3D (500mg a week)

Weeks 1-15: Arimidex 0.25mg EOD (Adjust from there if needed) - OR - Aromasin 12.5mg EOD (Adjust from there if needed)

(Im favouring aromasin as its apparently healthier than arimidex from my understanding and from what was said on the PED radio shows?)

Weeks 8-12: HCG 250ius E3D(500mg a week)

Should i change this to week 10 to 15 right up to pct?? Hcg has a lot of different opinions on line about how to use it? Any input would be great!!


Weeks 15/16/17/18: Nolvadex 40mg/30mg/20mg/10mg






any help and critique would be great!

Note this isnt a cycle i wana do.this is like a learning test to see what i know i posted something like this before aswell

feedback on cycle idea please!

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