Most Accomplished Guitarist

vendredi 24 octobre 2014

1) Technical Expertise

2) Degree of difficulty

3) Dynamic Range

4) Innovation

5) Ability of other Guitarists to emulate

6) Originality

I've been to literally hundreds of concerts during my life. I seen Steve Morse play with Deep Purple, who most think is an excellent guitarist. Then out came Joe. I stood there, no more than 50 feet away, blown away, speechless, mouth wide open, in amazement. Never have I seen such wizardry. You can listen to Joe, or you can watch Joe. You have to experience Joe to fully appreciate the talent.

This is his Satch Boogie video. You can see he does things most guitarists don't. But this is not a real good example of his talent. He seems to be barely moving.

Most Accomplished Guitarist

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