Tweaking protocol, advice needed!

lundi 27 octobre 2014

Hey guys, so everythings been going great with my doc I met with her again to discuss how the last month has been (currently on 120mg/test split 2x/week, with 600iu split 3x/week with roughly 50-75mg DIM/day). After agreeing things are getting better but some improvement is still welcome we decided to up my overall hcg dose to 900iu/week and test to 140mg/week which I can assume will put me at close to ideal numbers. My doc said she doesn't mind if I stay on my current injection protocol but is also open to me going to more frequent injections but said she would leave it up to me. Currently this is what my protocol looks like:


T 200iu hcg


T 60mg test

F 200iu hcg


S 200iu hcg, 60mg test

Overall energy, mood,and libido are doing well BUT I notice on Sunday my energy crashes a bit Im thinking due to E2 conversion. SO Im wondering, due I stay on this with my increased doses OR do I move to something like HCG day 1 Test day 2 repeat in order to keep things more stable? Im doing IM test injections so EOD is probably as frequent as Im willing to go, but hcg is on the off day so technically that would be every day.

Tweaking protocol, advice needed!

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