3rd Cycle Advice

samedi 4 avril 2015

Hello all, Im not really one to post on here I have really just used this site to research up and down on the use of steroids and recommendation through reading threads.

So I have done 2 cycles so far my first cycle was Test-E with Var. I took Adex with it and came off it with nolvadex and Clomid. My 2nd cycle was Test Prop with Winny. I again took adex with this and came off it with nolvadex and clomid.

My 2nd cycle gave me great results and awesome strength when i was on it. Now I am trying to figure out what to do for my 3rd cycle. Do I add other compounds or just stay with something like test prop and up the dosage.

BTW I am 26 yrs old 220 lbs. 6'2 BF is probably around 20% My diet is decent I am lazy at the moment with my diet. Have not been keeping it on track the last 2 months. I have trained hard before and have experience. Any advice would be great.


3rd Cycle Advice

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