So I have been running test prop and this monday will be my 2nd full week at 100mg eod. I am currently 5'8 184 pounds about 13% bodyfat. MY goal is to gain more muscle and obviously keep it I would love to get to the 200 pound or 195 pound mark and hopefully keep 190 after pct but I have a feeling it wont be worth it because I might be at my genetic deadline. I am thinking of no longer than 10 weeks because the last cycle I ran was of tren ace and tesp prop with var and that shut me down really bad, I would hate to gro throught that again. I would think if I cant gain much more it would not be even worth using aas anymore. Another thing this was going to be my last cycle. What do you guys think? Will these be worth the run or will I just burn myself down?
Cycle history. First cycle = test e 500mg a week for 12 weeks .05 adex eod and 500ius of hcg. pct nolva and clomid.
2nd cycle was deca 400mg a week with test e 600 mg a week. adex .05 oed and caber 0.5 3.5 along with hgc 500ius a week. pct nolva and clomid.
3rd cycle tren ace 400mg a week tesp 200 mg a week anavar 40mg ed adex .05 eod caber .05mg 3.5 days a week along with hcg 500ius a week pct nolvadex and clomid.
Cycle history. First cycle = test e 500mg a week for 12 weeks .05 adex eod and 500ius of hcg. pct nolva and clomid.
2nd cycle was deca 400mg a week with test e 600 mg a week. adex .05 oed and caber 0.5 3.5 along with hgc 500ius a week. pct nolva and clomid.
3rd cycle tren ace 400mg a week tesp 200 mg a week anavar 40mg ed adex .05 eod caber .05mg 3.5 days a week along with hcg 500ius a week pct nolvadex and clomid.
Been running test prop for nearly 2 weeks straight I have a question.
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