I'm giving up porn....

vendredi 3 octobre 2014

.....for two weeks to see what happens. After reading some articles on here and in other media about the possible long term side effects of watching porn I've decided to conduct an experiment.

Two weeks, no porn. I'm lucky in that I have a beautiful wife that loves sex as much as I do. Unfortunately, we work different schedules so a lot of times when I'm horny she's at work or sleeping. That's where porn comes in.

I'm curious to see what happens. Will I have sex with my wife more often? Will my libido decrease/increase? Will I care? Will it effect my sex life in any way?

I know two weeks isn't long but it's a starting point. If I notice positive changes I will increase the time.

I'll come back in two weeks and let you know how it goes.

Now I have to get to the gym before my St. Louis Cardinal's start their march to their next World Series Championship.

I'm giving up porn....

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