Clomid trial and other options??

jeudi 23 octobre 2014

Advice please??

Been on clomid, 50mg a day for three weeks now, but feel no different, just wondering if I should feel any different by now?

Had a group of blood tests before I started (which are getting posted to me) testosterone was 6.8. will post rest of results when I receive them.

I would really like to get to the bottom of my cause of low testosterone, but after having several different blood tests and clear MRI scan my endo has given me the option of either a low dose of testosterone, clomid or he will sign me off, any mention of HCG is not permitted.

I feel like i am at a stalemate and not sure which way to turn, so I have been taking the clomid on a trial basis but with no effect.

Clomid trial and other options??

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