Help me on my first cycle PLEASE

vendredi 17 octobre 2014

Hello everybody williamandike here at 43 years old.

I am wanting to do my first cycle and I have a few questions

Any replies, opinions, and advice will be followed and greatly appreciated

So I just went online and ordered Deca Nandrolone 250mg/ml and

Mastabol 100mg/ml, then found out it may not be good to use these two products together

I obviously didn't do some research before I ordered my first cycle

I also have Testosterone cypionate 200mg/ml

Then read on the internet it is not a good idea to combine the deca with the mastabol

Im 216 lbs and have a small beer gut, I would like to bulk up for my first cycle

Would someone please let me know what a good steriod combination would be to achieve this?

And more important do I need an Anti-Estrogen? AND does anyone have a good recommendation for an anti-estrogen?

I would also appreciate any info on dosing so I can set a schedual and stick to it

LAST two questions

Does anyone else suffer from acne?

AND how do you professional bodybuilders keep yourselves so silky smooth with no body hair???

I look forward to your help and support



Help me on my first cycle PLEASE

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