Estrogen Level too high (170pg/mL); How much more a-dex should I take?

lundi 22 décembre 2014

My stats:



15% bf

35 y/o

I started my 2nd cycle 3 weeks ago. My cycle consists of 500mg/wk test E, 200mg/wk NPP, 20mg/day D-bol, and 250 i.u hCG. Until now I was taking 0.25mg A-dex EOD. However, I sensed that my estrogen levels may be high because I was exhibiting slight gyno (nips started bulging out a bit and were sensitive) so I got blood work done to see where I am at. My results came back and sure enough my Estradiol level is 171 pg/mL, which is way above the 7.6 - 42.6 pg/mL "normal" range. (On a side note my test level was 1400, which I thought was rather low?)

Anyhow, clearly I need to increase the amount of a-dex I'm taking but as a rough guess how much should I bump it up by?

As a little bit of background for my 1st cycle I simply did 400mg/wk of test E and used 0.20mg/day Aromasin for the first 8 weeks of my 12 week cycle. During that time I never got gyno but then for weeks 9 - 12 I switched to 0.20 mg/EOD A-dex (ran out of the Aromasin) and sure enough I started exhibiting very slight gyno. By then my cycle was over though so it wasn't a problem. It just seems like a-dex isn't for me or I really need to amp up the dosage.

Estrogen Level too high (170pg/mL); How much more a-dex should I take?

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