under 25?

mercredi 22 octobre 2014

opinions on a sarm under the age of 25? specifically gw, i plan on running that as a standalone for primarily fat loss and recovery, and i am also planning on using this with ipamorelin.

my stats are: 5'10/147 im 18. im at 147 for boxing, and im trying to shed off a good amount of fat to drop weight. im not looking to get bigger at all, if anything im trying to get smaller if that makes any sense. again, this is for boxing. so gw, reasonable under age of 25? no? yes? no difference? i read every reply and always truly consider the advice given. I should also mention im planning on taking it at 5mg a day, so its definitely on the low side. (i posted in this section for higher view rate, because when i post in a different section i never seem to get any replies)

under 25?

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